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The New Church

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The New Church
Quo suscepto negotio atque omnium animis ad laborem incitatis magna una nocte vis aquae dulcis inventa est.langbot langbot
To this end, he traveled, visiting temples, made of worship, consecrated the new church, supplied the new priests, preached.
Rex interim ab omnibus civitatibus exclusus desperata salute, cum iam cenatus esset, cum Petreio, ut cum virtute interfecti esse viderentur, ferro inter se depugnant, atque firmior imbecilliorem Iubam Petreius facile ferro consumpsit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Swedenborg cited divine revelation for his writings, and his followers believe that he witnessed the Last Judgment in the spiritual world with the inauguration of the New Church.
Flavianarum partium duces omissa prioris fortunae defensione pro Vespasiano magnifice, pro causa fidenter, de exercitu securi, in Vitellium ut inimici praesumpsere, facta tribunis centurionibusque retinendi quae Vitellius indulsisset spe; atque ipsum Caecinam non obscure ad transitionem hortabantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For this reason the establishment of communities devoted to contemplation should be encouraged in the new Churches, since "the contemplative life belongs to the fullness of the Church's presence".
sed legio Italica et ala Tauriana abductae: cohortem duodevicensimam Lugduni, solitis sibi hibernis, relinqui
This fidelity enabled them to complete their great missionary tasks and to remain in full spiritual and canonical unity with the Church of Rome, with the Church of Constantinople and with the new Churches which they had founded among the Slav peoples.
prope eversum orbem etiam cum de principatu inter bonos certaretur, sed mansisse G. Iulio, mansisse Caeare Augusto victore imperium; mansuram fuisse sub Pompeio Brutoque rem publicam: nunc pro Othone an pro Vitellio in templa ituros? utrasque impias preces, utraque detestanda vota inter duos, quorum bello solum id scires, deteriorem fore qui
The concept of faith-based hope in the New Testament and the early Church
Duces vero ii deliguntur qui una cum Q. Sertorio omnes annos fuerant summamque scientiam rei militaris habere
With the Council, the Church entered a new phase of her history.
Itaque Curio exercitum in castra reducit suis omnibus praeter Fabium incolumibus, ex numero adversariorum circiter DC interfectis ac mille vulneratis; qui omnes discessu Curionis multique praeterea per simulationem vulnerum ex castris in oppidum propter timorem sese
Having the mission of bringing the Good News to everyone, the Church should never fail to interest herself in this Institution.
Multa eo anno prodigia
The growth in the number of new churches in recent times should not deceive us.
quod postquam Corbuloni cognitum est, ire praefectum cohortis Arrium Varum et reciperare obsides
In the history of the Church, the "old" and the "new" are always closely interwoven.
Iam vero tempora curarum remissionumque divisa: ubi conventus ac iudicia poscerent, gravis intentus, severus et saepius misericors: ubi officio satis factum, nulla ultra potestatis persona[; tristitiam et adrogantiam et avaritiam exuerat]
In the face of so many new questions the Church makes an effort to reflect in order to give an answer, in its own sphere, to men's expectations.
Hac re cognita omnesEburonum et Nerviorum quae convenerant copiae discedunt, pauloque habuit post id factum Caesar quietiorem
As the years have passed, the Conciliar Documents have lost none of their timeliness; indeed, their teachings are proving particularly relevant to the new situation of the Church and the current globalized society.
Dum Visitatio «ad limina» agitur, duo coram inter se congrediuntur viri, scilicet Ecclesiæ cuiusdam particularis Episcopus atque Romæ Episcopus idemque Petri successor, qui ambo suorum officiorum onus, cui derogari non licet, sustinent, sed alter ab altero minime seiunguntur: ambo enim proprio modo repræsentant, atque repræsentare debent, summam Ecclesiæ, summam fidelium, summamque Episcoporum, quæ quodammodo unicum «nos» in Christi corpore
The good seed sown so generously by Archbishop Matulaitis produced a hundredfold, and the Church experienced a new spring.
Ita necessario atque ex tempore capto consilio Pompeius tumulum quendam occupavit, qui tantum aberat a nostro castello, ut telum tormento missum adigi non
With the passing of time, the conciliar documents have not lost their timeliness; their teachings have shown themselves to be especially pertinent to the new exigencies of the Church and the present globalized society.
Filii ejus (...) vocabant tres sorores suas ut comederent et biberent cum
However, should any Cardinal electors arrive re integra, that is, before the new Pastor of the Church has been elected, they shall be allowed to take part in the election at the stage which it has reached.
Ibi T. Vasius et L. Mercello simili confidentia Flaccum, municipem suum, adiuvant: erant enim omnes
The Second Vatican Council is often considered as the beginning of a new era in the life of the Church.
Nam cum Antonius in hiberna venisset, civitasque Atrebatum in officio esset, Commius, qui post illam vulnerationem, quam supra commemoravi, semper ad omnes motus paratus suis civibus esse consuesset, ne consilia belli quaerentibus auctor armorum duxque deesset, parente Romanis civitate cum suis equitibus latrociniis se suos que alebat infestisque itineribus commeatus complures, qui comportabantur in hiberna Romanorum,
One hundred years after the publication of Rerum novarum, the Church finds herself still facing "new things" and new challenges.
The differential effects were studied in treating twenty patients with
32) Penitence—required by the inner life, confirmed by the religious experience of mankind and the object of particular precept of divine revelation-assumes "in Christ and the Church" new dimensions infinitely broader and more profound.
Nam tantum ab equitum suorum auxiliis aberant, quorum numerum habebant magnum, ut eos superioribus perterritos proeliis in medium reciperent agmen ultroque eos tuerentur; quorumnulli ex itinere excedere licebat, quin ab equitatu Caesaris
Thus Mary becomes the model of the Church, called to be the "new Eve", the mother of believers, the mother of the "living" (cf.
Hunc cum obliquo itinere cetrati peterent, conspicatus equitatus Caesaris in cohortes impetum fecit; nec minimam partem temporis equitum vim cetrati sustinere potuerunt omnesque ab eis circumventi in conspectu utriusque exercitus
In our own age, then, we are called anew by the ever ancient and ever new faith of the Church, to draw near to the Holy Spirit as the giver of life.
monere diutius neque temporis huius, et impletum est omne consilium si te bene
I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church's energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes.
Hostes proelio superati, simul atque se ex fuga receperunt, statim ad Caesarem legatos de pace miserunt; obsides sese daturos quaeque imperasset facturos polliciti
For this reason too, updating is needed, in conformity with the norms of the Code of Canon Law and in view of the new challenges and commitments of the Church in society.
nec defuere qui Antonium suspicionibus arguerent tamquam dolo cunctantem post secretas Vitellii epistulas, quibus consulatum et nubilem filiam et dotalis opes pretium proditionis
The Council sees the Church's motherhood, which is modelled on Mary's, in the fact that the Church "brings forth to a new and immortal life children who are conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of God."
Vitelliani pluteos cratisque et vineas subfodiendis muris protegendisque obpugnatoribus, Othoniani sudis et immensas lapidum ac plumbi aerisque molis perfringendis obruendisque hostibus
This kind of question requires from the teaching authority of the Church a new and deeper reflection on the principles of the moral teaching on marriage—a teaching which is based on the natural law as illuminated and enriched by divine Revelation.
sibi promissa legum diu exspectata in ludibrium verti, quando quis sine sollicitudine parens, sine luctu orbus longa patrum vota repente
In many parts of the Church, a new need for prayer in its many forms is being felt; and this is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
Africa ac legiones in ea interfecto Clodio Macro contenta qualicumque principe post experimentum domini
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