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Infobox Doctor Who episode
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Doctor Who
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The doctor, who had trained at The Rockefeller University, defended himself at the trial.
Factus licentiatus utriusque iuris in universitate Rudolfina, fuit postea advocatus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Template:Infobox Doctor Who episode
Formula:Capsa episodii Doctor Wholangbot langbot
K-9 (Doctor Who)
K-9langbot langbot
Leela (Doctor Who)
Leela (Doctor Who)langbot langbot
An Unearthly Child (sometimes referred to as 100,000 BC) is the first serial of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who.
"An Unearthly Child" (Anglice; Latine fortasse 'Impubes non Terrestris'), a nomine "100,000 B.C." appellatum quoque, est primum episodium in Doctor Who, serie Britannica televisifica mythistoriae rerum futurarum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Plantasia was used as a filming location for the Doctor Who episodes "The Doctor's Daughter" (on 21 December 2007) and "Cold Blood" (on 13 November 2009).
Plantasia pro loco episodiorum "The Doctor's Daughter" et "Cold Blood" seriei Doctor Who fuit, diebus 21 Decembris 2007 et 13 Novembris 2009 factorum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some reference works such as The Complete Encyclopedia of Television Programs 1947–1979 by Vincent Terrace erroneously credit Terry Nation with creating Doctor Who, because of the way his name is credited in the two Peter Cushing films.
Aliquae opera ut The Complete Encyclopedia of Television Programs 1947–1979, quod a Vincent Terrace scriptum est, existimationem creandi ad Terry Nation perperam dant, ob modum quod nomen ei existimationem in pelliculis Peter Cushing datur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, the act of euthanasia appears all the more perverse if it is carried out by those, like relatives, who are supposed to treat a family member with patience and love, or by those, such as doctors, who by virtue of their specific profession are supposed to care for the sick person even in the most painful terminal stages.
Atque multo flagitiosius videtur euthanasiae facinus, si ab iis patratur, qui – ut familiares – consanguineum leniter amanterque iuvare debent vel – ut medici – suam ipsorum propter artem, aegrotum curare debent, etiamsi in condicionibus ille insanabilibus
As it would, therefore, be wrong to call anyone a doctor who does not practice medicine, or to style anyone a professor of some art who does not teach that art, he who in his preaching neglects to lead men to a fuller knowledge of God and on the way of eternal salvation may be called an idle declaimer, but not a preacher of the Gospel.
Quare, sicut perperam appelletur medicus, qui medicinam non faciat, vel alicuius artis doctor qui eam non doceat artem, sic qui praedicando non curat ad pleniorem Dei cognitionem et ad aeternae salutis viam homines adducere, eum declamatorem vaniloquum appellari licet, praedicatorem evangelicum non
Who's your doctor?
Quis est medicus tuus?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom has a son who's a doctor.
Thomas filium habet, qui medicus est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He indeed is the true Doctor who walks within the confines of truth, who not only never differs from God, the Head and Fount of all truth, but is always strictly in accordance with Him and always follows Him when disclosing His secrets in any manner; who no less piously listens to the Roman Pontiff when speaking, reverses in him the divine authority and fully holds that "submission to the Roman Pontiff is necessary to salvation." (Opusc. contra errores Groecoram.)
Ille reapse sapientissimus Doctor intra veritatis fines graditur qui non modo cum Deo, omnis veritatis principio et summa, nunquam decertat, sed ipsi adhaeret semper arctissime semperque obsequitur arcana sua quoquo modo patefacienti; qui neque sancte minus Pontifici romano est dicto audiens, et auctoritatem in eo re veretur divinam, et subesse romano Pontifici tenet omnino de necessitate salutis (
In 1975, accomplished his idea: Lotus-doctor summer camps for students who wanted to study at the Medical Institute.
Anno 1975 lauream apud Genuense Athenaeum obtinuit; post hoc apud ISPI Mediolani studere cepit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The reply Jesus gives to this is now well known: "it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
Et respondens Iesus dixit ad illos: "Non egent, qui sani sunt, medico, sed qui male habent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
17. Among the Scholastic Doctors, the chief and master of all towers Thomas Aquinas, who, as Cajetan observes, because "he most venerated the ancient doctors of the Church, in a certain way seems to have inherited the intellect of all."(
Iamvero inter Scholasticos Doctores, omnium princeps et magister, longe eminet Thomas Aquinas: qui, uti Caietanus animadvertit, veteres doctores sacros quia summe veneratns est, ideo intellectum omnium quodammodo sortitus est (In 2, 2ae, q. 148, a. 4 in fin.)
Likewise we hold in the highest esteem those doctors and members of the nursing profession who, in the exercise of their calling, endeavor to fulfill the demands of their Christian vocation before any merely human interest.
Egregiam pariter reverentiam praestamus medicis artisque salutaris ministris, qui, in suo quisque munere exsequendo, ea quae ab ipsis praecipua christianae vocationis ratio postulat, potius quam humanam quamlibet utilitatem, servare
Considerable help can be given to families by lay specialists (doctors, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, consultants, etc.) who either as individuals or as members of various associations and undertakings offer their contribution of enlightenment, advice, orientation and support.
Haud paulum utilitatis afferre familiae possunt laici illi peculiariter instituti (medici, iurisperiti, psychologi, sociales adiutores, consultores aliique consimiles), qui sive singillatim sive variis in consociationibus inceptisque coniunctim operam implent suam illuminancli, consilia dandi, dirigendi,
What shall we say at this point with regard to the specialists in the various disciplines, those who represent the natural sciences and letters, doctors, jurists, artists and technicians, teachers at various levels and with different specializations?
Et quid dicendum de hominibus diversarum scientiae partium peritissimis, de cultoribus disciplinarum naturalium et litterarum, de medicis, de iuris consultis, de artificibus et technicis, (le praeceptoribus, in varios gradus distinctis et speciales disciplinas callentibus?
This young Carmelite, without any particular theological training, but illumined by the light of the Gospel, feels she is being taught by the divine Teacher who, as she says, is "the Doctor of Doctors" (Ms A, 83v), and from him she receives "divine teachings" (Ms B, 1r).
Nam institutione theologica carens adolescens haec carmelita at Evangelio illuminata, se videt a Magistro divino doceri qui, perinde ac illa asseverat, "Doctor Doctorum est" (Ms A 83 v·), a quo "divina praecepta" accipit (Ms B 1 r·)
I am pleased to recall Achille Ratti (1882) and especially Giovanni Battista Montini (1922), who, as young priests, obtained their doctorates in Thomistic philosophy at this Roman Academy of St Thomas and were later called to the Supreme Pontificate, taking the names of Pius XI and Paul VI.
Gratum Nobis est commemorare Achilleum Ratti (1882) sed et Ioannem Baptistam Montini (1922) qui adhuc iuvenes sacerdotes in hac Academia Romana Sancti Thomae lauream in philosophia thomistica consecuti sunt et postea ad summam pontificiam dignitatem pervenerunt sumptis nominibus Pii XI et Pauli
29) And, in a sermon which he delivered on the sacred day of the Blessed Virgin Mary's annunciation, explained the words "Hail, full of grace"-words used by the angel who addressed her-the Universal Doctor, comparing the Blessed Virgin with Eve, stated clearly and incisively that she was exempted from the fourfold curse that had been laid upon Eve.(
132). In oratione vero, quam die Annunciationi sacro Beatae Virginis habuit, haec Angeli salutantis verba explanans: « Ave, gratia plena... », Doctor Universalis, dum Hevae Sanctissimam Virginem comparat, hanc clare significanterque asseverat quadruplici illa maledictione fuisse immunem, cui Heva obnoxia fuit (Idem, Sermones de sanctis, sermo XV: In Annuntiatione Beatae Mariae; cfr. etiam Mariale,
It should cause no surprise, then, if she who had been an outstanding pupil in the school of these two Saints, later declared Doctors of the Church, should later become a master of the spiritual life.
Nihil propterea mirum si, his duobus praeeuntibus Sanctis, qui et ipsi postmodum sunt Ecclesiae Doctores renuntiati, illa quoque discipula optima vitae spiritalis evasit
In this matter, while the Church notes with satisfaction the results achieved by scientific research aimed at a more precise knowledge of the rhythms of women's fertility, and while it encourages a more decisive and wide-ranging extension of that research, it cannot fail to call with renewed vigor on the responsibility of all-doctors, experts, marriage counselors, teachers and married couples-who can actually help married people to live their love with respect for the structure and finalities of the conjugal act which expresses that love.
Hac in re, dum gaudet Ecclesia de progressibus investigationum scientificarum iam factis ad subtiliorem cognitionem temporum fertilitatis muliebris atque propugnat constantiorem quidem latioremque exercitationem huiusmodi studiorum, non tamen potest renovata vehementia non fiagitare officium omnium eorum — medicorum, peritorum, consultorum coniugalium, educatorum necnon maritorum ipsorum — qui reapse subvenire coniugibus valent ut amorem suum in vita foveant, simul observantes structuram ac fines actus coniugalis, qui illum
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