if it was evil oor Kornies

if it was evil

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mar pe drog


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If it was evil that she did,
Mar pe drog a oberislangbot langbot
if it was evil
/ mar pe drog / / /langbot langbot
The evil angel was afraid that Christ was the Son of God in Heaven. therefore he quickly went to pilate's wife where she was, and the evil angel, an ugly serpent put it into her heart that a mighty vengeance would come upon her lord if he slew jesus.
own bos krist mab dyw an nev an tebel el a'n jeva rakhenna skon yth eth ev dhe wreg pilat mayth esa ha'n tebel el hager bryv yn hy holonn a worra war hy mester venjans krev y to yesus mar lathalangbot langbot
Ho! Ho! Ho! they began again louder. They stopped short suddenly. Frodo sprang to his feet. A long-drawn wail came down the wind, like the cry of some evil and lonely creature. It rose and fell, and ended on a high piercing note. Even as they sat and stood, as if suddenly frozen, it was answered by another cry, fainter and further off, but no less chilling to the blood. There was then a silence, broken only by the sound of the wind in the leaves.
‘Ha! Ha! Ha!’ i a dhallathas arta yn ughella. I a hedhas distowgh. Frodo a lammas yn-bann. Kyni hir hag ystynnys a dheuth gans an gwyns, haval dhe gri neb kroadur tebel hag morynysek*3. Ev a ughelhas ha koedha ha gorfenna dhe son ughel a wanas orth aga dewskovarn. I a sevis hag esedha stag, rewys a-dhesempis, ha kri arall a sonas yn unn worthybi, kosella ha pella dhe-ves o, mes ev a yeynhas orth aga goes y’n keth fordh. Ena, taw, marnas son an gwyns erbynn an del.langbot langbot
She passed a tablet through the peephole and I took it with some water. It was no mere Aspro – it was something morphine-based and sent me into la-la land for some hours. (I recall dreaming that I was at some dark, smoke-filled dive listening to Muddy Waters strutting his stuff – obviously one of the more pleasant experiences of the day. That music from the Common Room had infiltrated my unconscious mind. This helped further to blot out the pain.) As the opiate started to wear off, and the pain returned, it occurred to me that Ingrid need not have given me such powerful pain relief – or, indeed, any at all. Maybe there was some remorse for the evil which she had actively participated in – and which had caused me the pain in the first place. Or, maybe, there was another motive. I would wait and see. If it were remorse, that was something I could work with. o0o Next day, Ingrid came with the goons and gave orders to have me bound hand and foot and taken to an interview room. David remained in the cell, groaning and moaning. Ingrid and I sat either side of a small wooden table in the airless room. She ordered the guards to wait outside. They did so with neither hesitation nor question. Her outward manner had softened a little but I could not trust her, of course. She had willingly participated in systematic torture only the day before. She had sat calmly and taken notes while I suffered. “What’s on your mind, doctor?” I asked. “We can talk freely here. The Captain is temporarily off the base and there is no recording equipment in this room. We are not being observed.” I shrugged. Where was this going? She continued: “Those things that you said in the lecture theatre the other day, are they true? I need to know this. Are they really slaughtering kids who might recover?” Still bound hand and foot, I leaned forward, looked her in the eye and said with as much conviction as I could muster:
Hi a dremenas pellennik der an toll-wolok ha my a’n kollonkas gans nebes dowr. Nyns o yn sempel Aspro – neppyth selys war goskles o. Y feuv danvennys yn kommolow dres nebes ourys. (Y’m hunrosow, my a borthas kov ow bos yn neb toll tewl, lenwys gans mog, ha my goslowys orth Muddy Waters, meur y dhelit. Yn apert, hemm o onan yntra’n experyansow moy plesont an jydh. Y fien vy ow koslowes orth an musyk na, re dhothya kyns dhiworth an stevell gemmyn, y’m isomwodhvos – musyk a weresa dhymm difeudhi flamm ow fayn.) Ha gyllys an koskles – ha dehwelys an payn – y teuth dhymm na via edhomm dhe Ingrid a ri dhymm difresyans-bayn mar nerthek – po, yn hwir, difresyans- bayn vytholl. Martesen, y fia dhedhi nebes edrek drefenn an drokter may kemmersa hi rann ynno – ha may vysytsa hi warnav an payn y’n kynsa le. Po, martesen, yth esa acheson arall dhedhi. My a wortsa rag ervira. Mar pe edrek, henn o neppyth a allsen gul devnydh anodho. o0o An nessa dydh, y teuth Ingrid gans an vilens ha ri dhedha arghadow rag ow helmi gans diwla ha gans dewdroes hag, ena, rag ow hemmeres dhe stevell- geskows. Y thriga Davydh y’n bagh, meur y gynyans ha’y hanasans. Yth esen a’gan esedh, Ingrid ha my, pubonan dh’unn du an voes vyghan prennek y’n stevell heb ayr. Hi a erghis dhe’n withysi dhe wortos yn-mes. I a wrug yndellna heb hokyans na govynn. Y koselhasa nebes hy maner a-ves. Byttegyns, ny yllyn hy threstya, heb mar. Wosa oll, hi re gemmersa rann yn folonjedhek y’m torment systemasek an jydh kyns. Y fia yn kosel a’y esedh ow kul notyansow ha my godhevys. “A-dro dhe byth a vynnydh keskewsel, ‘Dhoktour?” a wovynnis. “Ni a yll kewsel yn rydh omma. Nyn eus an Kapten, dres berrdermyn, dhe’n selva. Nyns eus daffar vyth rag gul rekordyans y’n stevell ma. Ny yllir naneyl agan observya.” Y sevis vy ow diwskoedh. Ple’th esa hi ow mos gans hemma? Hi a besyas: “An draow ma a leversysta y’n arethva an jydh arall, yns i gwir? Res yw dhymm godhvos. Yn hwiryonedh, esons i ow ladha yonkers a allsa omwellhe?” Hwath kelmys ow diwla ha’m dewdroes, my a boesas war-rag ha mires orti, ow dewlagas fast war hy dewlagas, ha leverel – rag hy ferswadya gwella gallen:langbot langbot
THE ROWDEN WHITE GALLERY Perhaps the entry of the truck – and/or the resulting crashes and bangs – had been heard. And perhaps the person hearing this had decided “It’s now or never” – and had made a desperate dash for freedom. I will never be quite sure. In any event, as I trailed along behind David towards Union House, a scream split the air – the scream of a living person. David halted briefly to assess the sound – and sniff the air. Then came another scream and David was off at a gallop. The screams seemed to come from Union House and, naturally, that was the direction in which David was running. I tried to keep up with him but he already had a head-start on me. As we entered the building via the South entrance (the Western entrance did not exist at the time) the screams stopped abruptly – in mid-scream. David’s pace did not slacken – if anything, it quickened and I fell further behind. I saw him leaping up the stairs, taking three at a time – the basement was now ignored and a crowd of zombies was coming forth from that evil pit. David, however, was ahead of that pack and, for my own safety, I needed to keep in contact with him – a feat which I just barely managed. David’s bloodlust was definitely up and all thoughts of protecting me seemed to have disappeared. Fortunately for me, the zombies following David were likewise distracted – for the moment at least – and paid me little heed. By the time I reached the Rowden White Gallery cum library on the third floor of the building, it was all over. The person who had been screaming so desperately had been killed by the zombies. I don’t think David arrived in time to participate in the actual killing – though I can’t be sure – but he was certainly participating in what followed.
SOLER ROWDEN WHITE Martesen entrans an kert – ha’n krakkys ha’n bommynn re dhothya dhiworto – re via klywys. Ha, martesen, an den re’s klywsa re ervirsa bos studh a “lemmyn po nevra” – hag ytho ev a ressa yn desper rag daswaynya y frankedh. Ny allav nevra bos sertan. Yn neb kas, ha my helerghys Davydh, ow kerdhes troha Chi Kesunyans, yth esa skrij a folsas an ayr – skrij den a vywa hwath. Y hedhis Davydh pols rag goslowes orth an son – ha frikhwytha an ayr. Yth teuth ena skrij arall ha Davydh a dhallathas poenya. Yth esa an skrijyans ow tos dhiworth Chi Kesunyans, dell heveli, ha, heb mar, henn o an le mayth esa ow poenya Davydh. My a assayas resek ganso mes yth esa seulabrys nebes pellder yntredhon ni. Ha ni entrys an drehevyans der entrans a-dhygowbarth (nyns esa entrans a’n howlsedhes y’n tor’ na) y hedhis an skrijyans a-dhistowgh – yn hanter-skrij. Ny lenthas Davydh. Yn hwir, ev a uskishas ha’n pellder yntredhon a dheuth ha bos brassa. My a’n gwelas lamma an wrisfordh, tri hamm y bas – ankevys lemmyn an selder – ha bush zombis devedhys alemma, pytt meur y dhroktra. Byttegyns, yth esa Davydh yn rag ha’n bush orth y sywya. Drefenn ow salowder ow honan, res o dhymm gwitha kestav ganso – neppyth na yllyn gul heb kaletter meur. Lustwoes Davydh o ughel yn hwir hag ytho nyns esa na fella dhodho tybyans vyth a’m difresyans. Y’n gwella prys, an zombis a sywya Davydh o distennys yndellna keffrys – dres pols dhe’n lyha – ha ny’m attendyens saw nebes. Pan dhrehedhis vy Soler (gans lyverva) Rowden White, tressa leur an drehevyans, re dhiwedhes o. An den re via ow skrija yn desper re via ledhys gans an zombis. Ny grysav Davydh dhe dhos skon lowr rag kemmeres rann y’n ladhva hy honan – kyn na allav bos sertan – mes yth esa ev ow hemmeres rann y’n hwarvosow a sywyas.langbot langbot
1 PETER 3 1Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 5For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands, 6like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear. 7Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers. Suffering for Doing Good 8Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. 11They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. 12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” 13Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” 15But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 18For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits— 20to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.
1 PEDER 3 Gwragedh ha Gwer 1Y'n keth vaner, a wragedh, bedhewgh gostydh dh'agas gwer; ena, kyn fo re anedha nag yw gostydh dhe'n ger, i a yll bos gwaynys heb ger dre bewedh aga gwragedh, 2hag i ow kweles agas bewedh glan hag ownek. 3Na vedhes agas afinans war-tu a-ves, ow pletha an vlew na gorra tegennow owr a-dro dhywgh na gwiska dillas splann, 4mes bedhes gnas kudhys an golonn, gans afinans na yll pedri a spyrys kosel ha klor, yw meur y brys a-dherag Duw. 5Rag yndella, seulabrys, an benynes sans, neb a's tevo govenek yn Duw, a wrug omafina, gostydh dh'aga gwer aga honan, 6kepar dell obayas Sara dhe Abraham orth y gelwel ‘Arloedh.’ Hwi yw hy fleghes pan wrewgh da, ha pan na berthowgh own a euth vytholl. 7Y'n keth vaner an wer, gwrewgh kesvewa gansa yn konvedhes, ow tiskwedhes enor dhe'n wreg avel dhe'n gwanna lester, kepar ha dhe heryon genowgh ynwedh a'n ras a vewnans, ma na vo lettys agas pysadow. Godhevyans a-barth Ewnder 8Wor'tiwedh, bedhewgh hwi oll a'n keth brys, ow keskodhevel, ow kara an vreder, truedhek, uvel, 9heb attyli drog rag drog na despit rag despit, mes yn le henna bennath, rag dhe henna y fewgh hwi gelwys, may hwrellewgh erita bennath. 10‘Neb a vynn kara bewnans ha gweles dydhyow da, fronnes ev y daves a dhrog ha'y dhiwweus a gewsel toell. 11Treylyes ev dhiworth drog ha gul dader, hwiles ev kres ha'y siwya; 12rag bos dewlagas an Arloedh war an re wiryon, hag igor yw y dhiwskovarn dh'aga fysadow, mes fas an Arloedh yw settys erbynn an re a wra drog.’ 13Ha piw a wra agas aperya mars ewgh ha bos diwysyk rag dader? 14Mes mar kodhevowgh ynwedh rag ewnder, gwynn agas bys. Na berthewgh own rag euth anedha, ha na vedhewgh troblys, 15mes sanshewgh an Arloedh Krist yn agas kolonn. Bedhewgh parys pup-prys dhe wul defens dhe bub den a wovynn orthowgh a-dro dhe'n govenek usi ynnowgh, 16mes gans klorder hag own, ow kwitha kowses da, may fons i shamys neb a gabel agas bewedh da yn Krist, pan gewsons er agas pynn. 17Rag gwell yw godhevel ow kul dader, mar mynn bodh Duw, ages gul drog. 18Rag Krist a wodhevis unnweyth rag peghosow, den gwiryon rag tus kammhynsek, ma'gas drollo dhe Dhuw, ledhys y'n kig mes bewhes y'n spyrys; 19hag ynno ev eth dhe bregoth dhe'n spyrysyon yn prison 20a veu diwostydh kyns, pan esa hirwodhevyans Duw ow kortos yn dydhyow Noy, ha'n gorhel ow pos pareusys, may feu sawys niver byghan, henn yw eth enev, dre dhowr. 21Hemm yw tokyn a'gan saw lemmyn, henn yw besydhyans. Nyns yw gorra dhe-ves mostedhes an kig mes gorthyp kowses da dhe Dhuw dre dhasserghyans Yesu Krist, 22usi a dhyghow dhe Dhuw, gyllys yn nev, gans eledh ha potestatys ha nerthow gwrys gostydh dhodho ev.langbot langbot
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