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Lithuanian bishops
Episcopi Lituaniae
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Res Publica Utriusque Nationis
Lithuanian language
Lingua Lituana
Lithuanian people
Incolae Lituaniae
Lithuanian scientists
Eruditi Lituaniae
Lithuanian archaeologists
Archaeologi Lituaniae
Lithuanian clergy
Clerici Lituaniae
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Auctores Lituani


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The conversion of the Lithuanian peoples to Christianity took place some centuries after that of the neighbouring peoples of old Europe.
eloquentiae primas nemo tulit, sed victorem esse Caesarem
And how could I forget, on this eve of the inauguration of the Marian Year, the great dove which the Lithuanian faithful have for the Mother of God?
at se duodecim legionibus petitum duce Tiberio inlibatam Germanorum gloriam servavisse, mox condicionibus aequis discessum; neque paenitere quod ipsorum in manu sit, integrum adversum Romanos bellum an pacem incruentam
The Pope at the same time erected the first Lithuanian diocese and decreed that it be subject solely to the Holy See.
Confestim cohortes undique impetum faciunt omnibusque aut interfectis aut captis magna praeda
It is all the more significant that, next to the Church, the other defensive bulwark for Lithuanians was the family: yes, the Christian family, the true "domestic Church",(4) solidly anchored to the values of the faith, and living in love, sacrifice and in mutual giving.
Iamque Caesaris in Hispania res secundae in Africam nuntiis ac litteris
To my Venerable Brother Liudas Povilonis Apostolic Administrator of Kaunas and Vilkaviskis President of the Lithuanian Episcopal Conference and to the other Bishops of Lithuania
quod si nurum Agrippina non nisi filio infestam ferre posset, redde[re]tur ipsa Othonis coniugio: ituram quoque terrarum, ubi audiret potius contumelias imperatoris quam viseret periculis eius
Finally, I wish to acknowledge before the Lithuanian Catholic community another eloquent sign of indefectible attachment to Christ and of ecclesial vitality: this is the intense love and complete devotion with which that community has always remained united to the See of Peter, to whom the Lord has entrusted the ministry of confirming the brethren and of keeping them united in the communion of his Church, establishing him as the Rock of the spiritual edifice; against which the powers of hell are powerless.
Fiat voluntas
This untiring pastoral work was matched, in a consoling way, by the generosity of the Lithuanian people.
Postea vero, cum Caesarem ad Massiliam detineri cognovit, copias Petreii cum exercitu Afranii esse coniunctas, magna auxilia convenisse, magna esse in spe atque exspectari et consentire omnem citeriorem provinciam, quaeque postea acciderant, de angustiis ad Ilerdam rei fumentariae, accepit, atque haec ad eum latius atque inflatius Afranius perscribebat, se quoque ad motus fortunae movere
To you, venerable and dear Brothers, to your faithful people, to all Lithuanians throughout the world, with an outpouring of affection I impart my Apostolic Blessing.
Erat a septentrionibus collis, quem propter magnitudinem circuitus opere circumplecti non potuerant nostri: necessario paene iniquo loco et leniter declivi castra
From 1569, Lithuania was in union with Poland as the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Interim Numidae Gaetuli[que] diffugere cotidie ex castris Scipionis et partim in regnum se conferre, partim quod ipsi maioresque eorum beneficio C. Mari usi fuissent Caesaremque eius adfinem esse audiebant, in eius castra perfugere catervatim non intermittunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Lithuanian Veterinary Academy claims that Lithuanian bees are especially peaceful.
Turesis sua cum manu noctem opperitur haud nescio duce nostro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lithuanian language
Isdem diebus Mucianus Vitellii filium interfici iubet, mansuram discordiam obtendens, ni semina belli restinxisset.langbot langbot
To you I entrust the memory of the six hundred years of Christian life of our Lithuanian brothers and sisters, and I ask you to help them to be now and forever faithful to Christ and to the Church.
ne trumviratu suo nimis superbiat
Lithuanian Museum of Ancient Beekeeping
Haec vulgo iactata super id quod nullo auctore certo firmantur prompte refutaveris.langbot langbot
In 2005 Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko presented Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus with three beehives and bees, which were brought to the museum.
Sed qui remotis e municipiis severaque adhuc et antiqui moris retinente Italia, quique per longinquas provincias lascivia inexperti officio legationum aut privata utilitate advenerant, neque aspectum illum tolerare neque labori inhonesto sufficere, cum manibus nesciis fatiscerent, turbarent gnaros ac saepe a militibus verberarentur, qui per cuneos stabant ne quod temporis momentum impari clamore aut silentio segni praeteriret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of the non-Germans were Masurians and Prussian Lithuanians from ducal Prussia, while a minority were religious refugees from the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Regnum ab Antonio Herodi datum victor Augustus auxit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And now, in a spirit of entrusting, I turn to you, sweet Mother of Christ and our Mother, joining my voice to that of your Lithuanian children who pray to you with confidence in your intercession.
destrui per haec fortunam suam Caesar imparemque tanto merito
The Lithuanian law has a long history.
Volusio vetus familia neque tamen praeturam egressa: ipse consulatum intulit, censoria etiam potestate legendis equitum decuriis functus, opumque quis domus illa immensum viguit primus adcumulator.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These specific political and geographical circumstances explain why the Lithuanians for so long resisted accepting the Cross from those who came against them with the sword and threatened to reduce them to subjection.
At cupimus, Venerabiles Fratres, ut proximo praesertim Octobri mense id ab omnibus christifidelibus, cum in sacris aedibus, tum in privatis domibus, impensiore religione
Lithuanian (Lithuanian: lietuvių kalba) is a Baltic language spoken in the Baltic region.
Cum his navibus nostrae classi eius modi congressus erat ut una celeritate et pulsu remorum praestaret, reliqua pro loci natura, pro vi tempestatum illis essent aptiora et accommodatiora.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1413 Jogaila, with his cousin the Grand Duke Vytautas, devoted himself to the evangelization of the Lithuanian population of Samogitia.
Dilapsis speculatoribus cetera cohors non aspernata contionantem, ut turbidis rebus evenit, forte magis et nullo adhuc consilio rapit signa [quam], quod postea creditum est, insidiis et
I also wish to recall the Bishop of Samogitia, Merkelis Giedraitis, a true apostle of the Tridentine Reform, whom on the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his death my venerable predecessor Pope John XXIII proposed as a model especially for the pastors of the Lithuanian Church.(
eo suffragio turbidissimus quisque delecti; nec miles in arbitrio ducum, sed duces militari violentia
I invoke your blessing upon this, your Lithuanian family. In harmony with its conscience, may it be able to follow the voice of your call along the paths made known to it for the first time six centuries ago.
Postero die castellum, quod rex in proximo vico non longe a suis castris munierat bracchiisque cum opere castrorum coniunxerat vici obtinendi causa, Caesar aggressus omnibus copiis expugnat, non quo id minore numero militum consequi difficile factu putaret, sed ut ab ea victoria perterritis Alexandrinis protinus castra regis
Panevėžys County (Lithuanian: Panevėžio apskritis) is one of ten counties in Lithuania.
Subsequitur has V. Cum duae legiones reliquae essent in castris, secundani, veriti ne soli relinquerentur atque ex eo quid sensissent iudicaretur, secuti sunt factum superiorum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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