Clergy by nationality oor Latyn

Clergy by nationality

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The clergy already were deprived, by an action totally foreign to the generous character of the chivalrous Spanish nation, of their incomes, thus violating a promise given in a concordatory pact and violating the strictest justice since the State, in fixing these allowances, had not done it through gratuitous concession but as indemnity for goods already taken from the Church.
servorum alios largitione, quosdam verberibus
Therefore, it is your task to inflame souls by persuasion, exhortation and example; nourish in the clergy and our people a zeal for religion and salvation which is active, resolute, and intrepid. These qualities frequently distinguish Catholic peoples of other nations in similar situations.
tum L. Pisonem sententiam
It will pertain to the patriarchal synods and the episcopal conferences, with careful attention to the prescriptions of the Apostolic See, to enact regulations and publish norms for the bishops in order to obtain a suitable distribution of the clergy, both of their own territory and of those coming from other regions, by which provision is made for the needs of all the dioceses in their territory and the welfare of the churches in mission countries and in nations suffering from a lack of clergy.
Sensit miles in tempus conficta statimque
Gregory had already given proof of this friendship when he wrote to kings, to princes, to bishops, to abbots, to all the clergy, and to the people, whether they were barbarians or recent converts. He invited them "to give their approval and their co-operation to such a great servant of God, sent by the Catholic and Apostolic Church to enlighten the nations."[ 9]
Vbi haec comperta Antonio, discordis animis, discretos viribus hostium exercitus adgredi statuit, antequam ducibus auctoritas, militi obsequium et iunctis legionibus fiducia
4 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.