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[ aliēnus ]
Charlton T. Lewis

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In fact there is a risk of passing uncritically from a form of alienation from culture to an overestimation of culture.
vescebantur in villa cui vocabulum Speluncae mare Amunclanum inter et Fundanos montis nativo in
40) Many of those who, with minds alienated from the faith, hate Catholic institutions, claim reason as their sole mistress and guide.
timuisse se Paulinus ferebat tantum insuper laboris atque itineris, ne Vitellianus miles recens e castris fessos adgrederetur et perculsis nullum retro subsidium
It is not difficult to notice how alienation from everything belonging in various ways to the full richness of man threatens our times.
Atque haec propter exercitus sui praesentis paucitatem et tirocinium praeparaverat, non hostium vi et metu commotus patientem se timidumque hostium opinioni
But we must ask the question: does this treasure of youth necessarily alienate man from Christ?
Sic accensos et proelium poscentis in campum, cui Idistaviso nomen,
This, more than anything else, alienated from Vitellius the armies of Illyricum. At the same time the other legions, influenced by the contagion of example, and by their dislike of the German troops, were meditating war.
Angebat Vitellium victarum legionum haudquaquam fractus animus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In him, and only in him, are we set free from all alienation and doubt, from slavery to the power of sin and death.
Caralitani, simul ad se Valerium mitti audierunt, nondum profecto ex Italia sua sponte Cottam ex oppido eiciunt. Ille perterritus, quod omnem provinciam consentire intellegebat, ex Sardinia in Africam
The Passover of Christ has in fact liberated man from a slavery more radical than any weighing upon an oppressed people — the slavery of sin, which alienates man from God, and alienates man from himself and from others, constantly sowing within history the seeds of evil and violence.
Follow–up measures up to one year after finishing the program were
Separation, well considered, is only the baneful consequence - as We often have declared, especially in the Encyclical Quas Primas - of laicism, or rather the apostasy of society that today feigns to alienate itself from God and therefore from the Church.
Deprensis navibus circiter quinquaginta celeriterque coniunctis atque eo militibus iniectis et rei novitate perterritis oppidanis, quorum magna pars erat ad bellum evocata, sine contentione oppido
Moreover, he has prepared himself for this solitude—which should be an internal and external plenitude of charity—if he has chosen it with full understanding, and not through any proud desire to be different from the rest of men, or to withdraw himself from common responsibilities, or to alienate himself from his brothers, or to show contempt for the world.
et Vitellius credidit de perfidia et fidem
This rebuke is of course based on a mistaken and inadequate idea of alienation, derived solely from the sphere of relationships of production and ownership, that is, giving them a materialistic foundation and moreover denying the legitimacy and positive value of market relationships even in their own sphere.
urbi Flavium Sabinum praefecere, iudicium Neronis secuti, sub quo eandem curam obtinuerat, plerisque Vespasianum fratrem in eo
Rather, as has always been taught by experience and history, the more the enemies of the Church seek to alienate people from the Vicar of Christ, the more affectionately the latter, through the providential disposition of God, Who knows how to bring good out of evil, draw closer to him, proclaiming that from him alone is radiated that light which illuminates the way darkened by so many perturbations, and that from him alone, as from Christ, resounds the words of eternal life.
et erant qui formam, aetatem, genus mortis ob propinquitatem etiam locorum in quibus interiit, magni Alexandri fatis
Pompey himself, incited by Caesar's enemies, because he was unwilling that any person should bear an equal degree of dignity, had wholly alienated himself from Caesar's friendship, and procured a reconciliation with their common enemies; the greatest part of whom he had himself brought upon Caesar during his affinity with him. At the same time, chagrined at the disgrace which he had incurred by converting the two legions from their expedition through Asia and Syria, to [augment] his own power and authority, he was anxious to bring matters to a war.
ibi eum missae a Paulino Liburnicae oppressere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Man is alienated when he is alone, when he is detached from reality, when he stops thinking and believing in a foundation[125].
Quo timore perterriti Galli, ne ab equitatu Romanorum viae praeoccuparentur, consilio
"Spare, O AEneas, spare a wretch, nor shame / thy guiltless hands, but let the dead repose. / From Troy, no alien to thy race, I came. / O, fly this greedy shore, these cruel foes! / Not from the tree – from Polydorus flows / this blood, for I am Polydorus. Here / an iron crop o'erwhelmed me, and uprose / bristling with pointed javelins."
Initium mihi operis Servius Galba iterum Titus Vinius consules erunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Julius Civilis, a man of commanding influence among the Batavi, was next rescued from like circumstances of peril, lest that high-spirited nation should be alienated by his execution.
at in Italia Etrusci ab Corinthio Demarato, Aborigines Arcade ab Evandro didicerunt; et forma litteris Latinis quae veterrimis Graecorum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The love-story between God and man consists in the very fact that this communion of will increases in a communion of thought and sentiment, and thus our will and God's will increasingly coincide: God's will is no longer for me an alien will, something imposed on me from without by the commandments, but it is now my own will, based on the realization that God is in fact more deeply present to me than I am to myself.[ 10] Then self- abandonment to God increases and God becomes our joy (cf.
simul pedestris acies infertur et praemissus eques postremos ac latera
At the same time, exploitation of the earth not only for industrial but also for military purposes and the uncontrolled development of technology outside the framework of a long-range authentically humanistic plan often bring with them a threat to man's natural environment, alienate him in his relations with nature and remove him from nature.
discurrunt mutati et seditiosissimum quemque vinctos trahunt ad legatum legionis primae C. Caetronium, qui iudicium et poenas de singulis in hunc modum
We can only seek to understand this question more deeply and to respond to it more maturely, freeing ourselves from the various objections that have always—as happens today too—been raised against priestly celibacy, and also freeing ourselves from the different interpretations that appeal to criteria alien to the Gospel, to Tradition and to the Church's Magisterium—criteria, we would add, whose "anthropological" correctness and basis in fact are seen to be very dubious and of relative value.
Tertium est contra septentriones; cui parti nulla est obiecta terra, sed eius angulus lateris maxime ad Germaniam
More than once, the Christians in Japan and China had to suffer from hatred and calamity. The hostile people in power exiled and executed alien priests, but spared the native. Because they were completely familiar with the language and customs of their native land and were sustained by friends and relatives, they were allowed not only to remain unharmed in their country, but also to administer the sacraments freely, and perform pastoral duties in all the provinces.
Rursum Seianus non iam de matrimonio sed altius metuens tacita suspicionum, vulgi rumorem, ingruentem invidiam
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