"I make free adults out of children by means of books and a balance." oor Latyn

"I make free adults out of children by means of books and a balance."

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facio liberos ex liberis libris libraque

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Also if he strike out a tooth of his manservant or maidservant, he shall in like manner make them free.
at se duodecim legionibus petitum duce Tiberio inlibatam Germanorum gloriam servavisse, mox condicionibus aequis discessum; neque paenitere quod ipsorum in manu sit, integrum adversum Romanos bellum an pacem incruentam malint.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
They, and by they I mean we, also got a clear explanation of how the islanders got onto the island.
In novo genere belli novae ab utrisque bellandi rationes reperiebantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even Afranius's son, a young man, endeavored, by means of Sulpitius the lieutenant, to make terms for his own and his father's life.
conglobatur promisca multitudo populumque Romanum eadem orare clamitat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This is already happening in the many different acts of selfless generosity, often humble and hidden, carried out by men and women, children and adults, the young and the old, the healthy and the sick.
nupta olim Cn. Pisoni et palam laeta morte Germanici, cum Piso caderet, precibus Augustae nec minus inimicitiis Agrippinae defensa erat.vatican.va vatican.va
In the Philippines, the gumamela (local name for hibiscus) is used by children as part of a bubble-making pastime.
Erat eo loco fossa pedum XV et vallum contra hostem in altitudinem pedum X, tantundemque eius valli agger in latitudinem patebat: ab eo intermisso spatio pedum DC alter conversus incontrariam partem erat vallus humiliore paulo munitione.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is a book often read by adults.
angebant Caecinam nequiquam omnia coepta et senescens exercitus sui fama.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
An estimated 170,000 adults and children were infected at the end of 2004.
illic contumacia et certaminibus asperasset iuvenem exituque eius laetatus esset an scelere extinxisset, integris animis diiudicandum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This ultimately means making freedom selfdefining and a phenomenon creative of itself and its values.
nec remedium in ceteros fuit, sed metus initium, tamquam per artem et formidine singuli pellerentur, omnibus suspectis.vatican.va vatican.va
Unitarian Universalism (UU) is a liberal religion characterized by a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning".
Ad eas res conficiendas biennium sibi satis esse duxerunt; in tertium annum profectionem lege confirmant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
141) To do penance means above all to restablish the balance and harmony broken by sin, to change direction even at the cost of sacrifice.
et capta quaedam castella, gloriaeque et praedae nonnihil partum, si aut gloriam cum modo aut praedam cum cura habuisset: longinquis itineribus percursando quae obtineri nequibant, conrupto qui captus erat commeatu et instante iam hieme, reduxit exercitum composuitque ad Caesarem litteras quasi confecto bello, verbis magnificis, rerum vacuas.vatican.va vatican.va
Rain and a small shower form out of a cloud, drop by drop. Which makes, when frozen, hail, half-frozen, snow, when warm, mildew.
atque illo praetendente sexaginta dies ad consultandum datos necdum praeterisse, satis visum de Vistilia statuere; eaque in insulam Seriphon abdita est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
For it is precisely by means of fostering and strengthening solidarity that the Church can make a specific and decisive contribution to a true culture of peace.
Omnia scire, non omnia exsequi.vatican.va vatican.va
A Unified Ledger accounting system can never be out of balance.
Non bella ineunt, non arma sumunt; clausum omne ferrum: pax et quies tunc tantum nota, tunc tantum amata, donec idem sacerdos satiatam conversatione mortalium deam templo reddat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indeed, the family is a social reality which does not have readily available all the means necessary to carry out its proper ends, also in matters regarding schooling and the rearing of children.
Nam tantum ab equitum suorum auxiliis aberant, quorum numerum habebant magnum, ut eos superioribus perterritos proeliis in medium reciperent agmen ultroque eos tuerentur; quorum nulli ex itinere excedere licebat, quin ab equitatu Caesaris exciperetur.vatican.va vatican.va
The Church looks after these seeds of vocations sown in the hearts of children by means of the institution of minor seminaries, providing a careful though preliminary discernment and accompaniment.
Caninius Rebi[l]us, ex primoribus peritia legum et pecuniae magnitudine, cruciatus aegrae senectae misso per venas sanguine effugit, haud creditus sufficere ad constantiam sumendae mortis, ob libidines muliebriter infamis.vatican.va vatican.va
If the Rosary is well presented, I am sure that young people will once more surprise adults by the way they make this prayer their own and recite it with the enthusiasm typical of their age group.
His cum copiis finis hostium ingressus composito agmine, cuncta explorans paratusque decernere, haud procul Hierosolymis castra facit.vatican.va vatican.va
And I will make thee increase exceedingly, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
Nam hoc toto proelio, cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit, aversum hostem videre nemo potuit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Religious education and the catechesis of children make the family a true subject of evangelization and the apostolate within the Church.
Pecuniam probant veterem et diu notam, serratos bigatosque.vatican.va vatican.va
But come, and I will send thee to Pharaoh, that thou mayst bring forth my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.
nihil ad pedestrem pugnam tam ignavum: ubi per turmas advenere vix ulla acies obstiterit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
By this means, the lesser camp, included within the greater, answered the purpose of a fort and citadel.
Quibus rebus cognitis Caesar, etsi magni interesse arbitrabatur quam primum oppido potiri cohortesque ad se in castra traducere, ne qua aut largitionibus aut animi confirmatione aut falsis nuntiis commutatio fieret voluntatis, quod saepe in bello parvis momentis magni casus intercederent, tamen veritus, ne militum introitu et nocturni temporis licentia oppidum diriperetur, eos, qui venerant, collaudat atque in oppidum dimittit, portas murosque adservari iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Conversion means accepting, by a personal decision, the saving sovereignty of Christ and becoming his disciple.
Vtrisque ad animum occurrit unum esse illud tempus, quo maxime contendi conveniat: Galli, nisi perfregerint munitiones, de omni salute desperant; Romani, si rem obtinuerint, finem laborum omnium exspectant.vatican.va vatican.va
My job is easy and I have a lot of free time.
Frumenti et tributorum exactionem aequalitate munerum mollire, circumcisis quae in quaestum reperta ipso tributo gravius tolerabantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Catechism or Christian Doctrine, the only work printed during his lifetime (1554), is a pedagogical synthesis of the content of the faith, addressed to children and adults.
Ad imaginem quippe Dei factus est homo.vatican.va vatican.va
We shall address adults, families, young people, children, without ever hiding the most radical demands of the Gospel message, but taking into account each person's needs in regard to their sensitivity and language, after the example of Paul who declared: "I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some" (1 Cor 9:22).
haec ferre Gavius Silvanus tribunus praetoriaecohortis, et an dicta Natalis suaque responsa nosceret percunctari Senecam iubetur.vatican.va vatican.va
80787 sinne gevind in 339 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.