Make-make oor Latyn


Alternative spelling of Makemake.

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A drop, falling into water, makes a bubble; many bubbles make froth.
et erant qui formam, aetatem, genus mortis ob propinquitatem etiam locorum in quibus interiit, magni Alexandri fatis adacquarent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As society becomes ever more globalized, it makes us neighbours but does not make us brothers.
Cum paulo longius a castris processisset, suos ab hostibus premi atque aegre sustinere et conferta legione ex omnibus partibus tela coici
The Sun, whereever it is, always shines, however dark it is. Clouds may take it away from us; by its rays it makes light and light makes day.
inter quae unus hostium, Latinae linguae sciens, acto ad vallum equo voce magna coniuges et agros et stipendii in dies, donec bellaretur, sestertios centenos, si quis transfugisset, Arminii nomine pollicetur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
You shall not make gods of silver, nor shall you make to yourselves gods of gold.
Vacua castra hostium Caesar conspicatus tectis insignibus suorum occultatisque signis militaribus raros milites, ne ex oppido animadverterentur, ex maioribus castris in minora traducit legatisque, quos singulis legionibus praefecerat, quid fieri velit ostendit: in primis monet ut contineant milites, ne studio pugnandi aut spe praedae longius progrediantur; quid iniquitas loci habeat incommodi proponit: hoc una celeritate posse mutari; occasionis esse rem, non proeli.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
While individuals may make it at any time, clergy must make it at specific times (as in liturgies), and it is customary to make it on other occasions.
Sed eos fugientes longius Caesar prosequi vetuit, et quod loci naturam ignorabat, et quod magna parte diei consumpta munitioni castrorum tempus relinqui volebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And I will make thee increase exceedingly, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
Ad quarum initium silvarum cum Caesar pervenisset castraque munire instituisset neque hostis interim visus esset, dispersis in opere nostris subito ex omnibus partibus silvae evolaverunt et in nostros impetum fecerunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He who makes these things and things like them does not make a likeness, but an idol.
Nostri, ut superioribus diebus, ut cuique erat locus attributus, ad munitiones accedunt; fundis librilibus sudibusque quas in opere disposuerant ac glandibus Gallos proterrent.Literature Literature
"Making him abandon" those paths means making man understand that he is taking the wrong path; it means overcoming the evil which is everywhere found in human history.
Una cum his legatis Commius Atrebas venit, quem supra demonstraveram a Caesare in Britanniam
We’re making a big deal out of things we shouldn’t be making a deal out of.
conscientia belli Sacrovir diu dissimulatus, victoria per avaritiam foedata et uxor socia arguebantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is the gift of the Holy Spirit that makes us fit for mission and strengthens our witness, making it frank and courageous.
Lentulo super consulatum et triumphalia de Getis gloriae fuerat bene tolerata paupertas, dein magnae opes innocenter partae et modeste
Make thee an ark of timber planks: thou shalt make little rooms in the ark, and thou shalt pitch it within and without.
ita nati estis ut bona malaque vestra ad rem publicam pertineant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
For the Church, evangelizing means bringing the Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new: "Now I am making the whole of creation new."[
suspectum id Othonianis fuit, omnia ducum facta prave
Therefore, may the Marian festival of Guayaquil shine forth with a certain new splendour, at which St Augustine, amazed, exclaimed: "For whose mind suffices to think, whose tongue suffices to declare not only that in the beginning was the Word who had no beginning of being born, but also that the Word was made flesh choosing a virgin whom he would make his mother, making the mother whom he would preserve a virgin...
Illi equitatu atque essedis ad flumen progressi ex loco superiore nostros prohibere et proelium committere
The implication of these words must be made known to you; namely your Order must regain the vitality it had at the beginning to make it suitable to make Christ known to the world, and following the example of your Seraphic Father to give that witness of love for the Church which he gave in an outstanding way.
Caesar contione habita Cordubae omnibus generatim gratias agit: civibus Romanis, quod oppidum in sua potestate studuissent habere; Hispanis, quod praesidia expulissent; Gaditanis, quod conatus adversariorum infregissent seseque in libertatem vindicassent; tribunis militum centurionibusque, qui eo praesidii causa venerant, quod eorum consilia sua virtute
If you make your body very pleasant, we call this health and pleasure. If you make your mind very pleasant, we call this happiness and joy. If you make your emotions very pleasant, we call this love and compassion. If you make your life-energy very pleasant, we call this blissfulness and ecstasy.
Vtrimque clamore sublato excipit rursus ex vallo atque omnibus munitionibus clamor.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Abraham made haste into the tent to Sara, and said to her: Make haste, temper together three measures of flour, and make cakes upon the hearth.
Mucianum e contrario magnificentia et opes et cuncta privatum modum supergressa extollebant; aptior sermone, dispositu provisuque civilium rerum peritus: egregium principatus temperamentum, si demptis utriusque vitiis solae virtutes miscerentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It is precisely this respect which makes legitimate, at the service of responsible procreation, the use of natural methods of regulating fertility. From the scientific point of view, these methods are becoming more and more accurate and make it possible in practice to make choices in harmony with moral values.
ad ea Corbulo, satis comperto Volgaesen defectione Hyrcaniae attineri, suadet Tiridati precibus Caesarem adgredi: posse illi regnum stabile et res incruentas contingere, si omissa spe longinqua et sera praesentem potioremque
She thus makes the redeeming sacrifice of her Bridegroom a part of human history and makes it sacramentally present in every culture.
ac forte acciderat ut eam gentem Rhenum transgressam avus Agrippa in fidem
The priest should therefore find within a movement the light and warmth which make him capable of fidelity to his bishop and which make him ready for the duties of the institution and mindful of ecclesiastical discipline, thus making the reality of his faith more fertile and his faithfulness more joyful."( 211)
At Byzantii data dicendi copia, cum magnitudinem onerum apud senatum deprecarentur, cuncta
The Bishop will not fail to remind all those who by virtue of office are charged with the care of souls that they have the duty to provide the faithful with the opportunity of making an individual confession.152 He himself will make certain that the faithful are in fact being assisted in every way possible to make their confession.
Corpora condere quam cremare e more Aegyptio, eademque cura et de infernis persuasio, caelestium
And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing".13
Quorum periculo sic omnes copiae sunt perturbatae ut vix iudicari posset, utrum secundis minimisque rebus insolentiores an adverso mediocri casu timidiores
The eucharistic celebration is enhanced when priests and liturgical leaders are committed to making known the current liturgical texts and norms, making available the great riches found in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Order of Readings for Mass.
Nec ullis aut gloria maior aut augustior honor, primum apud deos, quorum proferre responsa et interesse epulis ferebantur, deinde apud illos dis genitos sacrosque reges, inter quos neminem causidicum, sed Orphea ac Linum ac, si introspicere altius velis, ipsum Apollinem
Obviously, two aspects of work in a sense come into play here: the one making family life and its upkeep possible, and the other making possible the achievement of the purposes of the family, especially education.
Qui simul in conspectum oppidi se dederunt, cum equis
Therefore we ask the merciful Redeemer and his holy mother to make this priestly anniversary of yours, which we are pleased to make known by means of this letter, a very happy one.
credo et rei publicae curam subisse, frustra a Nerone translatae si apud Othonem
91 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.