Spectacle oor Latyn


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/ˈspɛktəkəl/ naamwoord
Something exhibited to view; usually, something presented to view as extraordinary, or as unusual and worthy of special notice; a remarkable or noteworthy sight; a show; a pageant; a gazingstock.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ spectāculum ]
something exciting or extraordinary
One and the same kind of spectacle is always exhibited at every gathering.
Genus spectaculorum unum atque in omni coetu idem.
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[ mūnus ]


noun particle
Piotr Szelma

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spectacled duck
Anas specularis
one who takes part in a mock sea battle staged as spectacle|game|exercise
spectacled bear
Tremarctos ornatus
white-spectacled bulbul
Pycnonotus xanthopygos
spectacled weaver
Ploceus ocularis
spectacled warbler
Sylvia conspicillata
wagon on which the images of the gods were carried to public spectacles
Spectacled Warbler
Curruca conspicillata · Sylvia conspicillata
spectacled finch
Callacanthis burtoni


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The whole populace and the slaves with them were now crowding the palace, clamouring with discordant shouts for the death of Otho and the destruction of the conspirators, just as if they were demanding some spectacle in the circus or amphitheatre. They had not indeed any discrimination or sincerity, for on that same day they would raise with equal zeal a wholly different cry.
primus enim contempto ordine rerum, omissa modestia ac pudore verborum, ipsis etiam quibus utitur armis incompositus et studio feriendi plerumque deiectus, non pugnat, sed rixatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Mankind witnessed the glorious spectacle of the clergy and the faithful of France rivaling each other day by day in fervor, in generosity, in devoted sacrifice. On the one hand, the faithful gave most generously and in abundance their offerings for the decorous upkeep of divine worship and for the adequate maintenance of their priests. On their side, the clergy willingly and even gladly submitted to the hard conditions of life which came into existence as a result of the law of separation.
castris aestivis tres simul legiones habebantur, praesidente Iunio Blaeso, qui fine Augusti et initiis Tiberii auditis ob iustitium aut gaudium intermiserat solita munia.vatican.va vatican.va
One and the same kind of spectacle is always exhibited at every gathering.
tribuni tamen centurionesque et proximi militum grata auditu respondent: per ceteros maestitia ac silentium, tamquam usurpatam etiam in pace donativi necessitatem bello perdidissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They found greater enthusiasm than they had promised, the tribes coming forth to meet him, the Senate in holiday attire, troops of their children and wives arranged according to sex and age, tiers of seats raised for the spectacle, where he was to pass, as a triumph is witnessed.
eadem constantia et inlustresequites Romani [cupido maturae necis fuit.] et Titium Proculum, custodem a Silio Messalinae datum et indicium offerentem, Vettium Valentem confessum et Pompeium Vrbicum ac Saufeium Trogum ex consciis tradi ad supplicium iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the most portentous spectacle of all was Vitellius himself, ignorant of military matters and without forethought in his plans, even asking others about the order of march, about the business of reconnoitring, and the discretion to be used in pushing on or protracting the campaign, betraying in his countenance and gait his alarm at every fresh piece of intelligence, and finally drinking to intoxication.
ac tamen quod pulcherrimum adeptum, ut coninuctione Caesaris dignus crederetur: hinc initiumspei.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The people were summoned as to a grand spectacle; the praetorian cohorts were drawn up under arms in the plain in front of their camp; then came a procession of the royal vassals, and the ornaments and neck-chains and the spoils which the king had won in wars with other tribes, were displayed.
tum iussam poenam subiit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow: the spectacle of their countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient.
iamque aderat, copiis ita divisis, ut quarta et duodecima legiones addita quinta, quae recens e Moesis excita erat, simul Pontica et Galatarum Cappadocumque auxilia Paeto oboedirent, tertia et sexta et decima legiones priorque Syriae miles apud Corbulonem manerent; cetera ex rerum usu sociarent partirenturve.vatican.va vatican.va
The lavish spectacle made an impression on Pavlova.
Quod hodie non est, cras erit, sic vita truditur. (Petronius)WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was exhibiting a show in the circus, while he mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car.
eadem rursus numina, eadem fata ruptores foederum expectarent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Humanity today offers us a truly alarming spectacle, if we consider not only how extensively attacks on life are spreading but also their unheard-of numerical proportion, and the fact that they receive widespread and powerful support from a broad consensus on the part of society, from widespread legal approval and the involvement of certain sectors of health-care personnel.
Ita quam antea absens habuerat auctoritatem, eam omnem praesens dimiserat.--Quo facto cuivis facile fuit intellectu Scipioni additum animum fiduciamque regis adventu.vatican.va vatican.va
A space was enclosed in the Vatican valley where he might manage his horses, without the spectacle being public.
nam Civilis omissa dissimulatione in populum Romanum ruere, Vitellianae legiones vel externum servitium quam imperatorem Vespasianum malle.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If the spectacle of Christian virtues exerted the powerful influence over the heathens blinded, as they were, by inveterate superstition, which the records of history attest, shall we think it powerless to eradicate error in the case of those who have been initiated into the Christian religion?
Responsum est ab altera parte Aulum Varronem profiteri se altera die ad colloquium venturum atque una visurum, quemadmodum tuto legati venire et quae vellent exponere possent; certumque ei rei tempus constituitur.vatican.va vatican.va
Gentlemen of the press, your job is to place before our eyes the initiatives that are being taken to promote mutual aid, and the tragic spectacle of misery and poverty that people tend to ignore in order to salve their consciences.
igitur milites Romani, quasi Vologaesum aut Pacorum avito Arsacidarum solio depulsuri ac non imperatorem suum inermem et senem trucidare pergerent, disiecta plebe, proculcato senatu, truces armis, rapidi equis forum inrumpunt.vatican.va vatican.va
He was even heard to utter a most brutal speech, in which (I will relate the very words) he boasted that he had feasted his eyes on the spectacle of his enemy's death.
Caesar in horam X commoratus, sicut erat instructus, se ad sua castra recepit omnibus incolumibus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Looking at "the spectacle" of the Cross (cf.
Quod postquam Caesar animum advertit, equitibus suis hostium vi oppositis sarcinas legionarios in acervum iubet comportare atque celeriter signa hostibus inferre.vatican.va vatican.va
All, however, who were present from remote towns, and still retained the Italy of strict morals and primitive ways; all too who had come on embassies or on private business from distant provinces, where they had been unused to such wantonness, were unable to endure the spectacle or sustain the degrading fatigue, which wearied their unpractised hands, while they disturbed those who knew their part, and were often struck by soldiers, stationed in the seats, to see that not a moment of time passed with less vigorous applause or in the silence of indifference.
Ita vim hostium placide leniterque procedens per legionarium militem commodius sustinebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Vitellius then directed his course to Cremona, and after witnessing the spectacle exhibited by Caecina, he conceived a desire to visit the plains of Bedriacum and to survey the scene of the recent victory.
Insequenti die pari consuetudine cum ad eundem locum eius praesidium venisset, pristino illo suo utebantur instituto; nam praeter equites nullo loco aequo se committere audebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Spectacled hare-wallaby
Tum progressus in porticum illic a quaestore reperitur, laetitiae propior, quia Helvidium generum suum Italia tantum arceri cognoverat.langbot langbot
When the report of the capture of the legions became generally known, all who but a short time before trembled at the name of Rome rushed forth from the fields and houses, and spread themselves everywhere to enjoy with extravagant delight the strange spectacle.
etenim uxoris quoque consilium adsumpserat, muliebre ac deterius: quippe ultro metum intentabat, multosque astitisse libertos ac servos, qui eadem viderint: nihil profuturum unius silientium, at praemia penes unum fore, qui indicio praevenisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To the contemplative eye, Christ reveals himself as he did to the women of Jerusalem, who had gone up to contemplate the mysterious spectacle on Calvary.
porro ne in corpore quidem valetudinem medici probant quae animi anxietate contingit; parum est aegrum non esse: fortem et laetum et alacrem volo.vatican.va vatican.va
His hands were bound behind his back, and he was led along with tattered robes, a revolting spectacle, amidst the invectives of many, the tears of none. The degradation of his end had extinguished all pity.
Ubi lex, ibi poena.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the one hand, We behold the spectacle of countless multitudes who are coming to Rome from every country of the world during this Year of Jubilee, and who are giving here an outstanding testimony of oneness in faith, of brotherly unity, of an ardent piety, in such numbers as this Beloved City, which in the course of centuries has witnessed so many celebrated events, has never before seen until now.
Quae fore suspicatus Labienus, ut omnes citra flumen eliceret, eadem usus simulatione itineris placide progrediebatur.vatican.va vatican.va
It was a grand spectacle on that day, when the Senate examined grants made by our ancestors, treaties with allies, even decrees of kings who had flourished before Rome's ascendancy, and the forms of worship of the very deities, with full liberty as in former days, to ratify or to alter.
Formam totius Britanniae Livius veterum, Fabius Rusticus recentium eloquentissimi auctores oblongae scutulae vel bipenni adsimulavere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The expression was coined by the American Beat poet Allen Ginsberg in 1965 as a means to transform war protests into peaceful affirmative spectacles.
Caesar -- eam civitatem omni tempore optime de populo Romano meritam esse -- celeriter sex cohortis secunda vigilia iubet proficisci, pari equites numero. Quibus praefecit hominem eius provinciae notum et non parum scientem, L. Vibiurn Paciaecum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As soon as he named Latinius Latiaris, accuser and accused, both alike objects of execration, presented a most welcome spectacle.
non proelio, non adversis e castris, sed isdem e cubilibus, quos simul vescentis dies, simul quietos nox habuerat, discedunt in partis, ingerunt tela clamor vulnera sanguis palam, causa in occulto; cetera fors regit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
36 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.