Bear oor Latyn


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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/bɛə(r)/, /bɛɚ/, /bɛə/ adjektief, Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
A large omnivorous mammal, related to the dog and raccoon, having shaggy hair, a very small tail, and flat feet; a member of family Ursidae, particularly of subfamily Ursinae.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


large mammal of family Ursidae
Fleeing a bear, he runs into a lion.
Fugiens ursum, incidit in leonem.


large mammal of family Ursidae


to be equipped with
"It will likewise redound to your honour that you have raised to the highest places men who could also bear moderate fortune."""
"hoc quoque in tuam gloriam cedet, eos ad summa vexisse, qui et modica tolerarent."""

En 48 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

fero · patiri · suffero · Ursus · creo · pario · gero · gigno · habeo · porto · parere · perfero · tolero · accipere · apporto · creare · duro · efficio · enitor · ferre · geno · gesto · nascor · patior · suscipio · sustento · ursus arctos · Ursidae · Ursus arctos · abfero · accongero · adtolero · attolero · aufero · baijulo · bajulo · defero · edo · educo · effero · fundo · perveho · progigno · sorbeo · sustineo · ursidae · urßus · vecto

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Soortgelyke frases

produce|bear fruit
bearing flesh
Little Dipper|Bear
gold bearing
press|squeeze|bear hard|down
urgeo · urgueo
bring|carry|bear together|to one place
monstrifer · monstrigenus · monstriger
horn-bearing|horned animal


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"Through shifting hazards, by the Fates' decree, / to Latin shores we steer, our promised land to see. / There quiet settlements the Fates display, / there Troy her ruined fortunes shall repair. / Bear up; reserve you for a happier day."
Dux bello peritissimus, civis in toga.tatoeba tatoeba
Those however who tried to storm the entrenchment of the legions were easily repulsed; the Thracian auxiliaries were dismayed by the suddenness of the onset, for though some were lying close to their lines, far more were straggling beyond them, and the massacre was all the more savage, inasmuch as they were taunted with being fugitives and traitors and bearing arms for their own and their country's enslavement.
dedit tibi, Hortale, divus Augustus pecuniam, sed non conpellatus nec en lege ut semper daretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When Mary exclaims: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”, she already bears Jesus in her womb.
togatum nempe se et unum e senatoribus: dum inter Vespasianum ac Vitellium proeliis legionum, captivitatibus urbium, deditionibus cohortium iudicatur, iam Hispaniis Germaniisque et Britannia desciscentibus, fratrem Vespasiani mansisse in fide, donec ultro ad condiciones
May the trials which you encounter be for you an opportunity for bearing in union with the Lord, and of offering to the Father, the many misfortunes and unjust sufferings which weigh upon our brothers and sisters; to these the sacrifice of Christ can alone—in faith—give meaning.
repertique accusatores direptos socios, cum Suillius provinciam Asiam regeret, ac publicae pecuniae peculatum
"Quintilius, making this a pretext for addressing them, began to go round Curio's lines, and to entreat the soldiers ""not to lose all recollection of the oath which they took first to Domitius and to him their quaestor, nor bear arms against those who had shared the same fortune, and endured the same hardships in a siege, nor fight for those by whom they had been opprobriously called deserters."" To this he added a few words by way of encouragement, what they might expect from his own liberality, if they should follow him and Attius."
cohortium alarum legionum hiberna subversa cremataque, iis tantum relictis quae Mogontiaci ac Vindonissae sita sunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consecrated persons are being asked to bear witness everywhere with the boldness of a prophet who is unafraid of risking even his life.
Spatium eius, si Britanniae comparetur, angustius nostri maris insulas
The episcopal conferences are asked that, bearing in mind the great number of migrants and travelers today, they assign to a priest delegated for this purpose or to a special commission established for this purpose everything pertaining to the study and direction of the spiritual care of these persons.
Quam rem sicuti cetera celeriter feliciterque
With the Great Jubilee she entered the new millennium, bearing the Gospel, applied to today's world through the authoritative rereading of the Second Vatican Council.
hinc dolor iniuriarum et libido vindictae adigebat: sed disserebatur contra suscipi bellum avio itinere, importuoso mari; ad hoc reges ferocis, vagos populos, solum frugum egenum, taedium ex mora, pericula ex properantis, modicam victoribus laudem ac multum infamiae, si
The Eucharist is the Sacrament in which our new being is most completely expressed and in which Christ himself unceasingly and in an ever new manner "bears witness" in the Holy Spirit to our spirit164 that each of us, as a sharer in the mystery of the Redemption, has access to the fruits of the filial reconciliation with God165 that he himself actuated and continually actuates among us by means of the Church's ministry.
utrumque qui interfuere nunc quoque memorant, postquam nullum mendacio
The bear ran after me.
Interim Numidae Gaetuli[que] diffugere cotidie ex castris Scipionis et partim in regnum se conferre, partim quod ipsi maioresque eorum beneficio C. Mari usi fuissent Caesaremque eius adfinem esse audiebant, in eius castra perfugere catervatim non intermittunt.tatoeba tatoeba
If Christ is presented to young people as he really is, they experience him as an answer that is convincing and they can accept his message, even when it is demanding and bears the mark of the Cross.
Hic vero nulla munitio est quae perterritos recipiat: modo conscripti atque usus militaris imperiti ad tribunum militum centurionesque ora convertunt; quid ab his praecipiatur
By its means the word of God is brought to bear on life, on which it projects the light of that wisdom which is a gift of the Spirit.
ceterum ut profutura, ita minimum oblectationis
Brown bear
Neque vero tam remisso ac languido animo quisquam omnium fuit, qui ea nocte conquieverit.langbot langbot
For a most severe judgment shall be for them that bear rule. . . .
Quod cum a Caesare esset animadversum, nequid temere culpa secus admitteretur, eum locum definire
Therefore this is not a counsel but a duty, and it is the duty, not of those only who desire a more perfect life, but clearly of every man "always bearing about in our body the mortification of Jesus."(
Nam quod omni ex reliquis partibus demesso frumento pars una erat reliqua, suspicati hostes huc nostros esse venturos noctu in silvis delituerant; tum dispersos depositis armis in metendo occupatos Subito adorti paucis interfectis reliquos incertis ordinibus perturbaverant, simul equitatu atque essedis
It bears witness to a fuller expression of that plan of life which we begin to construct in our youth.
quo tum exemplo Lepidus, quamquam pecuniae modicus, avitum decus
Inspired by this message, some of the first Christians distributed their goods to the poor, bearing witness to the fact that, despite different social origins, it was possible for people to live together in peace and harmony.
Quo cum venisset, L. Torquatus, qui iussu Pompei oppido praeerat praesidiumque ibi Parthinorumhabebat,conatus portis clausis oppidum defendere, cum Graecos murum ascendere atque arma capere iuberet, illi autem se contra imperium populi Romani pugnaturos esse negarent, oppidani autem etiam sua sponte Caesarem recipere conarentur, desperatis omnibus auxiliis portas aperuit et se atque oppidum Caesari dedidit incolumisque ab eo conservatus
The aim of all Christian education, moreover, is to train the believer in an adult faith that can make him a "new creation", capable of bearing witness in his surroundings to the Christian hope that inspires him.
Sub vesperum consilio convocato cohortatus ut ea quae imperasset diligenter industrieque administrarent, naves, quas Metiosedo deduxerat, singulas equitibus Romanis attribuit, et prima confecta vigilia quattuor milia passuum secundo flumine silentio progredi ibique se exspectari
But good AEneas, pondering through the night / distracting thoughts and many an anxious care, / resolved, when daybreak brought the gladsome light, / to search the coast, and back sure tidings bear, / what land was this, what habitants were there, / if man or beast, for, far as the eye could rove, / a wilderness the region seemed, and bare.
deprecatus primo senatum ne maiestatis crimina tractarentur, mox M. Servilium e consularibus aliosque testis inlexit ad proferenda quae velut reicere voluerat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Meanwhile, We, for the singular love We bear you, shall be suppliants to Almighty God that He may in His goodness favor your zeal and your efforts. And We beg you, Bishops of the rest of the Catholic world, to fulfill the same duty on behalf of your suffering brethren in Portugal in their time of need.
id Sentius Pisoni per litteras aperit monetque ne castra corruptoribus, ne provinciam bello
Domitian, on the day of his taking his seat in the Senate, made a brief and measured speech in reference to the absence of his father and brother, and to his own youth. He was graceful in his bearing, and, his real character being yet unknown, the frequent blush on his countenance passed for modesty.
ibi ambiguus, an illam sedem bello deligeret, circumspecta infrequentia militis, satisque magnis documentis temeritatem Petil[l]ii coercitam, unius oppidi damno servare universa statuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Our soldiers who belonged to the three cohorts, which were at the head of the mole to guard the bridge, astonished at this disorder, the cries they heard behind them, and the general rout of their party, unable besides to bear up against the great number of darts which came pouring upon them, and fearing to be surrounded, and have their retreat cut off, by the departure of their ships, abandoned the fortifications which they had commenced at the bridge, and ran, with all the speed they could, toward the galleys: some getting on board the nearest vessels, overloaded and sank them: part, resisting the enemy, and uncertain what course to take, were cut to pieces by the Alexandrians.
Magna copia frumenti comparata considunt Drappes et Lucterius non longius ab oppido X milibus, unde paulatim frumentum in oppidum supportarent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We, as Christians, and in a qualitatively new manner as priests, participate in the mission of our Master, who is Prophet, Priest and King, and we are called to bear special witness to him in the Church and before the world.
Intererat consiliis frater eius L. Vitellius seque iam adulantibus offerebat, cum repente Coenus libertus Neronis atroci mendacio universos perculit, adfirmans superventu quartae decimae legionis, iunctis a Brixello viribus, caesos victores; versam partium
The first brandmark was heavily based on its armorial bearings, following the common university practice of using only the escutcheon and the motto.
certabantque orationibus et memorabantur exempla maiorum qui iuventutis inreverentiam gravibus decretis notavissent, donec Drusus apta temperandis animis disseruit; et satisfactum Corbuloni per Mamercum qui patruus simul ac vitricus Sullae et oratorum [EA] aetate uberrimus erat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And yet the courage and the serenity with which so many of our brothers and sisters suffering from serious disabilities lead their lives when they are shown acceptance and love bears eloquent witness to what gives authentic value to life, and makes it, even in difficult conditions, something precious for them and for others.
Sed et mare scrutantur, ac soli omnium succinum, quod ipsi glesum vocant inter vada atque in ipso littore
203 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.