incoming tide oor Kornies

incoming tide

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Into harbour we sailed on the incoming tide
Gans an lanow y hwoelsyn ga entra y'n porthlangbot langbot
incoming tide
/ lanow / / /langbot langbot
income (n.) rentys, gober; brabus income tax (n.) toll-gober incoming tide lanwez
income (n.) rentys, gober; brabus income tax (n.) toll-gober incoming tide lanwezlangbot langbot
tid yn unn sommys worth tu ha'nn treth ha'nn als incoming tide; pennlanow high tide; flood stream; abundance, wholeness
lanwes (liesplek) ~ow (hanow gorow)langbot langbot
tid yn-unn sommyz worth tu ha'nn treth ha'nn alz incoming tide; pennlanow high tide; flood stream; abundance, wholeness
lanwez, ~ow [hanow kadarn gorow]langbot langbot
(hkg.) tid yn-unn sommyz worth tu ha'nn treth ha'nn alz incoming tide; pennlanow high tide; flood stream; abundance, wholeness
lanwez, ~owlangbot langbot
tide, incoming lanwez
tide, incoming lanwezlangbot langbot
Into harbour we sailed on the incoming tide Our fishing nets full of sardine One town to the starboard and one to the port And a river ran between On the quayside, she stood with her basket in hand Such beauty I've never since seen But she on the west bank and me on the east And a river ran between And as we haul away, I'm still in yesterday Everything change with the turn of the tide I paid the ferryman, anchors aweigh again My love for her I did never confide Cos a river runs between The bridge builders came with their Caradon stone Resistance they hadn't foreseen One town has the money, the other the sun And a river runs between And as we haul away, I'm still in yesterday Everything changed with the turn of the tide She's way above me, my bride she will never be A bridge doesn't change things, the gap is too wide And a river runs between So now there's a path from the east to the west And a pretty young maid of eighteen But a lifetime of conflict the two towns divide And a river runs between
Gans an lanow y hwoelsyn ga entra y'n porth Ha'n roesow o lenwys a hes Unn dre orth an lewbordh hag onan a-borth Hag yntredha, dowr a res War an kay 'th esa hi gans hy hanstell y'n dorn Ny welis vyth tekter somper Hi war an lann west, ha my orth an est Hag yntredhon, dowr a ver Pan en dhe vor a'n le, hwath trigys ov yn de Puptra a janjyas gans treylyans an fros Toll-treth yw genev pes, arta yth en yn-mes A'm sergh vy rygdhi ny wrug lowr a dros Rag yntredhon dowr a res Gans growan y teuthons dhe sevel an pons Defens na ragwelsens o krev Unn dre gans an arghans, hy ben yn-dann Howl Hag yntredha dowr a sev Pan en dhe vor a'n le, hwath trigys ov yn de Puptra a janjyas gans treylyans an fros 'Ma pell a-ughov vy, ow fries ny vydh hi Pons ny dreyl tra, pan eus aswa re vros Rag yntredhon dowr a res Ha lemmyn 'ma troe'lergh a'n est bys y'n west Ha mowes yw yowynk ha teg Mes oesweyth a gas a dhiberth an dhiw dre Hag yntredha dowr a freglangbot langbot
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