well advised oor Kornies

well advised

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well-advised a. lit. wise für
Py liw yw an re na?langbot langbot
sensible - prudent - well advised - wise
Yth esov vy ow studhya.langbot langbot
sensible - prudent - well advised - wise
Ni a vynn kewsel.langbot langbot
sensible - prudent - well advised - wise
Os ta demedhys?langbot langbot
(bas.) frank a beryll safe, sound, hale; secure; salow whole; poellek well, advisable, sensible
Piw a skrifas an lyther?langbot langbot
well advised
Ass os ta teg!langbot langbot
frank a beryll safe, sound, hale; secure; salow whole; poellek well, advisable, sensible
My re welas henna.langbot langbot
sensible - prudent - well advised - wise
Ny allav vy gweles.langbot langbot
well advised
My a wel an chi.langbot langbot
well advised
Piw o an vowes na?langbot langbot
(hg.) (bas.) frank a beryll safe, sound, hale; secure; salow whole; poellek well, advisable, sensible
Glas yw ow dewlagas.langbot langbot
When the witches inside the house heard the call, a great and terrible cry came from their lips. All together, they took flight to Slievenamon (i.e. the mountain of the women) where was their chief abode. But the Spirit of the Well advised the mistress to enter and prepare her home, in case the witches returned.
Res yw dhymm koska lemmyn.langbot langbot
yn-unn gonvedhez po onderstondya yn-faz; sensybyl sensible, perceptive; yn-unn berthi poell hag ordyr yn bywedh prudent; doeth wise; cautious; dyskret discreet; kommendyadow advisable, well; wary, careful, circumspect; desernus discriminating; resonus reasonable
Ple’ma hi?langbot langbot
(hg.) yn-unn gonvedhez po onderstondya yn-faz; sensybyl sensible, perceptive; yn-unn berthi poell hag ordyr yn bywedh prudent; doeth wise; cautious; dyskret discreet; kommendyadow advisable, well; wary, careful, circumspect; desernus discriminating; reson
Yeyn yw an gewer.langbot langbot
yn unn gonvedhes po onderstondya yn fas; sensybyl sensible, perceptive; yn unn berthi poell hag ordyr yn bywedh prudent; doeth wise; cautious; dyskret discreet; kommendyadow advisable, well; wary, careful, circumspect; desernus discriminating; resonus reasonable
Tom a enowis an gantol gans an tanbren.langbot langbot
Well,” said the black rider, “I know you’ll be at the races tomorrow. So, let me advise you: if you want to be sure of winning, allow me to send you my man to ride your horse. He’s never failed in a race yet.”
Yw res dhymm dos tre lemmyn?langbot langbot
Anyway, this meant the first item on the agenda in the morning after the battle (was it a ‘battle’, really?) was to clean ourselves up – just as, it seemed, Paul and Charles had been doing whilst holed up here. There were a couple of buckets now parked near the tap – and a watering can. I guessed that the buckets had been placed there by the keepers of the crypt but the watering can? Maybe Paul and Charles had swiped it from somewhere else in the cemetery grounds. A small mystery – too small to worry about. I brandished the watering can in David’s general direction: “Shower, Mate?” Barely a grunt. “Come on, Mate,” I said. “You could be a world record holder: the first zombie to take a shower.” No grunt at all. It seemed that zombies were not keen on personal hygiene – and David stank very badly. His clothes, his hair and his face were all caked with coagulated human blood and gore. I advised him ‘the beautiful people’ were not wearing blood and gore this season but still he seemed unmoved. David had never actually been a fashionisto – and now he was, well, dead, such matters seemed to mean even less to him. How would I get this stinking bugger to wash? I decided to set an example and stripped off my own disreputable gear. For the first time, I had a chance to look at my own state. I, too, was covered in filth of various kinds. I suppose that, by living in close contact with not only David but other zombies, I had picked up a lot of filth that they were carrying – even though I was largely unaware of it at the time. I decided to go naked until I had washed and dried my clothes. To keep warm, I could wrap myself in the blankets that Paul and Charles had left behind. Where had they managed to get the blankets? From their raid upon the gate-keeper’s residence, I supposed. No matter. The blankets were welcome wherever they had come from.
Piw ki yw hemma?langbot langbot
So, the other groups had been left to their fates as well. Again, why? Were they, too, so worthless? Then, a few hours after that, all the phones went dead and, at the same time, the TV broadcasts stopped completely. A curious coincidence, you might think. Actually, the TV broadcasts stopped in the middle of ‘The Jetsons’. (But, don’t worry, I’d seen the episode before and well knew that Mr Spacely ultimately reinstated George Jetson – and even gave him a raise! So, I was able to assuage the understandable anxiety that the interrupted transmission had caused to the other survivors by advising them of George’s fate.) After that, we were merely left to speculation as to what was happening outside the campus. (A search for a short-wave radio turned up nothing.) Our discussions went around in circles for hour upon hour. What else was there to do? After all, the library’s snack-food vending machines had already been looted. The single fact that gnawed at all of us was this: one day there were no zombies and the next day there were hundreds of them – all young, all male. How was that possible? We had seen for ourselves that the infection spread by bite, by saliva, I suppose. We had also seen that guys who were bitten took at least two days to succumb – and then return as zombies. In David’s case, of course, he’d lasted for a whole seven days so far. (Though it didn’t look like he’d go much further than that.) So, let’s suppose there was a “Patient Zero”, the first guy to be infected, being treated somewhere in one of the hospitals or clinics around Parkville. How does he manage to bite hundreds of other guys, more or less simultaneously, and instantly turn them into zombies? There were a few of those sheltering in the Baillieu who were studying either biochemistry or medicine. They confirmed what we were all thinking: that’s just not how epidemics work. So, how ...?
My a’gas konvedh.langbot langbot
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