whey oor Kornies


/weɪ/ naamwoord
The liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained in the process of making cheese.

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necessary a. (a) res; most n. pòrres; essential pòrresys WJ; oc. necessary TH; it is n. res ew; it is very n. res ew pòrres; you know it is n. whei a wör dr'ewa res; what will be n. for me an dra vedh res dhemm ~ dhe vy Lh.; both are n. to do and use an dhew ew necessary dhe vos gwres ha dhe vos ûsyes TH; though it be n. for me to die ken vy res dhemm bos marow BK; that is not n. hedna a alja bos gerys SWF M gesys; there is nothing more n. nyns eus tra vyth moy necessary
Ny wonn.langbot langbot
sister n. hôr f., pl. horydh NB, Lh., WJ, TH +. Pref. to RN's wheryth; is that your s? ew hodda gas hôr whei ?; is that girl your s? ew an vos- na gas hôr ? Lh.; >
Edgar Degas yw ow hanow.langbot langbot
n. gowlevryans < v; phr. you are l. ma gow geno whei; I will not be found to be l. na vedhama kevys gôwek ♦ God is never found to l. na vedh Duw nevra pur wir kevys gôwek WJ
Piw a’n torras?langbot langbot
be s. v. tewel; keep s. v. sevel en cosel; sevel en cres; I will be s. now so you can speak my a vedn tewel lebmyn m'allo whei cows; we has better be s. so we can hear gwell via nei dhe dewel m'alla nei clowes
Yth esons i ow mires orth.langbot langbot
goodnight ternostadha /ˌtərnəs'tæðɐ/ RC; nos da dhe whei; at ~ by n. en termyn an nos WR; en termyn nos WR; en nos WR; dre nos; dworrenos; nosweth BM; by n. and day keffres en nos hag en jedh OM; overnight dres nos; in the n. e'n nos WR; last n. nehewer ~ newer; each n. and day pub nos ha dedh WJ; this very n. en nos hanath PA; n. and day nos ha dedh
My a vynn ri dhedhi an lyver a-vorow.langbot langbot
whei dhe dhos tre; b. mid-night bedn hanternos; before ken ~ kens; b. the end of the week kens pednseythen Lh.; b. chance dres lebmel; in oaths
Yma drog penn euthyk dhymm.langbot langbot
n. ges /geːz/ m. -yow; wharth m.; funny story whedhal m., pl. whedhlow Spoken var. whiddel; phr. he saw that a j. had been played on him ev a welas fatel veu ges gwres anodho WR; you’re having me on! thero whei wor ow gòrra vy ! RG
My a bareusis kinnyow.langbot langbot
♦ you will see revenge ~ very quickly whei a wel dial üskys WJ; 1000 vs on your scabby head mil venjans war dha bedn crehy WJ; a great v. venjans
Ev a erviras gwertha y garr-tan.langbot langbot
sincerely adv. en lendury; gen lendury; en lel See 'faithfully'; without trickery heb tòll na gîk; yours s., equiv. for letters gen oll an golon vy JB c-; gen oll ow holon vy; yehes ha sowena; health to you now and hereafter yehes da whei lebmyn ha òj'hemma ewedh TB; your servant, for a man gas gwas /gwæːz/ JB; your humblest servant agas oberwas üvelha Lh. No fem. equiv.
Ny vynnav dos.langbot langbot
phr. take the kettle o. the heat gory an taykel a-dhor an tan RG; take your trousers o. gory dhort whei gas lavrek; he took o. his hat ev wrüg gòrra dhorta y hatt; mouldy pindy d; loos; phr. this meat is o. ma blas a'n loos gen an kig-ma; the bread has gone o. treylyes loos ew an bara; of milk trenk ~ trynk; >
Gwynn yw an howl.langbot langbot
vacancy n. gwag m., pl. gwagow; telher gwag m., pl. teleryow gwag; gwagla m., pl. gwagleow nc gwag + la; empty room or position rom voyd m.; available room chomber dhe gemeres; vacant job soodh wag f.; opening, way out gwagy m., pl. gwagiow Lh.; job vs., as heading for ad. whel dhe wül; sòdhow pl.; have you any job vs? eus whel dhe wil gena whei ?
Ha pandr’a wrug hi dhe dhelinya y’n tewes?langbot langbot
♦ I have a great w. to know ma dhemm meur dhesîr a wodhvos; ...can do what he ws. a ell gül y ünadow BK; with good ws. gen pub bonojedh da; I will or w. to go with you my a vedn mos gena whei; but may your wish be done bes (< mes) bedhens gwres dha vydnes PA
Pur vyghan o.langbot langbot
phr. We are still feeling the e. of the virus thero nei whath ow sòffra ober an virus; you will have to put the plan into full e. whei a dalvedh collewel an towl nowydh;
Kas yw genev tesen.langbot langbot
♦ there is no king as r. nag eus metêrn mar riel BK; an goor rielha BK; we have not heard of a lord under the sun more royal than you ny glowsen cows a arlòdh en dadn an howl rielha ageso whei BK; certainly, most r. pur riel en sur certan OM; raised of r. blood sevys a goos riel BM
Mamm Tomm ov vy.langbot langbot
f. on, f. over, f. on top of a-dhywar /ə dɪˌwɒr/ Pers. Forms 1 sg., a-dhywarnam, a-dhywarna vy,2 sg., a-dhywarnes, a-dhywarna jy, 3 sg.m., a-dhywarnodho, a-dhywar ev, 3 sg.f., a-dhywarnedhy, a-dhywar hei, 1 pl., a-dhywarnen, a-dhywara nei, 2 pl., a-dhywarnowgh, a-dhywaro whei, 3 pl., a-dhywarnedhans, a-dhywar anjei; >
Yma jynn-amontya dhymm.langbot langbot
ashamed a. methek TH, a. of methek a; methek rag; to be a v. cawas meth; kemeres sham a dha honen; be shy bos methek; phr. You should be a. of yourself whei dalvia gawas meth a'gas hònan; whei dalvia kemeres sham ahanas dha hònan
Py par mowes os ta?langbot langbot
♦ do what he ds. gül y unadow BK; that was his d. hedna o y unadow BK; I will give you your d. rei dhis (< theso), my a wra dha unadow BK; my desire, o beloved, is to go with you ow unadow, a garadow, ew mos genes BK; I have a great d. to know the truth from you ma dhemm meur dhesîr a wodhvos orto whei an gwir; all according to your d. oll dhe'th desîr BK; I've a great d to know the truth from you ma dhemm meur dhesîr a wodhvos orto whei an gwir; never would he d. more joy nevra ny yeunsa moy joy PA; knowing how to discern here between evil and good is always my d. godhvos, eweth, decernya òbma tredh (< ynter) drog ha da ew ow unadow pup eur BM < ewnadow
Na skrifis, ny’n skrifis.langbot langbot
♦ I will t. you my a dhesca dhis NB; whatever little ditty or utterance you speak will be a hindrance to t'ing you and the rewards (or wages) are not much pe dîth münys cowsowgh whei lett vedh orth agas desky ha meur nyns ew an gobrow BM
Kas yw genev an cita ma.langbot langbot
mean v. menya; styrya; sygnyfia; phr. I m. thera vy ow menya JT; he ms. ema ev ow menya TH; those are to m. an re-na ew dhe venya TH; that is to m. henn ew dhe venya TH; this is to m. hemma ew the styrya TH; what do you m? pandra ero whei ow menya ?; pandra venjo whei lavaral ?; I do not understand what that ms. na worama convedhes pandr'üjy hedna ow styrya; that ms. you do not want to go der hedna na vedno whei mos RG; he did not m. what he said (his heart was not agreeing with what he said) na accordia y golon gens y lavar; I know what you m. my a wor an peth esta ow menya
Kas yw ganso kevewiow.langbot langbot
hungry a. usu. gwag; phr. I am h. gwag o vy WP; tho vy gwag; are you h? gwag o whei ?; phr. I am hungrier than anybody in the world gwag o vy pur wir, dres oll tüs e'n bes WJ; ravenous ravunek WB; weak from hunger gwadn ♦ so none shall go home h. ma'l nag onan mos gwadn tre WG; faint with hunger clamm d clem, clam; tired and h. or bored gwalluryk Lh.; be h. v. constr. with bos ~ cawas; go h. v. mos gwag /gwæːg/
Nyns yw da gans Tom an tybyans na.langbot langbot
The Annual English-Cornish Dictionary. 2024 Edition. An Gerlever Sowsnek-Kernôwek Bledhednek N. Kennedy © Copyrigbht. Keniver gwir gwithys. ISSN 2754-592X See also 'praise'. phr. with my cs. gen ow gwelha gormenadow dhe whei; give my cs. to your mother garebma vy dhe'th mabm; give her my
Nyns ov studhyer.langbot langbot
ero whei (ow) mos ? TT, Chirgwin; w. is he? pele ma e ? WR; w. are you? pele ero whei ?; w. were you? sg pele esta WR; w. have you
Ny yll'ta leverel henna.langbot langbot
♦ I am d. marow o vy; my ew marow WJ; I am nearly d. pur ogas marow eth oma WJ; he is d, the son-of-a-bitch otta marow, an horsen chorl WJ; when H. was d. poth o Herod marow WR; H. is d. ma Herod marow WR; they will be d. before morn marow vedhons kens vettin OM; all that had the breath of life in it is d. marow ew pub tra era sperys a vownans itna OM; that is you d! otto whei marow !; when these (they) are d. pa vo an re-ma marow BM; when s/he is d. pa vo marow; until he was d. bys pan veu marow PA; d. ball area SPORT lâwn marow m. TP; anter marow m. RL > dead-beat a. fethys; sqwachys; browys
Yma edhom dhe Varia a dhewdhek oy.langbot langbot
denomination n. RELIG eglos; sort eglos; tradicyon m. -s; phr. What's your d? Pehen eglos o whei ? denounce v. name henwel; declarya; accuse cably; cuhüdha ~ cuhüdhas; acûsya
Pyth esowgh hwi ow hwilas?langbot langbot
condolence n. coselethans m.; phr. I offer you my cs dha yeyn nowodow ew bern dhem; drog ew genama gas coll; thera vy coseletha geno whei
Yma ow kul glaw.langbot langbot
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