them cows oor Kornies

them cows

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those cows

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them cows
Tom yw hanow ow mab.langbot langbot
them cows ate all the hay
Tomm o de.langbot langbot
phr. if o. I could go there unweyth a aljama mos dy; if you would o. speak to them mar menta bès cows dhodhans; if folk would o. harken mar menja pobel bès gosowes; they drilled two holes in the cross, o. i a dollas dew doll e'n grows, heb ken PA
Nyns yw pur vras an chi-ma.langbot langbot
♦ to talk to me and chat rag cows ortham (orthaf) ha talkya WJ; to t. about this matter among them and with them rag talkya a'n matter-ma en aga mysk y ha gansans TH
Benyn ov.langbot langbot
Mona has lost her money. The cat sleeps on the beds. Then the cow jumped over the hedge. Mr Evans, the farmer, breeds sheep and cows Clean the blackboard for me, please. They didn’t bring their things with them. Aunt May picked flowers in her garden. The spring water goes to the brook. He doesn’t do his work. He is lazy. He is always late. Agriculture is a big affair in Cornwall.
Teg yw hi.langbot langbot
♦ and he sd him gold and silver and grass and trees ha dhodho y tisqwedhas owr hag arhans, gwels ha gwedh PA; and he sd him lots of stones ha dhodho y tisqwedhas cals meyn PA; s. me your love disqwe' dhebm a’th kerenja OM; God sd it to you Duw a’n disqwedhas dhewgh OM; I sd you what charity is my a wrüg disqwedhes dhewgh pandra ew cherita TH; thank you, angel of God, for s'ing me everything meur a ras dhe whei eall Duw, ow tisqwedhas dhebm pub tra WJ; what would you say if I were to s. you certain other things, much greater than this? pandra vednowgh leverel mar tema disqwedhas dhewgh certan taclow aral, meur moy ages helma ? TH; he is plainly s'ing ema ev ow tisqwedhes plenly TH No mut.; I will speak and s. you my a vedn cows ha disqwedhes dhewgh TH; he asked them when the star sd e vednyas dhorans sür pana termyn wrüg an Ster/en/ disqwedhas WR; and sd to him ha disqwedhas dhodho WR; shown and declared disqwethys ha declarys TH; clearly shown sür disqwedhys BM; sn to you today dhewgh hedhyw disqwedhys BM; sn to mankind dhe vabden disqwedhys TH; for his goodness shown to us rag y dhadder dhe nei disqwedhys TH; it was also shown to you that we disobeyed our creator e veu ewedh dysqwedhys dhewgh, fatel wrüssens disobaya aga gwrier TH y fe...
Ny allav koska.langbot langbot
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