Wing oor Latyn


A surname.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn



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/wɪŋ/, /wɪŋz/ werkwoord, naamwoord
An appendage of an animal's (bird, bat, insect) body that enables it to fly.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ āla ]
part of an animal
Ostriches don't fly because they have very short wings.
Struthiocameli volare non possunt, quia alas brevissimas habent.


Charlton T. Lewis


surface used by birds and airplanes for flight
This sparrow can't fly. Its wings are broken.
Hic passer volare non potest. Alae eius fractae sunt.

En 3 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

ascella · latus · pinna

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Soortgelyke frases

pennant-winged nightjar
Caprimulgus vexillarius · Macrodipteryx vexillarius
wing of army
cornu · cornum
glaucous-winged gull
Larus glaucescens
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Red Wings
having two wings
bipennis · bipinnis
with wings on the feet
standard-winged nightjar
Macrodipteryx longipennis
white-winged snowfinch
Montifringilla nivalis
rufous-winged tanager
Tangara lavinia


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
While he hesitated and strove to repress their eagerness and desires, exclaiming that it was not his wish to commence the battle by a sudden sally, at the same time keeping back his army, on a sudden a trumpeter in the right wing, without Caesar's leave, but compelled by the soldiers, sounded a charge.
Nostri desiderati ad hominum mille partim peditum, partim equitum, saucii ad D adversariorum aquilae sunt ablatae XIII et signa .latin-ancient latin-ancient
Birds have wings.
non dormit sed vigilattatoeba tatoeba
This being observed by Labienus, he wheeled off almost the whole right wing of the horse, that he might the more effectually succor the fugitives.
Quibus auditis, liberaliter pollicitus hortatusque ut in ea sententia permanerent, eos domum remittit et cum iis una Commium, quem ipse Atrebatibus superatis regem ibi constituerat, cuius et virtutem et consilium probabat et quem sibi fidelem esse arbitrabatur cuiusque auctoritas in his regionibus magni habebatur, mittit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar appointed over each legion a lieutenant and a questor, that every one might have them as witnesses of his valor. He himself began the battle at the head of the right wing, because he had observed that part of the enemy to be the least strong.
Nam quatenus antiquorum admiratores hunc velut terminum antiquitatis constituere solent, qui usque ad Cassium * * * * * , quem reum faciunt, quem primum adfirmant flexisse ab illa vetere atqueirecta dicendi via, non infirmitate ingenii nec inscitia litterarum transtulisse se ad aliud dicendi genus contendo, sed iudicio et intellectu.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Adult falcons have thin, tapered wings, which enable them to fly at high speed and change direction rapidly.
Multis hominum milibus captis perterriti Bituriges; qui primum adventum potuerant effugere Romanorum, in finitimas civitates aut privatis hospitiis confisi aut societate consiliorum confugerant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In peninsular Florida and southern Texas, adults are on wing all year round.
Qua re ex compluribus cognita, cum intellegeret fugato duce altero perterritos reliquos facile opprimi posse, magnae felicitatis esse arbitrabatur neminem ex caede refugisse in castra qui de accepta calamitate nuntium Drappeti perferret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Adults emerge from the pupae early in the morning while humidity is still high, as the enormous wings may dry out before they have fully expanded if the humidity drops.
quod pro omnibus civibus leges obtineant uni Germanico non contigisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even if I close them, my husband appears as mine. Shackled, give me wings So that I can go to where my husband sleeps.
nam ego, qui non pecuniam, non studia populi neque eloquentiam, gentile domus nostrae bonum, varietate temporum accipere vel parare potuissem, satis habebam, si tenues res meae nec mihi pudori nec cuiquam oneri forent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Detroit Red Wings
sed qui vallum legionum temptabant facile pelluntur; Thraecum auxilia repentino incursu territa, cum pars munitionibus adiacerent, plures extra palarentur, tanto infensius caesi quanto perfugae et proditores ferre arma ad suum patriaeque servitium incusabantur.langbot langbot
When straight, down-swooping from the hills meanwhile / the Harpies flap their clanging wings, and tear / the food, and all with filthy touch defile, / and, mixt with screams, uprose a sickening stench and vile.
priores id principes pecunia et saepius vi perpulerant, ac pleraque municipia et coloniae aemulabantur corruptissimum quemque adulescentium pretio inlicere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Besides, the enemy's cavalry began to surround us on both wings and to trample down our rear.
Caesar, postquam Pompeium ad Asparagium esse cognovit, eodem cum exercitu profectus expugnato in itinere oppido Parthinorum, in quo Pompeius praesidium habebat, tertio die ad Pompeium pervenit iuxtaque eum castra posuit et postridie eductis omnibus copiis acie instructa decernendi potestatem Pompeio fecit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The new wing is capable of housing 900 detainees.
et vulgata captarum legionum fama cuncti qui paulo ante Romanorum nomen horrebant, procurrentes ex agris tectisque et undique effusi insolito spectaculo nimium fruebantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These parties belong to three main political families, though all close to the centre: the right-wing Liberals, the social conservative Christian Democrats and the Socialists forming the left-wing.
Ne feminae quidem exsortes periculi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While our men were working at the trenches, Pharnaces drew up his army in order of battle, forming his front into one line, according to the custom of the country, and securing his wings with a triple body of reserves.
non enim solitas tantum fruges nec confusum metallis aurum gigni, sed nova ubertate provenire terram et obvias opes deferre deos, quaeque alia summa facundia nec minore adulatione servilia fingebant, securi de facilitate credentis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The legion was in the army's centre; the light cohorts and two cavalry squadrons on its wings.
inter ambiguos milites et occultos hostis optimum e praesentibus ratus mutua dissimulatione et isdem quibus petebatur grassari, in coloniam Agrippinensem descendit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Now came an end of mourning and of woe, / when Jove, surveying from his prospect high / shore, sail-winged sea, and peopled earth below, / stood, musing, on the summit of the sky, / and on the Libyan kingdom fixed his eye.
Quirites, vos, quem ad modum iam antea dixi, vestra tecta vigiliis custodiisque defendite!tatoeba tatoeba
If I had wings, I would fly to you.
deinde ipsa multarum artium scientia etiam aliud agentis nos ornat, atque ubi minime credas, eminet et excellit.tatoeba tatoeba
For the cohorts on Caesar's right wing, through ignorance of the place, followed the direction of that rampart which ran along from the camp to the river, while they were in search of a gate, and imagined that it belonged to the camp.
Quarum adventu proelium dirimitur, ac suas uterque legiones reducit in castra.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Batavians had exposed the left wing by their desertion, and they immediately turned against our men.
Hac oratione ab Diviciaco habita omnes qui aderant magno fletu auxilium a Caesare petere coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Angels have two wings; the Devil has a tail.
Pro Iuppiter! tu, homo, adigis me ad insaniam.tatoeba tatoeba
He placed the Rhodian galleys on his right wing, and those of Pontus on his left.
neque enim multo post vim sibi attulit, minore quam ceteri miseratione, quia proditam G. Caesari coniurationem ab eo meminerant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The nymphs, similar to adults except smaller and without wings, also have stink glands.
sensit invidiam miles et compositus in obsequium auctores seditionis ad supplicium ultro postulabat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This allows an air combat force without dedicated/specialized tanker support (for instance, a carrier air wing) to extend the range of its strike aircraft.
Igitur verso civitatis statu nihil usquam prisci et integri moris: omnes exuta aequalitate iussa principis aspectare, nulla in praesens formidine, dum Augustus aetate validus seque et domum in pacem sustentavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Caesar, when he perceived that his soldiers were fighting on unfavorable ground, and that the enemy's forces were increasing, being alarmed for the safety of his troops, sent orders to Titus Sextius, one of his lieutenants, whom he had left to guard the smaller camp, to lead out his cohorts quickly from the camp, and post them at the foot of the hill, on the right wing of the enemy; that if he should see our men driven from the ground, he should deter the enemy from following too closely.
Hic nullo in loco Macedoniae moratus magno impetu tetendit ad Domitium et, cum ab eo milia passuum XX afuisset, subito se ad Cassium Longinum in Thessalasm convertit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So now to winged Love this mandate she addressed: / "O son, sole source of all my strength and power, / who durst high Jove's Typhoean bolts disdain, / to thee I fly, thy deity implore."
et habet sectatores vel potius satellites, qui nondum contumaciam sententiarum, sed habitum vultumque eius sectantur, rigidi et tristes, quo tibi lasciviam exprobrent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
129 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.