stake oor Kornies


/steɪk/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A piece of wood or other material, usually long and slender, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a support or stay; as, a stake to support vines, fences, hedges, etc.

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to stake
stakenalangbot langbot
wager (v.) bet; gamble; venture; risk kezsynzi; gamble; hazard gosenzi; lay; put kenwystla; bet; stake; gamble gwystla; kenwoestla
wager (v.) bet; gamble; venture; risk kezsynzi; gamble; hazard gosenzi; lay; put kenwystla; bet; stake; gamble gwystla; kenwoestlalangbot langbot
postynn post; peulvann pile; stykkenn stake; kowellwern pylon; peulenn pole
peul (liesplek) ~yow (hanow gorow)langbot langbot
The belief that local people needed to take this opportunity to stake a claim over and take some responsibility for their home towns has sustained us through to this final draft.
An kryjyans bos edhom dhe dus leel kemeres an chons ma dhe wul bounds ha kemeres nebes charj rag aga mammdrevow re’gan sostenas bys y’n garowskrif finel ma.langbot langbot
pole - stake post - pylon
peul ( masculine noun ) peulyow ( plural ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )langbot langbot
/ stakena / / /langbot langbot
bet, gamble; wager; stake
gwystla [hanow kadarn verbel / hanow verbel / verbhanow]langbot langbot
stakena CONJUGATED LIKE afinalangbot langbot
stake posts
/ peulyow / / /langbot langbot
(hkb.) stick; peul prenn hir ha tanow stake; palysenn pale
stykkenn, ~owlangbot langbot
9 stories of the Occult set in the haunted landscapes of south-west Britain; lost souls of monks at Roskilly House, an isolated old cottage on Bodmin Moor, a shocking experience while snowed-in on Exmoor, a heretic burnt at the stake in Exeter and a night when the Celtic gods walked in a primeval wood, and others.
9 stories a’n Kevrinek yn tirwelyow daromrys Breten an soth-west; enevow kellys menegh dhe Ji Roskylli, krowji koth ynys dhe Woen Bosvenegh, perthyans skruthus ha bos stegys dre ergh dhe Woen Esk, gorthkryjyk leskys erbynn peul dhe Garesk ha nos pan gerdhas an dywow Keltek yn koes kynoesel, hag erell.langbot langbot
to stake
stykenna [hanow verbel / verb-hanow] [disamstyryans]langbot langbot
to stake
stakena [ verb-hanow / hanow verbel ]langbot langbot
stake post
/ peul / / /langbot langbot
pole - stake post - pylon
peul [ hanow gorow ] peulyow [ hanow liesek / hanow liesplek ]langbot langbot
stake [hanow kadarn]
pale stykkenn, peul; claim; interest budhennlangbot langbot
stick; peul prenn hir ha tanow stake; palysenn pale
stykkenn (liesplek) ~ow (hanow benow)langbot langbot
stake (n.)
peul (m.), (UC, KK, RLC, UCR, KS); post (m.), (UC, KK, RLC, UCR, KS); stycken (f.), (UC, KK, RLC, UCR); {B peul; post; W dienyddbawl}.langbot langbot
/ stykenna / / /langbot langbot
Double up or quit, double stake or split,
Kwit po dewblekhe, gostel dewplek po ke,langbot langbot
peul [hanow gorow]langbot langbot
/ peul / / /langbot langbot
to stake
stykenna ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( verb )langbot langbot
To the stake, in the place where he is,
Worth an post y'n le may malangbot langbot
(And would our way also be blocked by tanks and nervous troops with machine guns?) We’d give it a try – North Court and its surrounds were rapidly becoming a killing field for all the creatures that lingered there. We should not linger. We moved with the Northbound flow, across Tin Alley and between the Beaurepaire pool and the squash courts. We moved past the running track and the tennis courts. It was slow, halting progress. The undead then spilled across the cricket ground (oblivious to the damage this would cause to the finely manicured pitches.) For some reason, I led David to the side of the oval and stayed off the playing area. Was this merely respect or was something else clicking inside my head? A helicopter gunship edged away from North Court and followed the throng to the cricket oval, pouring hot metal death down on the pitch invaders. At the same time, the felt-like grass of the pitch itself was fearfully cut up by this careless strafing. It would take the curator weeks of pain-staking repair work. It seemed that I was the only one present who cared about such important matters! (I would have to take it up with the ACB (Australian Cricket Board) much later on.) We reached the North side of the oval where the fleeing throng was forced into the bottleneck of the footpath that ran between the cricket pavilion (and mountaineering clubrooms) and residential college buildings. Chaotic though this was, the helicopter gunship did not fire upon those who had reached this point. Perhaps there was a fear of striking the residential colleges where living survivors might yet be sheltering. I can’t be sure but the relief that came from this unexpected protection was palpable. Slowly, the river of undead snaking North along the path crept towards the Northernmost exit of the campus. Was escape at hand? Nope. At that point, the unmistakable chatter of a heavy machine gun shattered the temporary calm. This time, the sound was not from above but from ahead, from the direction of the exit to which we were heading. More high-pitched zombie wailing.
(Ha, dres henna, a via agan fordh lettyes gans tankow ha soudoryon, es aga movya, ow toen jynnys-setha?) Ni a assaysa y wul – y to ha bos Garth North ha’y gyrghynn park-ladhva rag oll an greadoryon esa ow triga ena. Ny dalvien triga. Ni a wayas gans an res troha’n wogledh, a-dreus Stretynn Sten hag yntra Poll- neuvya Beaurepaire ha’n kouryow-skwash. Ni a dremenas an resekva ha’n kouryow tennis. Lent ha hanter-lettyes o agan avonyans. Ena, an dus anvarow a skoelyas a-dreus an tiryow krykket. (Yn apert, ny wodhyens aga ynherdhyans warnedha dhe wul damaj meur dhe’n gwelyow, meur aga dyghtyans.) Drefenn neb acheson, my a ledyas Davydh a-denewen – ny entersyn an tiryow krykket. Martesen, revrons pur o – po, martesen, yth esa neppyth arall ow klykkya y’m brys vy. Gorhel-gonnys askell-dro a wayas dhiworth Garth North ha sywya an bush dhe’n tiryow krykket ha hi dinewys mernans metelyek war ynherdhyoryon an gwelyow. Kettermyn, gwels pur dheg an gwelyow o treghys yn trog gans an ridrans-tan ma heb rach. Y fia edhomm dhe’n keurador lies seythun a ober, meur y rach, rag ewnhe an damaj euthyk ma. Yth heveli ow bos ena an den unnik mayth esa govisyon a-dro dhe vaterow poesek a’n par na! (Res via dhymm kedhla an KKO (Kesva Krykket Ostralek) yn termyn a-dho.) Ni a dhrehedhas a-gledhbarth an tiryow le may feu konstrynys an bush ow fia yn konna-botell. An konna-botell ma o an hyns yntra’n babell-grykket (o gwrys devnydh keffrys avel stevellow rag kowethas an venedhoryon) ha drehevyansow an kolljiow annedhel. Derayus o. Byttegyns, nyns esa ow tenna an askell-dro war an re a dhrehedsa an le ma. Martesen, yth esa own dhe’n lywyer a frappyans erbynn an kolljiow may kalla goskeusi hwath treusvyworyon. Ny allav bos sur. Byttegyns, an diskeudh a dheuth dhymm dhiworth an difresyans ma nag yw gwaytyes o heglyw. Yth esa avon an dus anvarow ow kramya kepar ha sarf a-hys an hyns troha’n porth a-gledhbarth an kampus. O diank rybon ni? Nag o. Ena, y sonas klattrans na ylli bos kammgemmerys, klattrans a jynn-setha poes. Y feu brywys an kalmynsi berr. An prys ma, ny dheuth an son dhiworth an ebron mes dhiworth an hyns a-dheragon, dhiworth le mayth esa an porth a- gledhbarth. Yth esa moy skrijans an zombis, ughel y bych.langbot langbot
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