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an enevales dell sew


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The man, who lived up by the King Edward Mine at Bolenowe kept the following animals:
An den, o trigys ogas dhe'n Bal Myghtern Edward yn Boslenow, a witha an enevales dell sew:englishtainment-tm-HlBon0HM englishtainment-tm-HlBon0HM
Lovely. What was it with this cat? What gifts did she have which could charm a bunch of murderous zombies into her obsequious servitude? Please don’t think I’m one of those folk that simply hates all cats. Far from it, I actually like most cats – but not this one. After half an hour or so of my watching David fawn mutely over this animal, the animal itself decided it was time to move on. It worked its way free of David’s grip, jumped to the floor and, with a lithe and sensuous stretch, left the room. David followed without casting a further glance at me and, naturally, I was obliged to collect the radio and follow him – for my own continued safety. I did, however, have this nagging feeling that I was being led into some dreadful (and very fatal) trap of the cat’s invention – but that was purrly paranoia at work, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it?
Hegar. Fatell o gans an gath ma? Py rohow esa dhedhi a ylli husa bagas zombis woesek rag aga gul hy gwesyon worhuvel? Na grysowgh hwi, mar pleg, ow bos onan a’n re a gas oll an kathes. Nyns yw henna gwir mann. Herwydh usadow, my a gar an kathes – mes ny garen an huni ma. Wosa ogas dhe hanter-our a’m mires orth Davydh ow fekla avlavar orth an enyval ma, an enyval y honan a erviras y tothya termyn rag gasa. Hi a omlivras heb kaletter dhiworth dalghenn Davydh ha lamma war an leur ha, wosa omystynnans heblyth hag omglywansus, gasa an stevell. Y holyas Davydh heb gowolok vyth orthymm ha, heb mar, res o dhymm dhe guntell an radyo ha’y sywya – a-barth ow salowder a dho. Byttegyns, yth esa hwath dhymm omglywans ow knias my dhe vos ledyes wor’tu ha neb antell euthyk (meur hy marwoleth), gwrys dre dhismygyans an gath – mes henn o paranoya purr, a nyns o? A nyns o?langbot langbot
2 PETER 2 False Teachers and Their Destruction 1But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 4For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; 5if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings; 11yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from the Lord. 12But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish. 13They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. 14With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood! 15They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer, who loved the wages of wickedness. 16But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—an animal without speech—who spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness. 17These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” 20If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. 22Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”
2 PEDER 2 Fals Profoesi ha Dyskadoryon 1Mes yth esa fals profoesi yn mysk an bobel kepar dell vydh fals dhyskadoryon yn agas mysk ynwedh, a vynn dri tebelgryjyansow fell, ow nagha hwath an Mester a wrug aga frena, hag ow tri diswrians uskis warnedha i. 2Ha lies a wra siwya aga fara direwl, ha drefenn an re ma y fydh fordh an gwiryonedh blasfemys. 3Ha dre grefni gans fals lavarow hwi a vydh gwrys marchondis gansa. Ragdha i seulabrys nyns yw lent an vreus, ha ny gosk an diswrians. 4Rag mar ny sparyas Duw eledh re wrussa pegha, mes aga dannvon yn-nans dhe dewlder Tartarus, dhe vos gwithys bys y'n vreus; 5ha mar ny sparyas an bys koth, mes y hwithas Noy, herot ewnder, gans seyth den arall, hag ev ow tannvon an liv war an norvys a dus dhidhuw; 6ha mar tampnyas sitys Sodom ha Gomorra dhe dhiswrians, orth aga leski dhe lusu yn ensampel dhe dus a vynno bewa ongrassyes; 7ha mar sawyas Lot gwiryon, grevys gans an bewedh plos a'n re dhrog, 8(rag dydh wosa dydh an den gwiryon ma, trigys yn aga mysk, a dormentyas y enev gwiryon gans aga gwriansow dilagha a welas ha klewes): 9ena an Arloedh a woer delivra tus dhuwek yn-mes a brevyans, mes gwitha tus kammhynsek yn-dann gessydhyans bys dydh breus, 10ha dres oll an re ow mos war-lergh an kig yn drokhwans plos hag ow tispresya awtorita. Bold ha goethus, ny berthons own a vlasfemya eledh splann an nev, 11mes eledh, spit dh'aga nerth ha'ga galloes brassa, ny dhrons breus a vlasfemi er aga fynn a-dherag an Arloedh. 12Mes an re ma, kepar ha bestes heb reson dineythys war-lergh natur dhe vos kechys ha distruys, ow plasfemya a-dro dhe daklow na wodhons, a vydh distruys y'n keth vaner, 13ow kodhevel drog avel gober droktra. I a dyb plesour dhe vos hweg dydhweyth bos hegar. Nammow ha brith yns i ow lowenhe yn aga thoell hag i ow kevewi genowgh hwi. 14Lenwys yw aga dewlagas a hwans dhe neb avoutres, ow hwilas pegha heb hedhi. I a dhyn enevow gwann, dyskys aga holonn yn krefni, fleghes emskemunys! 15Ow kasa fordh ewn, i a sowdhanas, ow siwya fordh Balaam mab Beor a garas gober droktra, 16mes ev a gavas keredh y dhrogober y honan: asen avlavar ow kewsel gans lev den a lettyas muskokter an profoes. 17An re ma yw fentynyow heb dowr, ha niwlow herdhys yn-rag dre hager-awel; ha tewolgow tewlder re beu gwithys ragdha i. 18Rag ow kewsel gans bostyans euver, i a dhyn gans drokhwansow direwl an kig an re na dhiank skant dhiworth an dus a vew yn maner bodrek. 19I a ambos rydhses dhedha, kyn fons i aga honan kethwesyon diswrians, rag den mars yw fethys gans nebonan, dhodho ev kethwas gyllys yw. 20Rag wosa diank mostedhes an bys dre aswonnvos an Arloedh ha Selwyas Yesu Krist, mars yns i maglennys arta ynna ha fethys, gweth gallas an studh diwettha anedha es an kynsa. 21Gwell via dhedha na wodhviens an fordh a ewnder, es treylya, wosa godhvos, dhiworth an arghadow sans a veu res dhedha. 22An gwir lavar re goedhas warnedha, ‘An ki a dreyl arta dh'y hwyjans y honan’, hag ‘An vanow, wosa omwolghi, a dreyl dhe omrolya yn leys.’langbot langbot
Corals are marine invertebrates within the class Anthozoa of the phylum Cnidaria. They typically form compact colonies of many identical individual polyps. Coral species include the important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans and secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton. A coral "group" is a colony of very many genetically identical polyps. Each polyp is a sac-like animal typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in height. A set of tentacles surround a central mouth opening. Each polyp excretes an exoskeleton near the base. Over many generations, the colony thus creates a skeleton characteristic of the species which can measure up to several meters in size. Individual colonies grow by asexual reproduction of polyps. Corals also breed sexually by spawning: polyps of the same species release gametes simultaneously overnight, often around a full moon. Fertilized eggs form planulae, a mobile early form of the coral polyp which, when mature, settles to form a new colony. Although some corals are able to catch plankton and small fish using stinging cells on their tentacles, most corals obtain the majority of their energy and nutrients from photosynthetic unicellular dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium that live within their tissues. These are commonly known as zooxanthellae and give the coral color. Such corals require sunlight and grow in clear, shallow water, typically at depths less than 60 metres (200 feet; 33 fathoms). Corals are major contributors to the physical structure of the coral reefs that develop in tropical and subtropical waters, such as the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. These corals are increasingly at risk of bleaching events where polyps expel the zooxanthellae in response to stress such as high water temperature or toxins. Other corals do not rely on zooxanthellae and can live globally in much deeper water, such as the cold-water genus Lophelia which can survive as deep as 3,300 metres (10,800 feet; 1,800 fathoms).[1] Some have been found as far north as the Darwin Mounds, northwest of Cape Wrath, Scotland, and others off the coast of Washington state and the Aleutian Islands. Taxonomy[edit] The classification of corals has been discussed for millennia, owing to having similarities to both plants and animals. Aristotle's pupil, Theophrastus, described the red coral, korallion, in his book on stones, implying it was a mineral, but he described it as a deep-sea plant in his Enquiries on Plants, where he also mentions large stony plants that reveal bright flowers when under water in the Gulf of Heroes.[2] Pliny the Elder stated boldly that several sea creatures including sea nettles and sponges "are neither animals nor plants, but are possessed of a third nature (tertia natura)".[3] Petrus Gyllius copied Pliny, introducing the term zoophyta for this third group in his 1535 book On the French and Latin Names of the Fishes of the Marseilles Region; it is popularly but wrongly supposed that Aristotle created the term.[3] Gyllius further noted, following Aristotle, how hard it was to define what was a plant and what was an animal.[3] The Babylonian Talmud refers to coral among a list of types of trees, and the 11th century French commentator Rashi describes it as "a type of tree (מין עץ) that grows underwater that goes by the (French) name "coral."[4] The Persian polymath Al-Biruni (d.1048) classified sponges and corals as animals, arguing that they respond to touch.[5] Nevertheless, people believed corals to be plants until the eighteenth century, when William Herschel used a microscope to establish that coral had the characteristic thin cell membranes of an animal.[6] Presently, corals are classified as species of animals within the sub-classes Hexacorallia and Octocorallia of the class Anthozoa in the phylum Cnidaria.[7] Hexacorallia includes the stony corals and these groups have polyps that generally have a 6-fold symmetry. Octocorallia includes blue coral and soft corals and species of Octocorallia have polyps with an eightfold symmetry, each polyp having eight tentacles and eight mesenteries. The group of corals is paraphyletic because the sea anemones are also in the sub-class Hexacorallia. Systematics[edit] The delineation of coral species is challenging as hypotheses based on morphological traits contradict hypotheses formed via molecular tree-based processes.[8] As of 2020, there are 2175 identified separate coral species, 237 of which are currently endangered,[9] making distinguishing corals to be the utmost of importance in efforts to curb extinction.[8] Adaptation and delineation continues to occur in species of coral[10] in order to combat the dangers posed by the climate crisis. Corals are colonial modular organisms formed by asexually produced and genetically identical modules called polyps. Polyps are connected by living tissue to produce the full organism.[11] The living tissue allows for inter module communication (interaction between each polyp),[11] which appears in colony morphologies produced by corals, and is one of the main identifying characteristics for a species of coral.[11] There are 2 main classifications for corals: 1. Hard coral (scleractinian and stony coral)[12] which form reefs by a calcium carbonate base, with polyps with 6 stiff tentacles,[13] and 2. Soft coral (Alcyonacea and ahermatypic coral)[12] which are bendable and formed by a colony of polyps with 8 feather like tentacles.[13] These two classifications arose from differentiation in gene expressions in their branch tips[11] and bases that arose through developmental signaling pathways such as Hox, Hedgehog, Wnt, BMP etc. Scientists typically select Acropora as research models since they are the most diverse genus of hard coral, having over 120 species.[11] Most species within this genus have polyps which are dimorphic: axial polyps grow rapidly and have lighter coloration,[11] while radial polyps are small and are darker in coloration.[11] In the Acropora genus, gamete synthesis and photosynthesis occur at the basal polyps, growth occurs mainly at the radial polyps. Growth at the site of the radial polyps encompasses two processes: asexual reproduction via mitotic cell proliferation,[11] and skeleton deposition of the calcium carbonate via extra cellular matrix (EMC) proteins acting as differentially expressed (DE) signaling genes[11] between both branch tips and bases. These processes lead to colony differentiation, which is the most accurate distinguisher between coral species.[8] In the Acropora genus, colony differentiation through up-regulation and down-regulation of DEs.[11] Systematic studies of soft coral species have faced challenges due to a lack of taxonomic knowledge.[8] Researchers have not found enough variability within the genus to confidently delineate similar species, due to a low rate in mutation of mitochondrial DNA.[14] Environmental factors, such as the rise of temperatures and acid levels in our oceans account for some speciation of corals in the form of species lost.[11] Various coral species have heat shock proteins (HSP) that are also in the category of DE across species.[11] These HSPs help corals combat the increased temperatures they are facing which lead to protein denaturing, growth loss, and eventually coral death.[11] Approximately 33% of coral species are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s endangered species list and at risk of species loss.[15] Ocean acidification (rising pH levels in the oceans) is threatening the continued species growth and differentiation of corals.[11] Mutation rates of Vibrio shilonii, the reef pathogen responsible for coral bleaching, heavily outweigh the typical reproduction rates of coral colonies when pH levels rise.[16] Thus, corals are unable to mutate their HSPs and other climate change preventative genes to combat the increase in temperature and pH at a competitive rate to these pathogens responsible for coral bleaching,[16] resulting in species loss. Anatomy Anatomy of a stony coral polyp For most of their life corals are sessile animals of colonies of genetically identical polyps. Each polyp varies from millimeters to centimeters in diameter, and colonies can be formed from many millions of individual polyps. Stony coral, also known as hard coral, polyps produce a skeleton composed of calcium carbonate to strengthen and protect the organism. This is deposited by the polyps and by the coenosarc, the living tissue that connects them. The polyps sit in cup-shaped depressions in the skeleton known as corallites. Colonies of stony coral are very variable in appearance; a single species may adopt an encrusting, plate-like, bushy, columnar or massive solid structure, the various forms often being linked to different types of habitat, with variations in light level and water movement being significant.[17] The body of the polyp may be roughly compared in a structure to a sac, the wall of which is composed of two layers of cells. The outer layer is known technically as the ectoderm, the inner layer as the endoderm. Between ectoderm and endoderm is a supporting layer of gelatinous substance termed mesoglea, secreted by the cell layers of the body wall.[18] The mesoglea can contain skeletal elements derived from cells migrated from the ectoderm. The sac-like body built up in this way is attached to a hard surface, which in hard corals are cup-shaped depressions in the skeleton known as corallites. At the center of the upper end of the sac lies the only opening called the mouth, surrounded by a circle of tentacles which resemble glove fingers. The tentacles are organs which serve both for tactile sense and for the capture of food.[18] Polyps extend their tentacles, particularly at night, often containing coiled stinging cells (cnidocytes) which pierce, poison and firmly hold living prey paralyzing or killing them. Polyp prey includes plankton such as copepods and fish larvae. Longitudinal muscular fibers formed from the cells of the ectoderm allow tentacles to contract to convey the food to the mouth. Similarly, circularly disposed muscular fibres formed from the endoderm permit tentacles to be protracted or thrust out once they are contracted.[18] In both stony and soft corals, the polyps can be retracted by contracting muscle fibres, with stony corals relying on their hard skeleton and cnidocytes for defense. Soft corals generally secrete terpenoid toxins to ward off predators.[17] In most corals, the tentacles are retracted by day and spread out at night to catch plankton and other small organisms. Shallow-water species of both stony and soft corals can be zooxanthellate, the corals supplementing their plankton diet with the products of photosynthesis produced by these symbionts.[17] The polyps interconnect by a complex and well-developed system of gastrovascular canals, allowing significant sharing of nutrients and symbionts.[19] The external form of the polyp varies greatly. The column may be long and slender, or may be so short in the axial direction that the body becomes disk-like. The tentacles may number many hundreds or may be very few, in rare cases only one or two. They may be simple and unbranched, or feathery in pattern. The mouth may be level with the surface of the peristome, or may be projecting and trumpet-shaped.[18]
Gwylar po korel yw furvyes gans enevales munys, h.y. polypow a'n fylum Cnidaria. Enevales morek yw gwylar, po war estyllennow brastiryel po a-derdro enesow keynvorek. I a drig yn trevesigethow. Yth yw pub polyp yn trevesigeth zooyd: ekwals yns i, kethsam yn genynnek. Y'n drevesigeth i a dhinyth dre dhinythyans direydhek, mes i a yll gul devnydh a dhinythyans reydhek ynwedh. Trevesigethow a'n keth eghen a liver gametow war-barth, dres onan, diw po teyr nos termyn an loor leun. Pub eneval gwylar yw hevelep dhe sagh byghan. An ygeryans a-wartha yw an ganow. Tentaklys a-dro dhe'n ganow a'n jeves nemacystow a yll gwana, ow palsya an enevales munys dybrys gans an polypow. Gwylar a dyv dell yw usys yn dowrow trovannel, mes re anedha a yll tevi yn dowrow yeyn, kepar ha'n keynvor a-dro dhe Vreten ha Norgagh. An hanow rag gwylar dowr yeyn yw merl (liesek meyrl) yn Kernewek ha Bretonek. Dyffrans dhe wylar yw merl, drefen nag yw kelmys dhe leur karnek an keynvor. mes i a wra rolya kepar ha 'tumbleweed' a-hys leur an mor bys pan dheffo ha bos re veur dhe waya. Kesvewans[golegi | pennfenten] An brassa niver a wylar a'n jeves nerthedh ha megyans dhyworth kesvewans gans algi unnkell lughwriansek gelwys zooxanthellae. Yma edhom dhedha a howlwolow, hag i a dyv yn dowrow kler bas, yn tipek yn downder a les ages 60 meter. Lies eghen a wylar a gesvew gans zooxanthellae a'n kinda Symbiodinium, hag yw dinoflagellates. Dell yw usys, pub polyp a syns un eghen a algi. Dre lughwrians, an algi a re nerthedh dhe'n gwylar ha gweres y'n argerdh a galgheans. An gwylar a re tyller saw dhe'n algi, hag an algi a dheber karbon dioksid ha skollyon nitrojenus an polyp. Mar kwrello an algi kawsya re a bosow war an polyp, an polyp a's estewl. Pan wrello an estewlensow hwarvos yn rew, aswonnys yw henna avel kanna gwylar, drefen bos an algi a weres ri liw dhe'n gwylar. Estewlans a wra ynkressya chons an polyp dhe dreusvewa posow termyn kott. I a yll daskavos algi, martesen a eghen aral a-wosa. Mar kwrello an posow durya, an gwylar a yll merwel. Kribow gwylar[golegi | pennfenten] Krib gwylar (po krib korel) yw tyller may deffo lies gwylar. Krib gwylar yw tyller da rag lies eneval aral kepar ha puskes, kankres, kregyn bolgh ha spongow. Pub eneval gwylar a woliv kalciom karbonat a-dro dhodho. Hemm yw starneth soled an drevesigeth. Pan varwo an polyp, polypow nowydh a drig war benn an starneth kottha. An garrek yw gwrys y'n maner na yw henwys gwylar (po korel) ynwedh. Furv a galgh yw. Gelwys yns i korf eskern gwylar. Pub sort a drevesigeth a dherev kinda dyffrans a gorf eskern, may hallo trevesigethow bos shapys avel ympynnyon, skavel gronek, kowlen, po lies shap aral. Gwrys yw furvyansow meur dres eghen dres termyn. Oll an furvyansow war-barth a wra krib gwylar. Usys yw gwylar treweythyow avel gemmweyth.langbot langbot
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