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Category:North American people
Categoria:Incolae Americae Septentrionalislangbot langbot
The mission of the agency is "working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people."
Propositum ministerii est "cum aliis laborans ad pisces, feras, plantas, habitationesque earum continenter pro Americanis conservandas, protegendas, amplificandas."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The founders included businessmen and financiers, as well as leading artists and thinkers of the day, who wanted to open a museum to bring art and art education to the American people.
Inter conditores fuerunt negotiatores, argentarii, et artifices et cogitatores magni momenti illius temporis, qui museum aperire volebant ut artem et educationem artisticam populo Americano ferrent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Active principally in the field of ethnomusicology, he has done field research with Native American peoples (1960s and 1980s, see Blackfoot music), in Iran (1966, 1968–69, 1972, 1974), and in South India (1981–2).
Ethnomusicologus investigationes annis 1960 et 1980 fecit musicae Indigenarum Americanarum (vide Blackfoot Musical Thought, 1989), musicae Iraniae (1966, 1968–1969, 1972, 1974), et musicae Indiae Australis (1981–1982).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Now if, on the one hand, the increased riches and resources of your cities are justly attributed to the talents and active industry of the American people, on the other hand, the prosperous condition of Catholicity must be ascribed, first indeed, to the virtue, the ability, and the prudence of the bishops and clergy; but in so slight measure also, to the faith and generosity of the Catholic laity.
Iamvero si ex una parte auctae opes copiaeque civitatum merito americani generis ingenio atque operosae sedulitati referuntur acceptae : ex altera florens rei catholicae conditio primum quidem virtuti, sollertiae, prudentiaeque tribuenda Episcoporum et Cleri : deinde vero fidei munificentiaeque
And still others, like Thomas Morton, cared little for the church; Morton's The New English Canaan mocked the religious settlers and declared that the Native Americans were actually better people than the British.
Iam alii ecclesiam nil morati sunt; inter quos Thomas Morton, cuius liber The New English Canaan ('Novum Canaan Anglicum') colonos religiosos deridens, Americanos Nativos meliores homines quam Britannici revera esse declaravit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In works like The Adventures of Augie March and Herzog, Bellow painted vivid portraits of the American city and the distinctive characters that peopled it.
In The Adventures of Augie March, Herzog, et aliis operibus, ipse alacres urbis Americanae imagines et personarum distinctarum qui eam habitabat effigies pinxit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Costa Rica took in many refugees from a range of other Latin American countries fleeing civil wars and dictatorships during the 1970s and 1980s, notably from Chile and Argentina, as well as people from El Salvador who fled from guerrillas and government death squads.
Ora Dives multos exsules accepit ex variis aliis Latinamericanis nationibus bella civilia et dictaturas fugientes per decennia 198 et 199, imprimis e Chilia et Argentina, quoque et homines e Salvatoria, qui bellum clandestinum et gubernationis turmas mortis fugere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Above all, all Pastors of souls will undertake to obtain each year from their people a pledge similar to the one already alluded to which is given by their American brothers and in which they promise to stay away from motion picture plays which are offensive to truth and to Christian morality.
Imprimisque singuli curent animarum Pastores, ut quemadmodum Foederatarum Americae Civitatum catholici — christifideles sibi crediti quotannis spondeant se numquam cinematographica spectacula participaturos, quae veritatem offendant christianaeque doctrinae
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Chomsky explicitly condemned Soviet imperialism; for example in 1986 during a question/answer following a lecture he gave at Universidad Centroamericana in Nicaragua, when challenged by an audience member about how he could "talk about North American imperialism and Russian imperialism in the same breath", Chomsky responded: "One of the truths about the world is that there are two superpowers, one a huge power which happens to have its boot on your neck, another, a smaller power which happens to have its boot on other people's necks.
Ante eius casum, Unionis quoque Sovieticae imperialismum Chomsky condemnavit; anno 1986, verbi gratia, inter cursum quaestionum et respondorum post acroasin, quae apud Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" dederat, cum provocatus sit de modo, quo "de Americae Septentrionalis imperialismo et Russico imperialismo eadem anima loqui" potuerit, Chomsky respondit: "Una e mundi veritatibus est superpotentias esse duas, alteram, quae sit immanis et quae, ut evenit, in cervice tua caligam suam teneat; alteram, quae sit minor et quae, ut evenit, in aliorum cervicibus caligam suam teneat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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