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‘I want to catch that mouse!’ said the cat to itself.
Res yw dhyn diberth a-varr.langbot langbot
to itself
Pandr'a wre'ta a-vorow?langbot langbot
to itself
Na redyewgh y’n stevel-ma.langbot langbot
‘I want to catch that mouse!’ said the cat to itself. /
Re dhiwedhes yw.langbot langbot
to itself
Py lies lyver eus dhis?langbot langbot
and to cover itself
Yth esen vy ow tyski.langbot langbot
Cornwall Council has updated its brand and design guidelines, aiming to get greater consistency in how the Council presents itself to the community.
Da yw genev henna.englishtainment-tm-LjaQfp1B englishtainment-tm-LjaQfp1B
At 10 o'clock the following morning, the miserable bull was led to the field of pain, where it humbly allowed itself to be fastened to a stake. After the dogs were released, the bull was abused for four or five hours, until finally it sank exhausted to the ground. It was a long time before it was able to stand again.
Nyns eus dhedha nown.langbot langbot
‘Listen! They are coming this way,’ said Frodo. ‘We have only to wait.’ The singing drew nearer. One clear voice rose now above the others. It was singing in the fair elven-tongue, of which Frodo knew only a little, and the others knew nothing. Yet the sound blending with the melody seemed to shape itself in their thought into words which they only partly understood. This was the song as Frodo heard it:
Yma nown dhymm.langbot langbot
dawn2 (v.) break tardha; occur; suggest itself ferjorna ~ on strike; occur to ferjorna yn; break; begin kommanzya, terri; develop; arise sklara, igeri
Yma tri flogh dhodho.langbot langbot
He was a passionate about languages and Cornish itself, and recognised the importance of encouraging people to speak Cornish, as part of their identity.
Ow mamm a’m kar.englishtainment-tm-CMCBeuoZ englishtainment-tm-CMCBeuoZ
‘Bilbo knew no more than he told you, I am sure,’ said Gandalf. ‘He would certainly never have passed on to you anything that he thought would be a danger, even though I promised to look after you. He thought the ring was very beautiful, and very useful at need; and if anything was wrong or queer, it was himself. He said that it was “growing on his mind”, and he was always worrying about it; but he did not suspect that the ring itself was to blame. Though he had found out that the thing needed looking after; it did not seem always of the same size or weight; it shrank or expanded in an odd way, and might suddenly slip off a finger where it had been tight.’
Yth esen ow redya lyver hag onan pur dha o va.langbot langbot
The ‘Clays’ class is in St.Dennis and meets in the ClayTAWC Centre from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesdays. There’s a small car-park in front of the centre itself and usually on-street space as well. The door is approached by a slope from the car-park as well as steps. The door is easily wide enough to accommodate a wheel-chair.
Ny vynn Tom dybri henna.langbot langbot
This book was produced as part of the celebratory and commemorative march to Blackheath organised by Keskerdh Kernow 500 in 1997. It details the march itself, the events which were organised around it and some of the people who made it such a memorable and important event.
Pes bloodh os ta?langbot langbot
There is likely to be some on-road parking space along the road in front of the pub and there is a car-park to the rear of the pub itself with access from Hillside Park, which can be reached by continuing towards the Town Centre along Higher Bore Street, bearing left into Dennison Road and turning first left into Cardell Road. Then turn first left into HillsidePark and immediately left again taking you as far back up the hill as possible. Follow the road as it bears right and runs parallel to the main road. Go past the first set of garages and look for a curved wall into the car-park on the left.
Yma dhedhi deg flogh.langbot langbot
♦ all h. oll lidnyeth mabden TH; the creation of h. (mankind) an creacyon a vab-den TH no mut.; do not mess with h. gans mab-den, na wra mellya BM; that is to mean h, born of woman hemma ew dhe styrya, mabden genys a venyn TH; h. (mankind) was not able to to help itself in this nynj o mab-den abyl dhe weres y hònan en hemma TH; for nowhere in the scriptures do we read how God shaped and formed h. (mankind) rag ny wren nei redya en telher veth e'n scriptur fatel wrüg Duw shâpya na formya mabden TH; he put h. to live in paradise ev a woras mabden dhe triga en paradis TH; the father God ordered h. not to mess with it nor touch it an tas Duw a chargyas mabden na wrella mellya na tòchya worto TH; it is to be considered for our part, how h. was brought from that same holy state to a miserable state of evil eth ew dhe vos consydres en agan part nei, fatel veu mabden dres dheworth (= dhort) an keth stat-na benegas, dhe miserabyl stat a dhrocoleth TH; sin was what made the father of heaven lead h. out of paradise pegh o an peth a wrüg dhe'n tas a nev hembrak (= hembronk) mabden en mes a baradis TH; sin was what brought h. to suffer illness, weakness, diseases and infirmaties pegh o an peth a dhros mabden dhe sòffra cleves, gwanegreth, deseyses ha ynfirmitys TH; and through it all of h. was corrupted ha dretho oll lydnyeth mabden a veu corruptys TH; thus, good folk, you have heard above all of the affectionate love of God for h. endelma, tüs vas, whei a glowas kens oll an kernjëak kerensa a Dhuw dhe mabden TH; how he delivered h. is a marvelous way from the state of damnation fatel wrüga delivera mabden dre marvelous maner, dhia'n stat a dhampnacyon TH; this is furthermore to exort you to remember what misery and evil came to h. through sin hemma ew pelha ewedh (< inweth) dhe gas exortya whei dhe remembra pana misery ha drocoleth a dheth dhe mabden dre begh TH; planted and grafted in h. planjys (< plyngys) ha graffys en mabden TH; thus will h. endelha mabden a wra TH
Tom a brenas carr-tan nowydh.langbot langbot
The body of man in the estate of original innocence had in it health, strength, comeliness and other like qualities in the highest degree of perfection; it had in itself then no fond lust or concupiscence, no probity or inclination to evil, no loathsomeness in doing good, no infirmity or weakness, no lack or want of any quality fit and decent for it.
Tomm a’s gwelas.langbot langbot
The others looked at him. The shadow of the fear of the Black Riders came suddenly over them again. Ever since they had entered the Forest they had thought chiefly of getting back to the Road; only now when it lay beneath their feet did they remember the danger which pursued them, and was more than likely to be lying in wait for them upon the Road itself. They looked anxiously back towards the setting sun, but the Road was brown and empty.
Kas yw genev an leurlen ma.langbot langbot
The zombies apparently realised that the wall of sound and death had fallen over in front of them – and, as one, they surged forward. The squad commander barked out an order that I couldn’t hear and the entire squad leapt to its collective feet and bolted for the open rear door of the APC. Most managed to enter the vehicle but the door remained stubbornly open during the few seconds that it took for the fastest zombies to run across the narrow width of College Crescent. A few rifle shots rang out but those weapons soon fell silent as well. The squad disappeared under a mass of vengeful zombies. I did not have time to contemplate the grisly fate that befell those brave men. An opportunity had presented itself to me and it needed to be seized without hesitation. I slapped David out of his reverie – he, of course, had no idea as to what had just occurred. He roared his indignation at me but, all the same, followed me out of the room as I screamed: “Come on, Dave! Stay here and we die!” (I didn’t trouble him with the fact that he was already dead.) Soon, we were sprinting past the crowd of zombies that were feasting on the recently deceased soldiers. David’s pace slackened. Evidently, he wanted to join in – even though he had eaten already that day (outside the Rowden White Gallery). I was having none of it – another squad or helicopter gunship would shortly arrive on the scene to find out what had happened. And there would be much unhappiness. The main gates of the cemetery were, fortunately, still open. There were a number of military vehicles parked inside but no-one attending to them. I made a mental note of where I might expect to find an unattended vehicle if one were needed in the near future – but did not linger. My goal remained to get us back to the family crypt where we’d met up with Paul and Charles. It was quiet, weather-proof, probably blast-proof and still stocked (I hoped) with modest supplies of food – enough to last the few days I needed while the immediate hostilities died down.
Hemm yw lyver.langbot langbot
Lead is a chemical element with the symbol Pb (from the Latin plumbum) and atomic number 82. It is a heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Lead is soft and malleable, and also has a relatively low melting point. When freshly cut, lead is silvery with a hint of blue; it tarnishes to a dull gray color when exposed to air. Lead has the highest atomic number of any stable element and three of its isotopes are endpoints of major nuclear decay chains of heavier elements. Lead is a relatively unreactive post-transition metal. Its weak metallic character is illustrated by its amphoteric nature; lead and lead oxides react with acids and bases, and it tends to form covalent bonds. Compounds of lead are usually found in the +2 oxidation state rather than the +4 state common with lighter members of the carbon group. Exceptions are mostly limited to organolead compounds. Like the lighter members of the group, lead tends to bond with itself; it can form chains and polyhedral structures. Since lead is easily extracted from its ores, prehistoric people in the Near East were aware of it. Galena is a principal ore of lead which often bears silver. Interest in silver helped initiate widespread extraction and use of lead in ancient Rome. Lead production declined after the fall of Rome and did not reach comparable levels until the Industrial Revolution. Lead played a crucial role in the development of the printing press, as movable type could be relatively easily cast from lead alloys.[4] In 2014, the annual global production of lead was about ten million tonnes, over half of which was from recycling. Lead's high density, low melting point, ductility and relative inertness to oxidation make it useful. These properties, combined with its relative abundance and low cost, resulted in its extensive use in construction, plumbing, batteries, bullets and shot, weights, solders, pewters, fusible alloys, white paints, leaded gasoline, and radiation shielding.
Da yw gans Mary ergh.langbot langbot
Lovely. What was it with this cat? What gifts did she have which could charm a bunch of murderous zombies into her obsequious servitude? Please don’t think I’m one of those folk that simply hates all cats. Far from it, I actually like most cats – but not this one. After half an hour or so of my watching David fawn mutely over this animal, the animal itself decided it was time to move on. It worked its way free of David’s grip, jumped to the floor and, with a lithe and sensuous stretch, left the room. David followed without casting a further glance at me and, naturally, I was obliged to collect the radio and follow him – for my own continued safety. I did, however, have this nagging feeling that I was being led into some dreadful (and very fatal) trap of the cat’s invention – but that was purrly paranoia at work, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it?
Yw hemma frynkek?langbot langbot
1 BRETHREN, IF any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also. 2 Bear (endure, carry) one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete what is lacking [in your obedience to it]. 3 For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another's load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself. 4 But let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own conduct and his own work. He can then have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable [in itself alone] without [resorting to] boastful comparison with his neighbor. 5 For every person will have to bear (be equal to understanding and calmly receive) his own [little] load [of oppressive faults].
Nyns eus fleghes dhymm.langbot langbot
♦ a good life will have the best d. dhe'n vownas vas vedh mernas gwelha Lh.; the d. of H. mernas Herod WR; to d. dhe'n mernas BK; this cup of d. an haneth-ma a vernans TH; until d. bys en ancow; d. has come ancow eth ew devedhys WJ; d. indeed has come quickly to me ancow, sür ew devedhys scon dhe vy RD thy’mmo vy; for fear of suffering his d. rag own cavas (cafos) y ancow PA; I'd as soon die early before an evil d. comes mar dha ew genam (genef) a-bres merwel kens dos drog ancow OM; she is lying at length having suffered d. a-hes ema a’y groweth awos godhevel ancow OM The mut. suggests 'he'.; when the last words are heard from in his d. bed pan vo an diwettha gerryow clowys a onen a vo en y gwely mernans SA; for there is sorrow fixed in my soul unto d. rag ema en ow ena tristans fast bys en ancow PC; I am keen to get hold of him to put him to d. mall ew genam (< gynef) y gavas rag y wora dh’y ancow PC; your d. is very near pur ogas ew dha ancow PC; if he has been stolen from the tomb you will have your d. mars ew ledrys a’n beth whei a’s beth gas ancow RD; subject to d. subject Ancow; < you will be condemned and subject to d. through it chy a veth dampnys ragto (ractha) ha subject ancow dredho (< dretha) WJ; and it must be D. himself who will think that I believe that to be true ha ev a dal bos Ancow y hònan a vedn pedery dr’ erama crejy hedna dhe vos gwir NB; to those who sat in the land by D, a light has risen up dhe 're-ma era sedha e'n Pow reb Ancow, ma gòlow derevys 'man WR; I am God's emissary, D. My ew cadnas Duw, Ancow WJ; on pain of d. war bayn merwel TH; It would have to be D itself ev a dal bos Ancow y hònan NB; D, I am very grateful to you Ancow, y whon dhis meur gras WJ; thus he went to his d without doing anything against them endelha ev a eth dh'y vernans heb gül tra vyth er aga fydn TH; if d. cannot be turned away mar ny ell bones may traylyo mernans dhe ves PC; all my joy, truely has been lost because the d. of my child oll ow joy ethew pur wir kellys der mernans ow flogh WJ; here is the voice of death calling your brother from afar òtta voys mernans a-bell dhe'th vrodar prest ow kelwel (< kylwall) WJ. See 'die'.
Ple’ma dha skol?langbot langbot
Lead is a chemical element with the symbol Pb (from the Latin plumbum) and atomic number 82. It is a heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Lead is soft and malleable, and also has a relatively low melting point. When freshly cut, lead is silvery with a hint of blue; it tarnishes to a dull gray color when exposed to air. Lead has the highest atomic number of any stable element and three of its isotopes are endpoints of major nuclear decay chains of heavier elements. Lead is a relatively unreactive post-transition metal. Its weak metallic character is illustrated by its amphoteric nature; lead and lead oxides react with acids and bases, and it tends to form covalent bonds. Compounds of lead are usually found in the +2 oxidation state rather than the +4 state common with lighter members of the carbon group. Exceptions are mostly limited to organolead compounds. Like the lighter members of the group, lead tends to bond with itself; it can form chains and polyhedral structures. Since lead is easily extracted from its ores, prehistoric people in the Near East were aware of it. Galena is a principal ore of lead which often bears silver. Interest in silver helped initiate widespread extraction and use of lead in ancient Rome. Lead production declined after the fall of Rome and did not reach comparable levels until the Industrial Revolution. Lead played a crucial role in the development of the printing press, as movable type could be relatively easily cast from lead alloys.[4] In 2014, the annual global production of lead was about ten million tonnes, over half of which was from recycling. Lead's high density, low melting point, ductility and relative inertness to oxidation make it useful. These properties, combined with its relative abundance and low cost, resulted in its extensive use in construction, plumbing, batteries, bullets and shot, weights, solders, pewters, fusible alloys, white paints, leaded gasoline, and radiation shielding. Lead's toxicity became widely recognized in the late 19th century, although a number of well-educated ancient Greek and Roman writers were aware of this fact and even knew some of the symptoms of lead poisoning. Lead is a neurotoxin that accumulates in soft tissues and bones; it damages the nervous system and interferes with the function of biological enzymes, causing neurological disorders ranging from behavioral problems to brain damage, and also affects general health, cardiovascular, and renal systems.
Res yw dhis dos tre.langbot langbot
There were, as I’ve said, low privet hedges on both sides of the garden – leading to a small, wrought-iron gate on the street corner. A concrete pathway then led to the front door. Curiously, the gate had been secured with a chain. This did not seem to make any sense because the gate itself was low enough simply to jump over and was therefore not designed to keep intruders out. Maybe it was meant to keep pet dogs in – I don’t really know. So, why mention it at all? Well, it had obviously presented an obstacle to someone who had come to deliver a parcel to the residence. Instead of taking it to the front door, the parcel had simply been dropped by the gate and left for the residents to find later . Serendipity! Regardless of its contents, I decided the parcel was mine – and I immediately took possession of it. Having done so, I left the somnolent guard to his snoring and discreetly returned to the crypt to examine my prize. o0o I was pleased to note that David had apparently missed me. He met me at the door of the crypt and displayed what I interpreted as unusual attention towards me. However, given that he had been largely ignoring me for some days, this was not saying a great deal. “Hey, Dave,” I whispered exultantly and held the parcel high. “Santa’s been! He brought you a prezzo. You must have been a good little zombie!” He emitted an amused sort of grunt – leastwise, that’s how it seemed to me. Maybe his rudimentary brain still computed ‘Santa’ and ‘prezzo’. These concepts are, after all, deeply ingrained in the psyche of all western children. I placed the parcel on the floor. It was wrapped in several layers of stiff, brown tar-paper and tied with numerous turns of thick twine. (Ah! They don’t wrap ‘em like that anymore, do they?). There was an envelope pushed roughly under the twine but not otherwise secured to the parcel. Was it meant to go with the parcel or was it separate? I decided to put it aside in favour of watching what David would do with ‘Santa’s prezzo’.
Pyth yw hy hanow?langbot langbot
78 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.