agony oor Latyn


/ægənɪ/, /ˈæɡəniː/ naamwoord
Pain so extreme as to cause writhing or contortions of the body, similar to those made in the athletic contests in Greece; and hence, extreme pain of mind or body; anguish; paroxysm of grief; specifically, the sufferings of Christ in the garden of Gethsemane.

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When on the cross Mary's Son revealed himself fully as the "sign of contradiction," it was then that this immolation and mortal agony also reached her maternal heart.
Cum ipsius in Cruce Filius sese iam omni cum plenitudine aperiret veluti “signum, cui contradicetur”, eius modi immolatio, haec nempe Filii mortalis agonia, maternum quoque Mariae attigit
She herself has understood most completely the meaning of the words spoken to her during his agony on the cross: "Woman, behold, your son....
Plane enim intellexit quid sibi voces vellent a Filio enuntiatae animam in Cruce exhalante: “Mulier, ecce filius tuus . .
The Agony and the Ecstasy (film)
The Agony and the Ecstasy (pellicula)langbot langbot
Pascal wrote that "Jesus will be in agony until the end of the world".
Scripsit olim Pascal: “Erit in agonia Christus ad finem usque saeculorum” (Bliase Pascal, Pensées, «Le mysteère de Jésus», 553)
"And now already from the heaven's high steep / the dewy night wheels down, and sinking slow, / the stars are gently wooing us to sleep. / But, if thy longing be so great to know / the tale of Troy's last agony and woe, / the toils we suffered, though my heart doth ache, / and grief would fain the memory forego / of scenes so sad, yet, Lady, for thy sake / I will begin," and thus the sire of Troy outspake:
"Et jam nox humida cœlo / præcipitat suadentque cadentia sidera somnos. / Sed si tantus amor casus cognoscere nostros / et breviter Trojæ supremum audire laborem, / quamquam animus meminisse horret luctuque refugit, / incipiam."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Is it possible to imagine a greater agony, a more impenetrable darkness?
Num mente fingi potest maior animi cruciatus, densior obscuritas?
The Song of the Suffering Servant contains a description in which it is possible, in a certain sense, to identify the stages of Christ's Passion in their various details: the arrest, the humiliation, the blows, the spitting, the contempt for the prisoner, the unjust sentence, and then the scourging, the crowning with thorns and the mocking, the carrying of the Cross, the crucifixion and the agony.
Carmen Servi perdolentis descriptionem prae se fert, in qua denotari aliquo modo possunt momenta Christi passionis in minutioribus eius rebus: comprehensio, contumelia, alapae, sputa, contemptio ipsius dignitatis captivi, iniquum iudicium ac deinde flagellatio, corona spinarum capiti imposita et opprobrium, via crucis, crucifixio,
These souls imitate the spotless Lamb, my Only-begotten Son, who on the Cross was both blissful and afflicted".13 In the same way, Thérèse of Lisieux lived her agony in communion with the agony of Jesus, "experiencing" in herself the very paradox of Jesus's own bliss and anguish: "In the Garden of Olives our Lord was blessed with all the joys of the Trinity, yet his dying was no less harsh.
Imitantur enim hi Agnum immaculatum, Unigenitum meum Filium, qui cruci adfixus gaudebat tum etiam dolebat».13 Item pariter sancta Teresia Lexoviensis suum vivit cruciatum coniuncta nempe cum Iesu dolore, in semet scilicet paradoxum Iesu comprobans beati simul et solliciti: «In Olivarum horto omnibus fruebatur Dominus noster Trinitatis gaudiis, nec vero minus erat ipsius agonia
The Eucharist, through which we do not cease to proclaim the death and resurrection of the Lord and to prepare ourselves for His coming again in glory, brings back constantly to mind the physical and moral sufferings by which Christ was afflicted, and which He had indeed freely accepted, even to His agony and death on the Cross.
Eucharistiae, per quam non desinimus mortem et resurrectionem Domini annuntiare et ad eius reditum in gloria nosmet componere, in memoriam vestram indesinenter dolores corporis et animi redigit, quibus Christus est discruciatus, quos tamen libere subiit usque ad agoniam et mortem in cruce
Nero, meanwhile, remembering that Epicharis was in custody on the information of Volusius Proculus, and assuming that a woman's frame must be unequal to the agony, ordered her to be torn on the rack.
Atque interim Nero recordatus Volusii Proculi indico Epicharin attineri ratusque muliebre corpus impar dolori tormentis dilacerari iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"And now already from the heaven's high steep / the dewy night wheels down, and sinking slow, / the stars are gently wooing us to sleep. / But, if thy longing be so great to know / the tale of Troy's last agony and woe, / the toils we suffered, though my heart doth ache, / and grief would fain the memory forego / of scenes so sad, yet, Lady, for thy sake / I will begin," and thus the sire of Troy outspake:
"Et jam nox humida coelo / praecipitat suadentque cadentia sidera somnos. / Sed si tantus amor casus cognoscere nostros / et breviter Trojae supremum audire laborem, / quamquam animus meminisse horret luctuque refugit, / incipiam."tatoeba tatoeba
Being found and put to the torture that he might be forced to reveal his accomplices, he exclaimed in a loud voice, in the language of his country, that it was in vain to question him; his comrades might stand by and look on, but that the most intense agony would not wring the truth from him.
et repertus cum tormentis edere conscios adigeretur, voce magna sermones patrio frustra se interrogari clamitavit: adsisterent socii ac spectarent; nullam vim tantam doloris fore ut veritatem eliceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Are not all the words he uttered during his agony on Golgotha a proof of this greatness, and especially his words concerning the perpetrators of his crucifixion: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"(70)?
Nonne huiusmodi magnitudinem omnia testantur verba, quae ipse in Golgotha, cum animam ageret, locutus est, et imprimis de crucifixionis auctoribus: “Pater, dimitte illis, non enim sciunt quid faciunt”?(
The institution of the Eucharist sacramentally anticipated the events which were about to take place, beginning with the agony in Gethsemane.
Etenim praecipiebat sacramentali modo ipsa Eucharistiae institutio eventus qui paulo post intercessuri erant iam ab ipsa agonia in horto
Certain it is, that on the last day the very agonies of his dying moments were reported by a succession of couriers, and no one believed that there would be such haste about tidings which would be heard with regret.
Supremo quidem die momenta ipsa deficientis per dispositos cursores nuntiata constabat, nullo credente sic adcelerari quae tristis audiret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The agony of Gethsemane and the agony of Golgotha are the summit of the revelation of love.
Agonia horti Gethesemani atque Calvariae agonia sunt apex testificationis
Behold the agony of the heart of the Mother who suffered together with him, "consenting to the immolation of this victim which she herself had brought forth."
En, cruciatus Matris animi quae ilio patiebatur, “victimae de se genitae immolationi amanter consentiens”
Her do we invoke, finally, as Mother of God; and in virtue of a dignity so sublime what graces from her may we not promise to ourselves, sinners, in life and in the agonies of the end?
VIII, super salut. angel. n. 8), beatum ventris sui fructum, in quo benedicentur omnes gentes: eam demum Matrem Dei invocamus; ex qua dignitate excelsa quid non pro nobis peccatoribus certissime exposcat, quid non speremus in omni vita et in agone spiritus ultimo?
The intensity of the episode of the agony in the Garden of Olives passes before our eyes.
Nostro in conspectu transit vehementia ipsa illius eventus in hortu Olivarum, nempe Christi
Theological tradition has not failed to ask how Jesus could possibly experience at one and the same time his profound unity with the Father, by its very nature a source of joy and happiness, and an agony that goes all the way to his final cry of abandonment.
Theologorum traditio non recusavit etiam interrogare quomodo Iesus vivere potuerit altissimam suam coniunctionem cum Patre, fonte nempe laetitiae ac beatitudinis suapte natura, ac simul hanc agoniam usque ad derelictionis
As a consequence, her slave-girls were examined under torture, and though some were forced by the intensity of agony into admitting falsehoods, most of them persisted in upholding the virtue of their mistress.
actae ob id de ancillis quaestiones, et vi tormentorum victis quibusdam, ut falsa adnuerent, plures perstitere sanctitatem dominae tueri; ex quibus una instanti Tigellino castiora esse muliebria Octaviae respondit quam os eius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It wasn't a natural illness that made Sami suffer in agony. It was poisoning.
Non aegritudo fuit quae fecerat ut Sami per dolorem pateretur sed venenum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The agony in Gethsemane was the introduction to the agony of the Cross on Good Friday.
Agonia in horto Gethsemani initium modo erat Crucis agoniae die
23 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.