May oor Latyn


/meɪ/ eienaam, naamwoord
The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar, following April and preceding June.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


The month of May is the month of mothers.
Maius est mensis matrum.


[ māius ]
fifth month of the Gregorian calendar
The month of May is the month of mothers.
Maius est mensis matrum.


[ Īdūs ]
Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


fifth month of the Gregorian calendar

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/meɪ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(obsolete, intransitive) To be strong; to have power (over). [8th-17th c.]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Although it may be human to sin, it is, however, devilish to continue to sin.
Quamquam humanum sit peccare, diabolicum tamen est perseverare.


have permission to
You may not pick the flowers.
Non licet tibi flores carpere.


have permission to
You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.
Lingua qualibet scribere potes. Linguae omnes in Tatoeba aequae sunt.

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mihi licet · maius · posse · potui · queo

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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that may be ravaged or laid waste
supernumeraries held in waiting to take the place of soldiers who may fall
that may be spoken
you may go|off with you
that may be sold
that may be seen
Zea mays indurata
Zea mays indurata
or I may better say
that may be lost


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And now, venerable brethren, in order that we may be able to gather from these holy considerations abundant and salutary fruits, We desire to reflect on and briefly contemplate the manifold affections, human and divine, of our Savior Jesus Christ which His Heart made known to us during the course of His mortal life and which It still does and will continue to do for all eternity.
Dum haec ad Ruspinam ab utrisque ducibus administrantur, C. Vergilius praetorius qui Thapsi oppido maritimo praeerat, cum animum advertisset naves singulas cum exercitu Caesaris incertas locorum atque castrorum suorum vagari, occasionem nactus navem quam ibi habuit actuariam complet militibus et sagittariis et eidem scaphas de navibus adiungit ac singulas naves Caesarianas consectari
Wherefore, while each one remains at the post where God has placed him, and guards the flock that God has entrusted to him, let us endeavour to the utmost that the holy missions may be furnished with those supports of which We have spoken as having been in use since the beginnings of the Church, namely, the preaching of the Gospel and the prayers and alms of pious men.
et Radamistus, quasi iuris iurandi memor, non ferrum, non venenum in sororem et patruum expromit, sed proiectos in humum et veste multa gravique opertos
Whatever new truth the sincere human mind is able to find, certainly cannot be opposed to truth already acquired, since God, the highest Truth, has created and guides the human intellect, not that it may daily oppose new truths to rightly established ones, but rather that, having eliminated errors which may have crept in, it may build truth upon truth in the same order and structure that exist in reality, the source of truth.
Idem tamen dies et honestum exemplum tulit Cassii Asclepiodoti, qui magnitudine opum praecipuus inter Bithynos, quo obsequio florentem Soranum celebraverat, labantem non deseruit, exutusque omnibus fortunis et in exilium actus, aequitate deum erga bona malaque
They are appointed by the cardinal secretary of state to a five-year term of office on the recommendation of the commission mentioned in art. 184; for serious reasons, they may be removed from office.
Hortatur Curionem Cn.Domitius, praefectus equitum, cum paucis equitibus circumsistens, ut fuga salutem petat atque in castra contendat, et se ab eo non discessurum
In French-language publications, a mixture of French and Beninese orthographies may be seen.
primum illum stipendiorum et sacramenti diem haberent: priorum facinorum neque imperatorem neque se meminisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
May Mary, Seat of Wisdom, be a sure haven for all who devote their lives to the search for wisdom.
Erat, ut supra demonstravimus,manus certa nulla, non oppidum, non praesidium, quod se armis defenderet, sed in omnes partes dispersa
There is an urgent need to remake at the level of the street, of the neighborhood or of the great agglomerative dwellings the social fabric whereby man may be able to develop the needs of his personality.
ac tamen, si cuncta bella recenseas nullum breviore spatio quam adversus Gallos confectum: continua inde ac fida
We express the sincere wish that all "may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ", as the Prince of the Apostles desired (2 Pet 3:18).
Nulli domus aut ager aut aliqua cura: prout ad quemque venere, aluntur: prodigi alieni, contemptores sui donec exsanguis senectus tam durae virtuti impares
31] They represent, in fact, the personal effort and activity of members who desire, as grace urges and aids them, to join forces with their Captain - "that we may discover . . . in our Captain," to borrow St.
Qua contentione Germani, quos propterea Caesar traduxerat Rhenum ut equitibus interpositi proeliarentur, cum constantius universi paludem transissent paucisque resistentibus interfectis pertinacius reliquam multitudinem essent insecuti, perterriti non solum ei qui aut comminus opprimebantur aut eminus vulnerabantur, sed etiam qui longius subsidiari consuerant, turpiter refugerunt, nec prius finem fugae fecerunt saepe amissis superioribus locis quam se aut in castra suorum reciperent, aut nonnulli pudore coacti longius
The platforms at the National Airport station itself will be rebuilt from January to May 2020.
Loca sunt temperatiora quam in Gallia, remissioribus frigoribus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather, why should not these noble arts strive particularly to this end, that they spread the teaching of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, "and instil into minds that Christian truth which alone can provide the strength from above to the mass of men, aided by which they may be able with calmness and courage, to overcome the crises and endure the severe trials of the age in which we now live?"
Quod multitudinem Germanorum in Galliam traducat, id se sui muniendi, non Galliae oppugnandae causa facere; eius rei testimonium esse quod nisi rogatus non venerit et quod bellum non intulerit sed
25) May God grant that no one of Us ever lets that terrible sentence that the parish priest of Ars once used in rebuking his flock fall on him: "There are many people keeping their money hidden away while many others are dying of hunger."(
Is a Quintilio Varo obtinente Syriam punitus, et gentem coercitam liberi Herodis tripertito
The prayer of Jesus in the Upper Room — "as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us" (Jn 17:21) — is both revelation and invocation.
Ceterum adsidere sepultae urbis ruinis noxia tabo humus haud diu
The elections for Ethiopia's first popularly chosen national parliament and regional legislatures were held in May and June 1995.
Fine anni statio cohortis adsidere ludis solita demovetur, quo maior species libertatis esset, utque miles theatrali licentiae non permixtus incorruptior ageret et plebes daret experimentum, an amotis custodibus modestiam retineret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And he spoke to Joseph that he should give orders to his brethren, saying: Load your beasts, and go into the land of Canaan, and bring away from thence your father and kindred, and come to me; and I will give you all the good things of Egypt, that you may eat the marrow of the land.
Quidam regnante Iside exundantem per Aegyptum multitudinem ducibus Hierosolymo ac Iuda proximas in terras exoneratam; plerique Aethiopum prolem, quos rege Cepheo metus atque odium mutare sedis perpulerit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In the face of possible risks to the environment which may affect the common good now and in the future, decisions must be made “based on a comparison of the risks and benefits foreseen for the various possible alternatives”.[
et erant in civitate Lingonum octo Batavorum cohortes, quartae decimae legionis auxilia, tum discordia temporum a legione digressae, prout inclinassent, grande momentum sociae aut
May the trials which you encounter be for you an opportunity for bearing in union with the Lord, and of offering to the Father, the many misfortunes and unjust sufferings which weigh upon our brothers and sisters; to these the sacrifice of Christ can alone—in faith—give meaning.
proinde et Tiridati conducere intactum vastationibus regnum dono accipere, et Bologaesen melius societate Romana quam damnis mutuis genti Parthorum
This leads us to direct our gaze to the end of time, when the Son will deliver all things to the Father, so that “God may be everything to every one” (1 Cor 15:28).
Caesar cognita calliditate hominis, quod aliis temporibus natura facere consueverat tunc necessitate fecit adductus, ut celerius omnium opinione manum
7. We trust solely in Him Who can illuminate the minds of men with His heavenly light and incline their incited wills to those more temperate counsels by which right order among nations may be established, to their common advantage and with certainty that the legitimate rights of all interested parties are being secured.
Namque per ludibrium adsidere clausis horreis et emere ultro frumenta ac luere pretio
4] How great was the joy and goodwill with which the Roman Church welcomed the Ruthenian people on their reception into the unity of the fold may be seen also from the Apostolic Letter Benedictus sit Pastor, issued on 7th February 1596, in which the supreme pontiff informed the metropolitan and the other Ruthenian bishops of the happy establishment of the union of their whole Church with the Apostolic See.
Hoc ubi uno auctore ad plures permanaverat, atque alius alii tradiderat, plures auctores eius rei
My thoughts turn to our brothers and sisters of the Eastern Churches, in the wish that together we may seek the strength of an answer to the questions man is asking today in every part of the world.
Eodem tempore Lucius Fabius centurio quique una murum ascenderant circumventi atque interfecti muro
May 7
Neque ut in pedestri acie comminus certabatur, sed tamquam navali pugna vagi inter undas aut, si quid stabile occurrebat, totis illic corporibus nitentes, vulnerati cum integris, periti nandi cum ignaris in mutuam perniciem implicabantur.langbot langbot
Let them not cease to promote discussions and negotiations on every possible occasion and between men of every rank, so that they may forestall the dangerous recourse to weapons and the terrible misfortunes which result for temporal, spiritual, and moral values.
Hoc ubi uno auctore ad plures permanaverat, atque alius alii tradiderat, plures auctores eius rei
Thomas Piketty (French: ; born 7 May 1971) is a French economist whose work focuses on wealth and income inequality.
Caesariani equites eorum multitudinem aegre sustinebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, Venerable Brethren, We urge that in each country, these Offices dealing with Motion Pictures, or Radio or Television should depend on one and the same Committee, or at least, act in close cooperation. At the same time, We urge the faithful, particularly those who are vigorous members of Catholic Action, to be suitably instructed so that they may perceive the need to give willingly to these Offices their united and effective support.
Scipio suis male acceptis occisis convulneratisque intra suas continere se munitiones
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