abilities oor Latyn


Plural form of ability.

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Trio's ability was conspicuous among informers, as well as his eagerness for an evil notoriety.
celebre inter accusatores Trionis ingenium erat avidumque famae malae.
Charlton T. Lewis

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ars · calliditas · capacitas · captus · facultas · habilitas · ops · postestas · potentia · potestas · prudentia · scientia · solertia · sollers acumen
naturai abilities
natural abilities
ability to change
ability to speak|compose extemporaneously
having natural abilities|talents
mental ability
ability to be know|understood|recognized
limited powers|ability


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He who is a father in the spirit, if he really is such -- and the people of God have always shown their ability to recognize him -- will not make others equal to himself, but will help them find the way to the Kingdom.
'an discidium' inquit ' tuum nosti? nam matrimonium Silii vidit populus et senatus et miles; ac ni propere agis, tenet urbem maritus.'vatican.va vatican.va
Thus, during the period of initial formation, Institutes of Consecrated Life do well to provide practical experiences which are prudently followed by the one responsible for formation, enabling candidates to test, in the context of the local culture, their skills for the apostolate, their ability to adapt and their spirit of initiative.
Is demum annus populum Pomanum longo adversum Numidam Tacfarinatem beilo absolvit.vatican.va vatican.va
But, as the abilities of all are not equal, as one differs from another in the powers of mind or body, and as there are very many dissimilarities of manner, disposition, and character, it is most repugnant to reason to endeavor to confine all within the same measure, and to extend complete equality to the institutions of civic life.
ne trumviratu suo nimis superbiat Antonius.vatican.va vatican.va
The geography and inhabitants of Britain, already described by many writers, I will speak of, not that my research and ability may be compared with theirs, but because the country was then for the first time thoroughly subdued.
Res sacra miser.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And so it is not ability, it is only memory and recollection which I require. I have to repeat now, with the same divisions and arguments, following closely the course of that discussion, those subtle reflections which I heard, powerfully expressed, from men of the highest eminence, each of whom assigned a different but plausible reason, thereby displaying the peculiarities of his individual temper and genius.
Caesar exploratis regionibus albente caelo omnes copias castris educit magnoque circuitu nullo certo itinere exercitum ducit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For competition he is categorised in the S10 classification, the classification for swimmers with the most physical ability.
Germani desperata expugnatione castrorum, quod nostros iam constitisse in munitionibus videbant, cum ea praeda quam in silvis deposuerant trans Rhenum sese receperunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is, in fact, a task which is ancient yet ever new, a task which has its origin in the mystery of the Incarnation itself and its motivation in the innate ability of the Gospel to take root in every culture, shaping and developing it, purifying it and opening it to the fullness of truth and life which is realized in Jesus Christ.
Oppidum diripit atque incendit, praedam militibus donat, exercitum Ligerem traducit atque in Biturigum fines pervenit.vatican.va vatican.va
Similarly, to reach the Holy Door in Rome or in any other place in the world, everyone, each according to his or her ability, will have to make a pilgrimage.
Haec in omnibus Eburonum partibus gerebantur, diesque appetebat septimus, quem ad diem Caesar ad impedimenta legionemque reverti constituerat.vatican.va vatican.va
Many have some magical abilities.
Eorum qui domum redierunt censu habito, ut Caesar imperaverat, repertus est numerus milium C et X. <p>WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was little good for them to give a brief vote in the senate without sup-porting their opinion with ability and eloquence.
Accesserant praeter Trionem et Catum accusatores Fonteius Agrippa et C. Vibius , certabantque cui ius perorandi in reum daretur, donec Vibius, quia nec ipsi inter se concederent et Libo sine patrono introisset, singillatim se crimina obiecturum professus, protulit libellos vaecordes adeo ut consultaverit Libo an habiturus foret opes quis viam Appiam Brundisium usque pecunia operiret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Latin language is not entirely unknown to me, but I altogether lack the ability to speak it.
redditur ordini Lurius Varus consularis, avaritiae criminibus olim perculsus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Cor 12:7-10; cf.
tum cognito Natalis indicio Scaevinus quoque pari imbecillitate, an cuncta iam patefacta credens nec ullum silentii emolumentum, edidit ceteros.vatican.va vatican.va
At birth a human being possesses certain aptitudes and abilities in germinal form, and these qualities are to be cultivated so that they may bear fruit. By developing these traits through formal education of personal effort, the individual works his way toward the goal set for him by the Creator.
Statuerat enim prius hos iudicio populi debererestitui, quam suo beneficio videri receptos, ne aut ingratus in referenda gratia aut arrogans in praeripiendo populi beneficio videretur.vatican.va vatican.va
(47) His ability for listening to the word of God and for prayer increases.
Germani post tergum clamore audito, cum suos interfiei viderent, armis abiectis signis militaribus relictis se ex castris eiecerunt, et cum ad confluentem Mosae et Rheni pervenissent, reliqua fuga desperata, magno numero interfecto, reliqui se in flumen praecipitaverunt atque ibi timore, lassitudine, vi fluminis oppressi perierunt.vatican.va vatican.va
This rediscovery of nature can never be at the cost of the freedom and responsibility of human beings who, as part of the world, have the duty to cultivate their abilities in order to protect it and develop its potential.
sensit dux inparem comminus pugnam remotisque paulum legionibus funditores libritoresque excutere tela et proturbare hostem iubet.vatican.va vatican.va
It has been noted that dupes have trouble creating more dupes themselves if they have not used their powers for a while, while Madrox is able to use his ability whenever he wants without any such issue.
sic egesto quidquid turbidum redit urbi sua forma legesque et munia magistratuum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Church's ability to "make" the Eucharist is completely rooted in Christ's self-gift to her.
In his rebus circiter dies X consumit ne nocturnis quidem temporibus ad laborem militum intermissis.vatican.va vatican.va
This precautionary principle makes it possible to protect those who are most vulnerable and whose ability to defend their interests and to assemble incontrovertible evidence is limited.
Quibus ex castris cum locus angustus atque impeditus esset transeundus, Pharnaces in insidiis delectos pedites omnisque paene disposuit equites, magnam autem multitudinem pecoris intra eas fauces dissipari iussit paganosque et oppidanos in his locis obversari, ut sive amicus Domitius eas angustias transiret, nihil de insidiis suspicaretur, cum in agris et pecora et homines animum adverteret versari tamquam amicorum adventu, sive inimicus ut in hostium finis veniret, praeda diripienda milites dissiparentur dispersique caederentur.vatican.va vatican.va
The Christian vocation to this development therefore applies to both the natural plane and the supernatural plane; which is why, “when God is eclipsed, our ability to recognize the natural order, purpose and the ‘good' begins to wane”[50].
Haec poena apud eos est gravissima.vatican.va vatican.va
Such a vision of communion is closely linked to the Christian community's ability to make room for all the gifts of the Spirit.
His initis consiliis oppida muniunt, frumenta ex agris in oppida comportant, naves in Venetiam, ubi Caesarem primum bellum gesturum constabat, quam plurimas possunt cogunt.vatican.va vatican.va
This is particularly important in a highly technological age like our own, which risks losing the ability to appreciate signs and symbols.
Ne in Vitellii quidem partibus quietae mentes: exitiosiore discordia non suspicionibus vulgi, sed perfidia ducum turbabantur.vatican.va vatican.va
On the death of Pandus, whom Rhescuporis accused of being his personal enemy, he appointed to the government of Moesia Pomponius Flaccus, a veteran soldier, specially because of his close intimacy with the king and his consequent ability to entrap him.
Nullum intercedebat tempus, quin extremi cum equitibus proeliarentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But sacred art must be outstanding for its ability to express adequately the mystery grasped in the fullness of the Church's faith and in accordance with the pastoral guidelines appropriately laid down by competent Authority.
Sed miles, plenis castris et redundante multitudine, in porticibus aut delubris et urbe tota vagus, non principia noscere, non servare vigilias neque labore firmari: per inlecebras urbis et inhonesta dictu corpus otio, animum libidinibus imminuebant.vatican.va vatican.va
The following words of the Council are a point of reference: "Although the task of spreading the faith, to the best of one's ability, falls to each disciple of Christ, the Lord always calls from the number of his disciples those whom he wishes, so that they may be with him and that he may send them to preach to the nations.
Praeerat tunc Britanniae Vettius Bolanus, placidius quam feroci provincia dignum est.vatican.va vatican.va
2] He spoke in similar terms to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations about the potential for an “ecological catastrophe under the effective explosion of industrial civilization”, and stressed “the urgent need for a radical change in the conduct of humanity”, inasmuch as “the most extraordinary scientific advances, the most amazing technical abilities, the most astonishing economic growth, unless they are accompanied by authentic social and moral progress, will definitively turn against man”.[
Id oppidum Lentulus Spinther X cohortibus tenebat; qui Caesaris adventu cognito profugit ex oppido cohortesque secum abducere conatus magna parte militum deseritur.vatican.va vatican.va
145 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.