all night oor Latyn

all night

For the period of an entire night.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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remain awake all night
keep watch all night
stay all night
lasting all night
keeping watch or sleepless all night long
stay away all night
guard all night
watch all night


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We waited there all night.
In Hermunduris Albis oritur, flumen inclitum et notum olim; nunc tantum auditur.tatoeba tatoeba
"""Oh, yes, sir; there was two policemen outside all night, and Rogers and me inside."""
Omnesque hi populi pauca campestrium, ceterum saltus et vertices montium jugumque insederunt.Literature Literature
The images relayed back to Earth from Voyager 2 became the basis of a 1989 PBS all-night program, Neptune All Night.
atque illo pleraque sapienter quaedam inconsultius respondente, recitat codicillos a Pisone in hunc ferme modum compositos: 'conspiratione inimicorum et invidia falsi criminis oppressus, quatenus veritati et innocentiae meae nusquam locus est, deos inmortalis testor vixisse me, Caesar, cum fide adversum te neque alia in matrem tuam pietate; vosque oro liberis meis consulatis, ex quibus Cn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We then share the experience of the disciples in the Gospel story of the miraculous catch of fish: "We have toiled all night and caught nothing" (Lk 5:5).
hunc auspicato a parente et conditore urbis nostrae institutum et a regibus usque ad principes continuum et immortalem, sicut a maioribus accepimus, sic posteris tradamus; nam ut ex vobis senatores, ita ex senatoribus principes nascuntur.""
Caesar could not double the cape with the same wind, but keeping the sea at anchor all night, appeared early next morning before Adrumetum. He set fire to all the transports without Cothon, and took what galleys he found there, or forced them into the harbor; and having waited some time to offer the enemy battle, returned again to his camp.
addidit Claudius sacra ex legibus Tulli regis piaculaque apud lucum Dianae per pontifices danda, inridentibus cunctis quod poenae procurationesque incesti id temporis exquirerentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And when Moses had stretched forth his hand over the sea, the Lord took it away by a strong and burning wind blowing all the night, and turned it into dry ground: and the water was divided.
igitur repente agmen Romanum circumfundit, non ignaro duce nostro, qui viae pariter et pugnae composuerat exercitum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
They with difficulty sustain the attack till night; despairing of safety, they all to a man destroy themselves in the night.
Haec dicta pariter probataque: de reliquiis Vitelliani exercitus dubitavere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Vercingetorix adopts the design of sending away all his cavalry by night, before the fortifications should be completed by the Romans.
dabantur stipes, quas boni necessitate, intemperantes gloria consumerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This is the observable night of the Lord, when he brought them forth out of the land of Egypt: this night all the children of Israel must observe in their generations.
laudavimus nuper ut miram et eximiam Vespasiani liberalitatem, quod quingenta sestertia Basso donasset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removing, went behind them: and together with him the pillar of the cloud, leaving the forepart, stood behind, between the Egyptians' camp and the camp of Israel: and it was a dark cloud, and enlightening the night, so that they could not come at one another all the night.
Quae ambages Vespasianum ac Titum praedixerat, sed vulgus more humanae cupidinis sibi tantam fatorum magnitudinem interpretati ne adversis quidem ad vera mutabantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Caesar, according to his wonted clemency, easily pardoned him, as he did likewise Caecina, C. Ateius, P. Atrius, L. Cella, father and son, M. Eppius, M. Aquinius, Cato's son, and the children of Damasippus. He arrived at Utica in the evening by torch-light, and continued all that night without the town.
Reversus ille eventus belli non ignorans unum, quod cohortes ex statione et praesidio essent emissae, questus ne minimo quidem casu locum relinqui debuisse, multum fortunam in repentino hostium adventu potuisse iudicavit, multo etiam amplius, quod paene ab ipso vallo portisque castrorum barbaros avertisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And Abimelech forthwith rising up in the night, called all his servants: and spoke all these words in their hearing, and all the men were exceedingly afraid.
His paratis rebus magnum numerum levis armaturae et sagittariorum aggeremque omnem noctu in scaphas et naves actuarias imponit et de media nocte cohortes LX ex maximis castris praesidiisque deductas ad eam partem munitionum ducit, quae pertinebant ad mare longissimeque a maximis castris Caesaris aberant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Why sittest thou alone and all the people wait from morning till night?
sed Valens ne in tanto quidem discrimine infamia caruit, quo minus rapere inlicitas voluptates adulteriisque ac stupris polluere hospitum domus crederetur: aderant vis et pecunia et ruentis fortunae novissima libido.Thaddeus Stone Thaddeus Stone
And Pharaoh arose in the night, and all his servants, and all Egypt: and there arose a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house wherein there lay not one dead.
Hic cognosci licuit, quantum esset hominibus praesidii in animi firmitudine.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Accordingly, having poured upon us a great quantity of darts and fire, and destroyed a considerable part of the rampart, they opened the gate which lay over against and within view of Pompey's camp, and sallied out with all their forces, carrying with them fascines to fill up the ditch; hooks and fire to destroy and reduce to ashes the barracks, which the soldiers had built mostly of reeds to defend them from the winter; and some silver and rich apparel to scatter among the tents, that while our men should be employed in securing the plunder, they might fight their way through and escape to Pompey; who, in expectation that they would be able to effect their design, had crossed the Rio Salado with his army, where he continued all night in order of battle, to favor their retreat.
Planities erat magna et in ea tumulus terrenus satis grandis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Participants in this study who consumed caffeine right before bedtime, three hours before bedtime, and six hours before bedtime all experienced a shorter night's sleep, lower sleep quality and spent more time awake at night.
Paulino et Celso iam non adversantibus, ne principem obiectare periculis viderentur idem illi deterioris consilii auctores perpulere ut Brixellum concederet ac dubiis proeliorum exemptus summae rerum et imperii se ipsum reservaret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After spending several days in the same camp, the guards of the Bellovaci, learning that Caius Trebonius was advancing nearer with his legions, and fearing a siege like that of Alesia, send off by night all who were disabled by age or infirmity, or unarmed, and along with them their whole baggage.
tandem Vitellius in editiora enisus eodem agmen subduxit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Induced by these motives, early in the night he sent all his cavalry to the enemy's camp near the river Bagrada, of which Sabura, of whom we have already spoken, was the commander.
et Flavianus exercitus immane quantum <aucto> animo exitium Valentis ut finem belli accepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This procured him pity, which was the more conspicuous, as night with its merriment had stript off all disguise.
Facilis procul dubio est, Venerabiles Fratres, omnibusque, vel rudibus et indoctis, accommodatus hic precandi modus, quem S.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To attack them by surprise, Afranius set out in the beginning of the night, with all his cavalry and three legions, and sent the horse on before, to fall on them unawares; but the Gallic horse soon got themselves in readiness, and attacked them.
id bellum cum causis et eventibus (etenim longius provectum est) mox memorabimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A few were in fault, two will be punished. Let all the rest blot out the remembrance of that night of infamy.
namque facundiam tuendis civibus exercebat, largitionem adversum amicos, et ignotis quoque comi sermone et congressu; aderant etiam fortuita, corpus procerum, decora facies; sed procul gravitas morum aut vuloptatum persimonia: levitati ac magnificentiae et aliquando luxu indulgebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That same year twelve famous cities of Asia fell by an earthquake in the night, so that the destruction was all the more unforeseen and fearful.
Eius rei quae causa esset miratus ex ipsis quaesiit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This report having been carried to the Treviri, Indutiomarus, who had resolved to attack the camp of Labienus the following day, flies by night and leads back all his forces into the country of the Treviri.
Baiarum suarum piscinas extollebat, cum meis consiliis adoptio et proconsulare ius et designatio consulatus et cetera apiscendo imperio praepararentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And Moses stretched forth his rod upon the land of Egypt: and the Lord brought a burning wind all that day, and night; and when it was morning, the burning wind raised the locusts. And they came up over the whole land of Egypt; and rested in all the coasts of the Egyptians, innumerable, the like as had not been before that time, nor shall be hereafter.
Ita in duas factiones civitas discessit, donec propinquantibus Romanis bellum externum concordiam pareret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
76 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.