bathe oor Kui (India)


/beɪð/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(intransitive)To clean oneself by immersion in water or using water; to take a bath, have a bath.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kui (India)

akali pakali giva

transitive verb
Pol Grymonprez

akali pakali āva

(by splashing water over the body)
Pol Grymonprez


(someone else)
Pol Grymonprez

En 3 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

mīva · siru mīva · siḍru mīva

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

bathed myself
bathing myself
I will bathe myself
I bathed myself
they will go and bathe
take a bath
akali pakali āva · siru mīva
bathing place


Advanced filtering
When they found a spider they will go to the spring and bathe and they will take the spirit to the house and keep it. Then in the new tekkis they will cook food and will kill a fowl.
earu kurma pāṇja-nai sūga tangi saja-nai siru mīneru enga pīderi ijoki vā-nai iṭineru, emba pūni ṭekinga ṛai veha vajineru enga koju ronḍa vēneru. (WKMC1924:04-02)pogrymon pogrymon
I have so much dust on my body so today when I take a bath I have to scrub the filth well.
nāi ganḍi tani gāme māsi mane ānu nēnju negaṛe māsi rēsa-na siru mīi. (ND2017)pogrymon pogrymon
Lot of weeds are there in Bulu well, so people are not taking bath there.
Bulu sūga tani gāme jibenḍi āja mane ēse bāga lōku emba siru mīi siḍeru. (ND2016)pogrymon pogrymon
In my childhood I used to bathe in the pond only.
ānu kogeri vēla gāme bondo tani vari siru mīva. (ND2015)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
Our village women will go to the well early in the morning to take a bath.
māi nāju ajasaka nāḍisine sūga tangi akali pakali āva tangi sanu. (ND2015)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
Even when the pond water was muddy I bathed there like that anyway.
bondo siru glōnga-seka ve ānu ehengene mīva. (ND2015)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
The priest sacrifices a hen and then all the people go to bathe.
kūṭa gaṭanju koju ronḍa lākinenju, lāka givane gule taka siḍru mīkaneru. (WI1928:135)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
Children have made the water muddy so you do not take bath by that water.
mīḍaka siru tini glōpkaneru ēse bāga īru ēra siru mīätu. (ND2015)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
In my childhood my mother used to bathe me.
nāi kogeri vēla māi aja nānge siru mīspi-njate.(ND2016)pogrymon pogrymon
What wealth they will take putting it all on the burning place they will burn, they will bring water with a pot and pour it and afterwards they will bathe and return home. At the house of the dead man at the back and the front on bamboos they will tie red clothes,
esti dorbo ōneru ēva tūṛenji tani gule iṭa-nai mṛahneru, siru ṭekinga ṛai tasa-nai kīpkineru enga ḍaṛa siru mīa-nai ijoki enga raha venjoki iḍu tani māṛinga ṛai paṭa sinḍanga tahneru enga tūli senḍo prānga muginga rēnga rēnga iṭineru. (WKMC1924:03.02)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
In my childhood my mother used to bathe me.
nāi kogeri vēla māi aja nānge siru mīspinjate. (ND2016)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
Having bathed in the muddy water I got a lot of itching pimples.
glōnga-nara siru mīa nangaṭi ānu gāme kasanga puṭka paha. (NLS2015.20.03)Pol Grymonprez Pol Grymonprez
Some water entered my ear when taking a bath in the morning.
ānu nāḍisi siru mīisani kiru tani siru īke sōljase. (ND2016)pogrymon pogrymon
The man who does the field sacrifice taking a fowl, a small earthen pot, turmeric powder, rice, wood, salt, chillies goes to the field sacrifice. Bathing, cooking veha and then taking the fowl, turmeric powder and a little rice goes to the field embankment and sacrifices thus:
lākini keta gaṭanju koju ronḍa, pūni ṭila, sṛīnga gunḍa, prānga, veska, sāru, pirti kānga ahanai keta tangi lāka sanenju. siru mīanai, veha vājanai, koju, sīnga gunḍa, prānga īkoni ahanai, pīṛa tani ihingi lākinenju: (WKMC1924:05.01)pogrymon pogrymon
I have kept water there for you to take bath.
siru mīva sēlu omba iṭa jīa mai. (ND2017)pogrymon pogrymon
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