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Women's rights
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In 1992, she co-founded the international women's rights group Equality Now.
Anno 1992 organizationem "Equality Now" pro feminismo creavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mary Wollstonecraft (27 April 1759 – 10 September 1797) was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights.
Maria Wollenstonecraft (27 Aprilis 1759—10 Septembris 1797) fuit scriptrix, philosopha, et feminista Anglica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When she first began campaigning for women's rights, Anthony was harshly ridiculed and accused of trying to destroy the institution of marriage.
Cum primum certari coepit, Anthony irridebatur, eique obiectum est se institutum et morem matrimonii perdere velle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In our times the question of "women's rights" has taken on new significance in the broad context of the rights of the human person.
Nostris temporibus quaestio de “iuribus mulieris” novam accepit significationem in ampla iurium personae humanae provincia.vatican.va vatican.va
The Jubilee can also offer an opportunity for reflecting on other challenges of our time, such as the difficulties of dialogue between different cultures and the problems connected with respect for women's rights and the promotion of the family and marriage.
Iubilaeum porro opportunitatem dabit de aliis provocationibus huius temporis meditandi, quae sunt ex. gr. difficultas dialogum instituendi inter diversos cultus, quaestiones de mulieris iuribus tuendis necnon de familia Matrimonioque provehendis.vatican.va vatican.va
In this perspective the Synod devoted special attention to women, to their rights and role within the family and society.
Hac in re Synodus peculiari ratione interesse censuit ut in mulierem singulare studium impendatur in eiusque iura ac munera tam in familia quam in societate.vatican.va vatican.va
No programme of "equal rights" between women and men is valid unless it takes this fact fully into account.
Nulla proinde ratio “aequalitatis iurium” inter mulieres ac viros valet, nisi essentiali plane modo hoc animadvertitur.vatican.va vatican.va
Both The Coquette and Charlotte Temple are novels that treat the right of women to live as equals as the new democratic experiment.
The Coquette et Charlotte Temple sunt mythistoriae quae ius mulierum viris aequae stare in novo experimento democratico tractant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
160) The Synod deplored those African customs and practices "which deprive women of their rights and the respect due to them" (161) and asked the Church on the Continent to make every effort to foster the safeguarding of these rights.
II Familiaris Consortio, 22). Synodus mores illos et consuetudines reprehendit, “quae mulieribus iura ac debitam observantiam adimunt” (Propositio 48) atque postulat ut inibi Ecclesia contendat ad haec iura servanda.vatican.va vatican.va
The norms here established apply to all Religious, men and women, of whatever rite but the rights of Patriarchs for the Orientals remain intact.
Normae quae hic statuuntur valent pro omnibus Religiosis, viris et mulieribus, cuiusvis ritus, salvis pro Orientalibus Patriarcharum iuribus.vatican.va vatican.va
The best way to restore men and women to their rightful place, putting an end to their claim to absolute dominion over the earth, is to speak once more of the figure of a Father who creates and who alone owns the world. Otherwise, human beings will always try to impose their own laws and interests on reality.
Rectior ratio hominem in proprio loco collocandi et finem imponendi eius postulationi, ad quam absolute terram vult dominari, tum datur, cum Patris creatoris unicique mundi domini effigies rursus ob oculos habetur, quia aliter, realitati proprias leges propriaque commoda imponere usque homo contendet.vatican.va vatican.va
Consequently, even the rightful opposition of women to what is expressed in the biblical words "He shall rule over you" (Gen 3:16) must not under any condition lead to the "masculinization" of women.
Qua re etiam iusta mulieris dissensio cum eo, quod biblica verba: “ipse dominabitur tui” (Gen. 3, 16) exprimunt, nullo modo efficere potest ut mulieres “masculescant”.vatican.va vatican.va
The African provinces of Religious Institutes of pontifical right, both of men and of women, have also recorded a growth in membership.
Africanae provinciae Institutorum religiosorum iuris pontificii, seu virorum seu feminarum, sodales suos augeri perspexerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The whole Church is obliged to a deep reflection and commitment, so that the new culture now emerging may be evangelized in depth, true values acknowledged, the rights of men and women defended, and justice promoted in the very structures of society.
Haque universae Ecclesiae munus imponitur quam diligentissime res ponderandi et officia circa eas suscipiendi, ut nova animorum cultura exsurgens penitus evangelizetur, ut veri nominis bona praestantia agnoscantur, ut iura viri et mulieris in tuto collocentur, ut iustitia in ipsis societatis structuris promoveatur.vatican.va vatican.va
While it must be recognized that women have the same right as men to perform various public functions, society must be structured in such a way that wives and mothers are not in practice compelled to work outside the home, and that their families can live and prosper in a dignified way even when they themselves devote their full time to their own family.
Si necesse est et mulieribus, aeque ac viris, agnoscatur ius accedendi ad varia munera publica, tamen societas tali ratione oportet ordinetur ut uxores matresque re non cogantur opus foris facere, necnon ut earum familiae possint digne vivere ac prosperari, etiam cum illae omnes curas in propriam familiam intendunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights , in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom ,
Cum in Carta gentes Conjunctarum Nationum rursus pronuntiaverint suam fidem in juribus praecipuis hominum , in dignitate et virtute hominis , in aequabilitate jurum virorum et feminarum , et se dixerint prompti ad favendum progressui civili et ad gignendum meliores conditiones vitae in majore libertate ,Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The love with which God has loved us is so great that it can always sustain us in finding the right ways to touch the hearts of men and women today.
Amor quo Deus nos dilexit talis est ut nos semper sustentare possit in rectis viis reperiendis, quibus viri mulierisque cor attingere possimus.vatican.va vatican.va
Men and women of full age , without any limitation due to race , nationality or religion , have the right to marry and to found a family .
Ex matrimonio se jugendi aetate , vir mulierque jus habent , nullo genere , nulla gente aut religione id nequaquam impediente , matrimonio se jungere et familiam constituere .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Moaning and tumult in the house we hear, / wailings of misery, and shouts that smite / the golden stars, and women's shrieks of fear, / and trembing matrons, hurrying left and right, / cling to and kiss the doors, made frantic by affright.
At domus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu / miscetur, penitusque cavae plangoribus aedes / femineis ululant, ferit aurea sidera clamor. / Tum pavidae tectis matres ingentibus errant, / amplexaeque tenent postes atque oscula figunt.tatoeba tatoeba
Moaning and tumult in the house we hear, / wailings of misery, and shouts that smite / the golden stars, and women's shrieks of fear, / and trembing matrons, hurrying left and right, / cling to and kiss the doors, made frantic by affright.
At domus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu / miscetur, penitusque cavæ plangoribus ædes / femineis ululant, ferit aurea sidera clamor. / Tum pavidæ tectis matres ingentibus errant, / amplexæque tenent postes atque oscula figunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eternal life will be a shared experience of awe, in which each creature, resplendently transfigured, will take its rightful place and have something to give those poor men and women who will have been liberated once and for all.
Vita aeterna erit res mirabilis communicata, ubi omnis creatura, fulgide transformata, locum suum occupabit et habebit aliquid offerendum pauperibus definitive liberatis.vatican.va vatican.va
With due respect to the different vocations of men and women, the Church must in her own life promote as far as possible their equality of rights and dignity: and this for the good of all, the family, the Church and society.
Ecclesia, diversam hominis ac mulieris vocationem, ut par est, observans, debet etiam, quantum fieri potest, in ipsa vita et aequalia utriusque iura ac dignitatem provehere: hoc quidem in commune omnium bonum, id est familiae, societatis et Ecclesiae.vatican.va vatican.va
Similarly, in many countries a charter for women which would put an end to an actual discrimination and would establish relationships of equality in rights and of respect for their dignity is the object of study and at times of lively demands.
Item apud plures nationes in id studia impenduntur — quod interdum acriter expostulatur ut lex de mulierum statu sanciatur, quae quidem, iniusto quovis remoto discrimine quod obtineat inter utrumque sexum, mulieri paritas iurium attribuatur, debita habita ratione eius dignitatis.vatican.va vatican.va
The fact that men and women in various parts of the world feel personally affected by the injustices and violations of human rights committed in distant countries, countries which perhaps they will never visit, is a further sign of a reality transformed into awareness, thus acquiring a moral connotation.
Quod viri et mulieres, in variis mundi partibus, tamquam proprias sentiunt iniustitias et violationes iurium humanorum longinquis in regionibus aetas, quas numquam fortasse visent, aliud est signum quendam eventum esse mutatum in conscientiam et notam moralem esse consecutum.vatican.va vatican.va
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