Set oor Latyn


/ˈsɛt/ eienaam, naamwoord
An ancient Egyptian god, variously described as the god of chaos, the god of thunder and storms, or the god of destruction.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn




Set (mythology)
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/sɛt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To put (something) down, to rest.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ pōno ]
to put something down
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death.
Pone me ut signaculum super cor tuum, ut signaculum super brachium tuum, quia fortis est ut mors dilectio.




The same night Pompey set fire to his camp, and drew toward Corduba.
ea nocte Pompeius castra sua incendit et ad Cordubam versus iter facere coepit.

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ponere · caterva · constituo · copia · impono · loco · occasus · occidens · occido · statuo · conloco · consero · iacio · ligare · natio · officium · uti · aborior · cado · circumpono · concresco · consisto · crassesco · defigo · demergo · depono · descrobo · destituo · dico · edo · figo · finio · inclino · induresco · infero · inpono · instituo · malleolus · multitudo · obeo · planta · positus · propago · pōno · repono · semen · sino · sisto · situs · stativus · status · surculus · virga

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Buridan further held that the impetus of a body increased with the speed with which it was set in motion, and with its quantity of matter.
Hi clientelis etiam exterarum nationum redundabant, hos ituri in provincias magistratus reverebantur, hos reversi colebant, hos et praeturae et consulatus vocare ultro videbantur, hi ne privati quidem sine potestate erant, cum et populum et senatum consilio et auctoritate regerent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the centuries passed and historical outlooks and world conditions were transformed, certain changes and refinements were brought in, especially when the commissions of cardinals were set up in the nineteenth century to give the Pope assistance beyond that of the other dicasteries of the Roman Curia.
Qui cum anima nondum exspirata concidisset, [et] impetu facto in cubiculumex suspicione medicus familiaresque continere atque volnus obligare coepissent, ipse suis manibus vulnus crudelissime divellit atque animo praesenti se
Meanwhile Caesar, being distressed by want of corn, recalled all his forces to the camp; and having left garrisons at Leptis, Ruspina, and Acilla, ordered Cispius and Aquila to blockade with their fleets, the one Adrumetum, the other Thapsus, and setting fire to his camp at Uzita, he set out, in order of battle, at the fourth watch, disposed his baggage on the left, and came to Agar, which had been often vigorously attacked by the Getulians, and as valiantly defended by the inhabitants.
Nam ipse ego in Britannia vidi senem, qui se fateretur ei pugnae interfuisse, qua Caesarem inferentem arma Britanniae arcere litoribus et pellere adgressi sunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When night came on, Pompey sent a messenger unknown to us, to exhort the garrison to set fire to our towers and mound, and make a sally at midnight.
Postquam haec centurio praesenti animo adversus opinionem eius est locutus, ira percitus Scipio atque animi dolore incensus annuit centurionibus quid fieri vellet, atque ante pedes centurionem interficit reliquosque veteranos a tironibus iubet secerni.latin-ancient latin-ancient
An essential characteristic of memes is that linguistic meanings have the nature of nonconstructible sets in the mathematical sense and do not abide by constraints governing Aristotelian logic, such as the principle of the excluded middle.
mox castris in loco communitis valida manu montem occupat angustum et aequali dorso continuum usque ad proximum castellum quod magna vis armata aut incondita tuebatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And of no less importance is it that reason most clearly sets forth that the Church instituted by Christ (as laid down in the Vatican Council), on account of its wonderful spread, its marvellous sanctity, and its inexhaustible fecundity in all places, as well as of its Catholic unity and unshaken stability, is in itself a great and perpetual motive of belief and an irrefragable testimony of its own divine mission.(
Qualis rex, talis
In any event, the principle set forth in the new Catechism of the Catholic Church remains valid: "If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority must limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person".48
ob quae posterum diem reus petivit domumque digressus extremas preces P. Quirinio propinquo suo ad principem
We know that grievous snares are being set for your faith.
Pompeius eo proelio imperator est
The following night Pompey set fire to his camp, passed the river Rio Salado, and, marching through the valleys, encamped on a rising ground, between the two towns of Ategua and Ucubis.
Placuit ut Litaviccus decem illis milibus, quae Caesari ad bellum mitterentur, praeficeretur atque ea ducenda curaret, fratresque eius ad Caesarem praecurrerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He lay at anchor one night, and calling together his friends in Amphipolis, and collecting a sum of money for his necessary expenses, upon advice of Caesar's approach, set sail from that place, and arrived in a few days at Mitylene.
nec sane ideo a maioribus concessum est egredi aliquando relationem et quod in commune conducat loco sententiae proferre, ut privata negotia etres familiaris nostras hic augeamus, cum invidia senatus et principum, sive indulserint largitionem sive abnuerint.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a title. And he said to his brethren: Bring hither stones. And they, gathering stones together, made a heap, and they ate upon it.
in conscientiam facinoris pauci adsciti: suspensos ceterorum animos diversis artibus stimulant, primores militum per beneficia Nymphidii ut suspectos, vulgus et ceteros ira et desperatione dilati totiens donativi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In this struggle the amphitheatre, a most beautiful building, situated outside the walls, was burnt to the ground, possibly set on fire by the assailants, while they showered brands, fireballs, and ignited missiles, on the besieged, possibly by the besieged themselves, while they discharged incessant volleys in return.
Sic Catoni seni comparatus C. Gracchus plenior et uberior, sic Graccho politior et ornatior Crassus, sic utroque distinctior et urbanior et altior Cicero, Cicerone mitior Corvinus et dulcior et in verbis magis elaboratus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To this Tiridates advanced, and having slain the customary victims, he removed the crown from his head, and set it at the foot of the statue; whereupon all felt a deep thrill of emotion, rendered the more intense by the sight which yet lingered before their eyes, of the slaughter or siege of Roman armies.
"Haec ab ipsis cognoscite, qui ex ipsa caede fugerunt: nam ego fratribus atque omnibus meis propinquis interfectis dolore prohibeor, quae gesta sunt, pronuntiare."" Producuntur hi quos ille edocuerat quae dici vellet, atque eadem, quae Litaviccus pronuntiaverat, multitudini exponunt: multos equites Aeduorum interfectos, quod collocuti cum Arvernis dicerentur; ipsos se inter multitudinem militum occultasse atque ex media caede fugisse."latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is foreseeable that, once certain resources have been depleted, the scene will be set for new wars, albeit under the guise of noble claims.
conferti tantum et pilis emissis post umbonibus et gladiis stragem caedemque continuarent, praedae immemores: parta victoria cuncta ipsis
The table is set.
Mucianus, ne sperni senatus iudicium et cunctis sub Nerone admissis data impunitas videretur, Octavium Sagittam et Antistium Sosianum senatorii ordinis egressos exilium in easdem insulas redegit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Then there are the other social forces and ideological movements which oppose Marxism by setting up systems of "national security", aimed at controlling the whole of society in a systematic way, in order to make Marxist infiltration impossible.
credidere plerique Flavii Sabini consiliis concussam Caecinae mentem, ministro sermonum Rubrio Gallo: rata apud Vespasianum fore pacta
And Moses said to the Lord: The people cannot come up to Mount Sinai: for thou didst charge, and command, saying: Set limits about the mount, and sanctify it.
Ceterum adsidere sepultae urbis ruinis noxia tabo humus haud diu permisit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Today the possibilities of interaction between cultures have increased significantly, giving rise to new openings for intercultural dialogue: a dialogue that, if it is to be effective, has to set out from a deep-seated knowledge of the specific identity of the various dialogue partners.
hic pedes adstitit: equitem propinquis lucis texere ut ingressis silvam legionibus a tergo
On this holy day, the liturgy takes us inside the Upper Room, where, with grateful heart, we set ourselves to listen to the words of the divine Teacher, words full of solicitude for every generation of bishops called, after the apostles, to take upon themselves care for the Church, for the flock, for the vocation of the whole People of God, for the proclamation of God's Word, for the whole sacramental and moral order of Christian living, for priestly and religious vocations, for the fraternal spirit in the community.
nec coloniae modo aut municipia congestu copiarum, sed ipsi cultores arvaque maturis iam frugibus ut hostile solum
This is even more serious given the difficulties which often hinder the direct transfer of capital set aside for helping needy countries.
necdum pos[i]t[us] metus aut redierat [p]lebi s[pes]: rursum grassatus ignis, patulis magis urbis locis; eoque strages hominum minor: delubra deum et porticus amoenitati dicatae latius
Their goal is to educate people about dahlias, and show dahlias in a garden setting.
Est bos cervi figura, cuius a media fronte inter aures unum cornu exsistit excelsius magisque directum his, quae nobis nota sunt, cornibus: ab eius summo sicut palmae ramique late divunduntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The truth shall set you free.
igitur raptare inter se, immittere latronum globos, componere insidias et aliquando proeliis congredi, spoliaque et praedas ad procuratores referre.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We wish to confirm with Our authority, and with like affection, all that Our predecessors—especially Pius XI (59) and Pius XII (60)—have seen fit to set down on this subject in their Encyclical Letters.
Quidquid discis, tibi
Denis Ten sets up for a jump.
Loca sunt temperatiora quam in Gallia, remissioribus frigoribus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold.
Itaque hoc animo est decertatum, ut neque maritimis nauticisque sollertia atque ars praesidium ferret, neque numero navium praestantibus multitudo prodesset, neque electi ad virtutem e tanta multitudine viri virtuti nostrorum possent adaequare.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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