Animal families oor Latyn

Animal families

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Familiae Animalium


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This communion is rooted in the natural bonds of flesh and blood, and grows to its specifically human perfection with the establishment and maturing of the still deeper and richer bonds of the spirit: the love that animates the interpersonal relationships of the different members of the family constitutes the interior strength that shapes and animates the family communion and community.
Huiusmodi communio in naturalibus carnis et sanguinis vinculis est insita, atque, spiritus nexus etiam interiores et uberiores instituendo atque ad maturationem adducendo, provehitur et propie humano modo perficitur: amor, qui inter varia familiae membra, uti inter personas, mutuas alit rationes intercedentes, ipse est vis intima domesticam communionem et societatem efficiens atque
Animated by a true apostolic spirit, this assistance from family to family will constitute one of the simplest, most effective and most accessible means for transmitting from one to another those Christian values which are both the starting point and goal of all pastoral care.
Vere apostolico spiritu vivificatum, hoc auxilium inter familias e facillimis, validissimis et omnium usui accommodatis erit modis, quo illa praestantia bona christiana longe lateque manantia transfundantur, quae principium et meta sunt cuiusvis ministerii
He arouses not only a desire for the age to come but by that very fact, he animates, purifies and strengthens those noble longings too by which the human family strives to make its life more humane and to render the earth submissive to this goal."
Id autem faciunt illi tamquam Christi discipuli, qui, ut in Concilio scriptum legimus: « Sua Resurrectione Dominus constitutus, per virtutem Spiritus Sui in cordibus hominum iam operatur, non solum venturi saeculi desiderium suscitans, sed eo ipso illa etiam generosa vota animans, purificans et roborans, quibus humana familia suam ipsius vitam humaniorem reddere et totam terram huic fini subiicere satagit » (265)
"The family has vital and organic links with society, since it is its foundation and nourishes it continually through its role of service to life: it is from the family that citizens come to birth and it is within the family that they find the first school of the social virtues that are the animating principle of the existence and development of society itself.
Familia coniungitur cum societate quasi vinculis ratione vitali et ordinata, quoniam eius fundamentum efficit atque perenne alimentum per suum ipsius munus vitae inserviendi: nam ex familia cives nascuntur et in familia primam scholam socialium illarum virtutum inveniunt, quae societatis ipsius vitam animant
The family has vital and organic links with society, since it is its foundation and nourishes it continually through its role of service to life: it is from the family that citizens come to birth and it is within the family that they find the first school of the social virtues that are the animating principle of the existence and development of society itself.
Familia cum societate ratione vitali et ordinata quasi vinculis coniungitur, quoniam eius fundamentum efficit atque perenne alimentum per suum ipsius munus vitae inserviendi: nam ex familia cives nascuntur et in familia primam scholam illarum virtutum socialium inveniunt, quae animant societatis ipsius vitam ac
In this work of contributing to the human family, for which the whole Church is responsible, a particular place falls to the lay faithful, by reason of their "secular character", obliging them, in their proper and irreplaceable way, to work towards the Christian animation of the temporal order.
In hoc munere adimplendo pro hominum familia, cuius tota Ecclesia responsabilis est, locus peculiaris christifidelibus laicis competit propter eorum “indolem saecularem”, ex qua suis rationibus propriis, in quibus substitui non possunt, ad animationem ordinis temporalis
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