all right oor Latyn

all right

/ˌɔːlˈraɪt/ adjektief, tussenwerpsel, bywoord
good; in acceptable, if not excellent condition

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all right!
age · agedum · agite
it is all right
we are all right
all the way|right up to
all right!
age · agedum · agite


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Is the cat all right?
Neque enim sapientem informamus neque Stoicorum comitem, sed eum qui quasdam artis haurire, omnes libare debet.tatoeba tatoeba
Everything is all right.
Tertiam autem aciem in sinistrum suum cornu contulerat et usque ad aciei suae mediam legionem porrexerat et ita collocaverat uti sinistrum suum cornu esset triplex.tatoeba tatoeba
"""So far as I've been able to judge, they're all right."""
tripertito agmine pars, ut adstiterat, Flaminia via, pars iuxta ripam Tiberis incessit; tertium agmen per Salariam Collinae portae propinquabat.Literature Literature
All right, thanks.
Labienus saucios suos, quorum maximus numerus fuit, iubet in plostris delegatos Hadrumetum deportari.QED QED
All right man.
eas Caecina aquiliferis signiferisque et quod maxime castrorum sincerum erat occulte recitat, utque cunctos infamiae, se ipsos morti eximant hortatur: nam in pace causas et meritaspectari, ubi bellum ingruat innocentis ac noxios iuxta cadere.QED QED
Everything all right?
quin etiam dixit Xenophontem, cuius scientia ipse uteretur, eadem familia ortum, precibusque eius dandum ut omni tributo vacui in posterum Coi sacram et tantum dei ministram insulam colerent.tatoeba tatoeba
All right, Warden, let's give them what they want.
Adiabeni cum promovere scalas et machinamenta inciperent, facile detrusi, mox erumpentibus nostris caeduntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That's all right. I understand you. You speak very well.
neque aciem aut proelium dici decuerit in quo semermi ac palantes trucidati sunt sine nostro sanguine.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I hope my father is all right.
Proximum id libertati; et si dominorum electio sit, honestius principes Romanorum quam Germanorum feminas tolerari.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hence the doctrine of the supremacy of the greater number, and that all right and all duty reside in the majority.
P. Mario L. Afinio consulibus Antistius praetor, quem in tribunatu plebis licenter egisse memoravi probrosa adversus principem carmina factitavit vulgavitque celebri convivio, dum apud Ostorium Scapulam
It is also a subject of keen grief to Us that the law, in contempt of all right, proclaims as property of the State, Departments or Communes the ecclesiastical edifices dating from before the Concordat.
Thraecia in Rhoemetalcen filium, quem paternis consiliis adversatum constabat, inque liberos Cotyis dividitur; iisque nondum adultis Trebellenus Rufus praetura functus datur qui regnum interim tractaret, exemplo quo maiores M. Lepidum Ptolemaei liberis tutorem in Aegyptum
The sin of holding people in contempt and scorning their dignity, notwithstanding so many declarations confirming all human rights?
e tribunis Gavius Silvanus, quamvis absolutus, sua manu cecidit: Statius Proxumus veniam, quam ab imperatore acceperat, vanitate exitus
It is certainly all right to maintain bilateral and multilateral agreements. Through such agreements, ties of dependence and feelings of jealousy—holdovers from the era of colonialism —give way to friendly relationships of true solidarity that are based on juridical and political equality.
Eas litteras Latinius Pandusa pro praetore Moesiae cum militibus quis Cotys traderetur in Thraeciam
AF was over the age of seven, and so would have all custodial rights transferred to his paternal father upon return to Lebanon.
sepulchrum Antiochiae ubi crematus, tribunal Epidaphnae quo in loco vitamfinierat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was recognised in the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action which reads “all human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated."
Haec Scipionis oratio, quod senatus in urbe habebatur Pompeiusque aberat, ex ipsius ore Pompei mitti videbatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They will win the approbation and the approval of all right thinking men, Catholic and non-Catholic, and they will help to assure that a great international force - the motion picture - shall be directed towards the noble end of promoting the highest ideals and the truest standards of life.
si status imperii aut salus Galliarum in discrimine verteretur, debuisse Caesarem in acie stare, Canninefatis Batavosque minoribus ducibus delegandos: ipse Luguduni vim fortunamque principatus e proximo ostentaret, nec parvis periculis immixtus et maioribus non defutururus
So also the war declared on private ownership, more and more abated, is being so restricted that now, finally, not the possession itself of the means of production is attacked but rather a kind of sovereignty over society which ownership has, contrary to all right, seized and usurped.
licet illos certamina et pericula sua ad consulatus evexerint, malo securum et quietum Virgilii secessum, in quo tamen neque apud divum Augustum gratia caruit neque apud populum Romanum
Now the first and most immediate application of this teaching concerns a human law which disregards the fundamental right and source of all other rights which is the right to life, a right belonging to every individual.
Hac oratione ab Diviciaco habita omnes qui aderant magno fletu auxilium a Caesare petere
Since disabled people are subjects with all their rights, they should be helped to participate in the life of society in all its aspects and at all the levels accessible to their capacities.
adseverabatque innocentem Cornutum et falso exterritum; idque facile intellectu si proderentur alii: non enim se caedem principis et res novas uno socio
The only check a government can command in this case is that of force; but force cannot be constantly employed, nor is it always available yet the people continue to be undermined as by a secret disease, they become discontented with everything, they proclaim the right to act as they please, they stir up rebellions, they provoke revolutions, often of extreme violence, in the State; they overthrow all rights human and divine.
coniugem et liberos meos, quos pro gloria vestra libens ad exitium offerrem, nunc procul a furentibus summoveo, ut quidquid istud sceleris imminet, meo tantum sanguine pietur, neve occisus Augusti pronepos, interfecta Tiberii nurus nocentiores vos
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
Atque ego hanc sententiam probarem (tantum apud me dignitas potest), si nullam praeterquam vitae nostrae iacturam fieri viderem: sed in consilio capiendo omnem Galliam respiciamus, quam ad nostrum auxilium concitavimus.langbot langbot
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