Origen oor Latyn


Greek philosopher and theologian who reinterpreted Christian doctrine through the philosophy of Neoplatonism; his work was later condemned as unorthodox (185-254)

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In countering the attacks launched by the philosopher Celsus, Origen adopts Platonic philosophy to shape his argument and mount his reply.
Adversus impugnationes philosophi Celsi, Origenes ad argumenta responsaque eidem ferenda Platonica usus est philosophia.

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Gregory of NeoCaesarea(11) praises Origen expressly because, with singular dexterity, as one snatches weapons from the enemy, he turned to the defense of Christian wisdom and to the destruction of superstition many arguments drawn from the writings of the pagans.
Gregorius Ncocaesariensis (Orat. paneg. ad Origen.) laudat Origenem hoc nomine, quod plura ex ethnicorum placitis ingeniose decerpta, quasi erepta hostibus tela, in patrocinium christianae sapientiae et perniciem superstitionis singulari dexteritate retorscrit. Et parem disputanda morem cum Gregorius Nazianzenus (Vit.vatican.va vatican.va
The words of Origen remain ever applicable: ''These are the two activities of the Bishop: learning from God by reading the divine Scriptures and meditating on them frequently, and teaching the people.
Semper igitur valet quod Origenes scripsit: « Haec duo sunt pontificis opera, ut aut a Deo discat legendo Scripturas divinas, et saepius meditando, aut populum doceat.vatican.va vatican.va
Among the early examples of this, Origen is certainly outstanding.
Prima inter exempla quae inveniri possunt, certe significantius exstat illud Origenis.vatican.va vatican.va
Understood and lived in this fashion, Sunday in a way becomes the soul of the other days, and in this sense we can recall the insight of Origen that the perfect Christian "is always in the Lord's Day, and is always celebrating Sunday".
Sic sane percepta et impleta dominica dies quodammodo anima evadit reliquarum dierum, ideoque potest Origenis affirmatio adduci qua adseverat «perfectum Christianum... semper esse in eius diebus, semper agere dies dominicas».vatican.va vatican.va
Origeneslangbot langbot
In countering the attacks launched by the philosopher Celsus, Origen adopts Platonic philosophy to shape his argument and mount his reply.
Adversus impugnationes philosophi Celsi, Origenes ad argumenta responsaque eidem ferenda Platonica usus est philosophia.vatican.va vatican.va
For all without exception, both those who distinguished themselves in the priestly order like Origen, and those later on were raised to the dignity of the episcopate, like Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Augustine and the other more ancient Doctors of the Church, undertook the office of preaching with the sanction and authority of their Bishops.
Omnes enim, vel qui in sacerdotum ordine eminebant, ut Origenes, et qui postea ad episcopatum evecti sunt, ut Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus, ut Ioannes Chrysostomus, ut Augustinus ceterique Doctores Ecclesiae veteres, sese ex sui quisque Episcopi auctoritate ad praedicandum contulerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Origen gives a good description of the theological significance, by no means marginal, of this historical fact: "Since the first census of the whole world took place under Caesar Augustus, and among all the others Joseph too went to register together with Mary his wife, who was with child, and since Jesus was born before the census was completed: to the person who makes a careful examination it will appear that a kind of mystery is expressed in the fact that at the time when all people in the world presented themselves to be counted, Christ too should be counted.
Bene igitur theologicam vim explicat Origenes huic eventui historico minimeque secundario adhaerentem: “Quid me iuvat ista narratio, quoniam prima descriptio universi orbis sub Caesare Augusto fuerit et inter omnes etiam Ioseph cum Maria desponsata sibi atque praegnante nomen retulerit in censum ac, priusquam descriptio completur, ortus fuerit Iesus?vatican.va vatican.va
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