was jolted oor Kornies

was jolted

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was jolted
My a wel an maw.langbot langbot
and they accused him so much that the town was in an uproar. (PA31) jolted
Ny allav vy mires orth.langbot langbot
And the cross was raised with Jesus fastened on it and the bottom placed in a hole which had been drilled for it. there it was dropped so brutally that all christ's body and limbs were jolted.
Eus ki dhedhi?langbot langbot
I took David’s hand and, once again, led him from the cell to ensure he did not try to make a meal of Ingrid – though she may well have been tasty. We travelled along several narrow, linoleum-paved passageways. The cattle prods remained poised and ready to strike to our front and to our rear. We passed some sort of common room that was being used by the GI’s. They had some electric Blues playing loudly. As we got closer, I saw through a window that some of them were actually dancing to the music. More than that, I recognised that the music was something from Muddy Waters’ “Electric Mud” album – which I had recently bought second-hand from the late, lamented John Clements record shop in the city. Blues, even electric blues, is not supposed to cheer one up – but this was the first music I had heard in a while (since our time in the Rowden White Gallery) – and so it did cheer me a little. I also saw, as we passed the common room, that almost all of the GI’s in it were black guys – and I wondered who, if anyone, was re-introducing segregation amongst the US troops. But, maybe, it was not deliberate – maybe it was just the music that attracted the black guys there. Later, I realised that the white guys were more partial to the songs of The Eagles – which had not then made it to our shores – and The Guess Who – who, as far as I can remember, never really did ‘make it’ here at all. (Apart from “American Woman”.) Anyway, we eventually arrived at a couple of swinging doors which led to a very spartan laboratory. Not much equipment to be seen here – and, what was there looked pretty old and battered. I supposed that the Australian Army didn’t put very much of its funds into medical research. (And that’s a very good thing, in my humble opinion.) David and I were ‘encouraged’ by the goons to be seated in chairs that looked suspiciously like the electric chair – made with massively heavy timber and fitted with thick, heavy leather straps to restrain arms, legs, torso and head. I didn’t resist. David did – and was struck simultaneously with jolts from three cattle prods for his trouble. He eventually came round to the idea of sitting down and allowing himself to be strapped in. Once this had occurred – and both David and I were securely strapped into our chairs – the Captain strode into the room. (Very brave, it seemed, was our Captain – no appearance until ‘the threat’ had been thoroughly eliminated.)
An alhwedhow, mar pleg.langbot langbot
“When I saw a US F4 Phantom drop napalm on thousands of my fellow students, burning them all to death in a most painful and horrific way, I knew that it was killing kids that would soon recover – hundreds of them. It was like Dresden. It was like the fire-bombing of Tokyo. Gentlemen, that’s a major war crime. That’s not a battle. That’s not war. That’s why they hanged Generals at Nuremburg!...” Time was indeed short. I could see the guards hurrying to the stage. I had to raise my voice to be heard above the other voices that were now being raised. I started screaming: “...I can’t tell you why your government sent you here. That’s political. But I can tell you that you’ve been sent to war on the basis of a lie! Does that sound familiar? Well, does it? Have you heard of the so-called ‘Gulf of Tonkin Incident’? How many of you have still got brothers risking their lives in ‘Nam because of it? ...” These were the last words I managed to get out before I, too, was hit with a cattle-prod – and screamed very heartily. The hall was in uproar. There was complete pandemonium – just as I’d hoped. The Captain approached my cage as I lay spasming in the floor and hit me with another powerful jolt of electricity from one of the other cattle prods. (Perfect for my plans – but painful all the same.) “Leave him alone, you bastard!” shouted one of the GI’s. “You’re killin’ him!” And, with that, he and several of his buddies rushed on stage to protect me. Cosmic! For an instant, I thought they might actually free me – though that had not been my immediate plan – but the guards drew their side-arms and aimed them squarely at the stage invaders. Sensibly, they retreated. The Captain dropped his prod, came close and looked me in the eye. There was deep hatred in his look. I had wilfully robbed him of his moment of glory. Good. Now to see what the GI’s would do with the (quite plausible) disinformation that I had provided them.
A garses takavos nebes sugra?langbot langbot
Maybe, somehow, it was I who was feeling David’s pain. Then again, perhaps I was just registering my upset at what I was seeing – and being completely helpless to stop. “That’s given me an idea,” said the smiling Mengele. “An idea for a follow-up experiment, consequential on the results of the first.” And, with that, his gaze fell upon my own body. He ordered my clothes to be torn from me and stepped evenly towards me, cattle-prod still in his hand. I well remember the jolt of the first application of the rod to my skin – on the forehead, as it happens. And I also remember hearing my own screams echoing in that bare-walled room. But I only got to know (later) how often, and where, the prod was applied to me by the scorch marks it left on my skin. (I had blacked out pretty early in the process.) It looked like I got about the same treatment as I saw David get. It was some minutes, or some tens of minutes perhaps, after the last application of the prod – and therefore after Ingrid’s last data point – that my mind rose once again into consciousness. The first thing I heard was Mengele’s voice: “Remarkable. Truly remarkable.” (Apparently, the word ‘remarkable’ was his favourite descriptor.) A conversation followed between him and Doctor Ingrid. I was still too groggy to take in all of it but the salient point of it was that, once David had seen me being tortured, his EEG readout had suddenly ceased flat-lining and had shown unmistakable signs of neuronal activity. There was apparently nothing at all normal in the patterns recorded – some of the lines had remained completely flat – but there was no doubt that a discernible pattern was to be observed (but only while I was being subjected to serious torture.) “I hope this is not an experiment that those two need to replicate too often,” I thought. My skin felt like it was on fire and David’s continued roaring was adding to my headache. I passed out once again and did not wake until we were both back in our concrete cell.
My a vetyas orth ow howethes.langbot langbot
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