Congregation of the Mission oor Latyn

Congregation of the Mission

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Congregatio Missionis


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Ramaroson was ordained priest on 15 August 1984 for the Congregation of the Mission.
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Congregation of the Mission
sed neque haec in principem aut principis parentem, quos lex maiestatis amplectitur: Brutum et Cassium laudavisse dicor, quorum res gestas cum plurimi composuerint, nemo sine honore memoravit.langbot langbot
It was during this period, in 1622, that my Predecessor Pope Gregory XV permanently erected the Congregation de Propaganda Fide for the purpose of better organizing and expanding the missions.
Namque altera ex parte Bellovaci, quae civitas in Gallia maximam habet opinionem virtutis, instabant, alteram Camulogenus parato atque instructo exercitu tenebat; tum legiones a praesidio atque impedimentis interclusas maximum flumen
This deficiency is plainly evident from the mission statistics. The missionaries in India keep on imploring the Sacred Congregation for more preachers of the Gospel.
civile bellum a Vitellio coepit, et ut de principatu certaremus armis initium illic fuit: ne plus quam semel certemus penes me exemplum erit; hinc Othonem posteritas
I or which are not wholly committed to the aim and object there set out, as also those which lack any of the features listed in Articles I and III of this Apostolic Constitution, are subject to the legislation laid down for Associations of the Faithful in canons 684ff. and come under the Sacred Congregation of the Council - without prejudice to the provisions of c. 252 § 3 for Mission territories.
Hac re cognita Caesar celeriter de navibus imperat omnes egredi atque in litore armatos reliquos advenientes milites
In order to re-launch the mission ad gentes, a center of outreach, direction and coordination is needed, namely, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
amici dehinc adire templa, et coepto exemplo proxima Campaniae municipia victimis et legationibus laetitiam testari: ipse diversa simulatione maestus et quasi incolumitati suae infensus ac morti parentis
6. These three associations, therefore, having flourished with such marked favour of the Sovereign Pontiffs and having never ceased to pursue each one its work without rivalry, have produced abundant fruits of salvation, have powerfully assisted Our Congregation of the Propaganda in discharging the onerous duties of its missions, and have prospered to such a degree as to give for the future the joyful hope of a richer harvest.
Sentium diu quaesitum: dein Marsus seniori et acrius tendenti Sentio
Those societies of apostolic life that were founded for the missions are subject to this Congregation.
Tali timore omnibus perterritis confirmatur opinio barbaris, ut ex captivo audierant, nullum esse intus
86 — The Congregation promotes research in mission theology, spirituality and pastoral work; it likewise proposes principles, norms, and procedures, fitting the needs of time and place, by which evangelization is carried out.
Germani multa cum strage nostrorum navem
92 — Through a special office, the Congregation administers its own funds and other resources destined for the missions, with full accountability to the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.
is terror obstructas mentis consiliis ducis
Because it is desirable that episcopal conferences in the missions be united in organic groups according to the so-called socio-cultural areas (see No. 9 above) the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (No. 29) should promote such coordinations of episcopal conferences.
Depositis omnibus sarcinis lectissimos auxiliarium, quibus nota vada et patrius nandi usus, quo simul seque et arma et equos regunt, ita repente inmisit, ut obstupefacti hostes, qui classem, qui navis, qui mare expectabant, nihil arduum aut invictum crediderint sic ad bellum
The Orders, Congregations and Institutes, with their experiences, sometimes centuries old, often have their own shrines, "places" of Mary's presence, which are linked to their spirituality and even the history of their life and mission in the Church.
non a Caesare Pompeium, non ab Augusto Antonium incolumis relictos, nisi forte Vespasianus altiores spiritus gerat, Vitellii cliens, cum Vitellius collega Claudio
For many reasons I feel that I can entrust this mission to you, my Venerable Brother, who are a very distinguished member of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a faithful servant for many years of the Apostolic See.
Caesar, cum in Asiam venisset, reperiebat T. Ampium conatum esse pecunias tollere Epheso ex fano Dianae eiusque rei causa senatores omnes ex provincia evocasse, ut his testibus in summa pecuniae uteretur, sed interpellatum adventu Caesaris
With regard to members of institutes of consecrated life, whether these are erected in the mission territories or are just working there, the Congregation enjoys competence in matters touching those members as missionaries, individually and collectively, without prejudice to art.
Cum is murum hostium paene contingeret, et Caesar ad opus consuetudine excubaret milites que hortaretur, ne quod omnino tempus ab opere intermitteretur, paulo ante tertiam vigiliam est animadversum fumare aggerem, quem cuniculo hostes succenderant, eodemque tempore toto muro clamore sublato duabus portis ab utroque latere turrium eruptio fiebat, alii faces atque aridam materiem de muro in aggerem eminus iaciebant, picem reliquasque res, quibus ignis excitari potest, fundebant, ut quo primum curreretur aut cui rei ferretur auxilium vix ratio iniri
107 — The Congregation for its part takes care that institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life grow and flourish according to the spirit of their founders and healthy traditions, faithfully follow their proper purpose and truly benefit the salvific mission of the Church.
"Hic summo in Arvernis ortus loco et magnae habitus auctoritatis, ""Nihil,"" inquit, ""de eorum sententia dicturus sum, qui turpissimam servitutem deditionis nomine appellant, neque hos habendos civium loco neque ad concilium adhibendos censeo."
The same congregation, which has behind it a long and illustrious history, is called to play a role of primary importance with regard to reflection and programs of action which the Church needs in order to be more decisively oriented toward the mission in its various forms.
Insignis nobilitas, aut magna patrum merita, principis dignationem etiam adolescentulis assignant: ceteris robustioribus ac jampridem probatis aggregantur; nec rubor, inter comites
19 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.