appear oor Latyn


/əˈpiɹ/, /əˈpɪə/ werkwoord
(intransitive) To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look


To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look


To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look

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assume the appearance of
adparentia · apparentia
offer sacrifices till favorable omens appear
decent appearance
appear as servant
spoil appearance|brightness|clearness|purity of
enhance appearance
make an appearance
appareo · obversor
appear|come in sight
compareo · conpareo


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Consecrated chastity thus appears as a joyful and liberating experience.
Nec Agricola umquam per alios gesta avidus intercepit: seu centurio seu praefectus incorruptum facti testem
The re-opening ceremony, in which he appeared with Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and other officials, marked Kili's last public appearance.
nec speciem adulantis expaveris: a contumelia quam a laude propius fuerit post Vitellium eligi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indeed, it will be the Bishop's responsibility to ensure that the liturgy always appears ''as an 'exemplary form', a source of inspiration, a constant point of reference and the ultimate goal'' for the Marian piety of the People of God.64 While holding to this principle, the Bishop will also nourish his personal and communitarian Marian devotion by devotional practices approved and recommended by the Church, especially by the recitation of that compendium of the Gospel which is the Holy Rosary.
igitur Sextilius Felix cum ala Auriana et octo cohortibus ac Noricorum iuventute ad occupandam ripam Aeni fluminis, quod Raetos Noricosque interfluit,
The positions we have examined lead in turn to a more general conception which appears today as the common framework of many philosophies which have rejected the meaningfulness of being.
statim corripit reum, adit consules, cognitionem senatus
The political conditions of such a kingdom of reason and freedom, however, appear at first sight somewhat ill defined.
his atque talibus recitatis et offensione manifesta, non ideo aut consules mutavere relationem aut Thrasea decessit sententia ceterive quae probaverant deseruere, pars, ne principem obiecisse invidiae viderentur, plures numero tuti, Thrasea sueta firmitudine animi et ne gloria
This officer contrived, under an appearance of submission, to govern Silvanus, a leader without vigour, and apt to waste in words the opportunities of action.
Nam postero die universas suas regisque copias cum elephantis LX productas in aciem quam speciosissime potuit instruxit ac paulo longius progressus ab suis munitionibus haud ita diu commoratus se recepit in castra.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Lord is immolated in an unbloody way in the Sacrifice of the Mass and He re-presents the sacrifice of the Cross and applies its salvific power at the moment when he becomes sacramentally present— through the words of consecration—as the spiritual food of the faithful, under the appearances of bread and wine.
auxit invidiam editum illic a Caecina gladiatorum spectaculum eademque rursus belli sedes et praebiti in acie Vitellianis cibi, caesae quaedam feminae studio partium ad proelium progressae; tempus quoque mercatus ditem alioqui coloniam maiore opum specie
It must not be said that this devotion has taken its origin from some private revelation of God and has suddenly appeared in the Church; rather, it has blossomed forth of its own accord as a result of that lively faith and burning devotion of men who were endowed with heavenly gifts, and who were drawn towards the adorable Redeemer and His glorious wounds which they saw as irresistible proofs of that unbounded love.
Quod nisi nox proelium diremisset, tota classe hostium Caesar potitus
Cleveland appears as R2-D2 in the Star Wars episodes.
Id est oppidum Senonum in insula Sequanae positum, ut paulo ante de Lutetia diximus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It appeared in the contemporary musical production, This Way Out.
Nihil per libertos servosque publicae rei, non studiis privatis nec ex commendatione aut precibus centurionem militesve adscire, sed optimum quemque fidissimum putare.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some anthropologists have stated that the taniwha has "analogues that appear within other Polynesian cosmologies".
His rebus fiebat ut et minus late vagarentur et minus facile finitimis bellum inferre possent; qua ex parte homines bellandi cupidi magno dolore adficiebantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If these sacrifices should appear heavy or galling, that they ought to consider it much more distressing that their wives and children should be dragged off to slavery, and themselves slain; the evils which must necessarily befall the conquered.
Fiat Luxlatin-ancient latin-ancient
4. Putting aside, therefore, these associations which the knowledge of Our duty forbids us to approve, it might appear opportune to examine whether it is lawful to make trial in their place of some other sort of associations at once legal and canonical, and thus to preserve the Catholics of France from the grave complications which menace them.
Vercingetorix minoribus Caesarem itineribus subsequitur et locum castris deligit paludibus silvisque munitum ab Avarico longe milia passuum
In fact, it is very easy to let oneself be guided by appearances and fall victim to a fundamental illusion in what is essential.
tum diversos Capitolii aditus invadunt iuxta lucum asyli et qua Tarpeia rupes centum gradibus
In the family thus constituted there appears a new unity, in which the relationship "of communion" between the parents attains complete fulfilment.
consultatum inde, pro rostris an in senatu an in castris adoptio
It also appeared necessary to eliminate election per compromissum, not only because of the difficulty of the procedure, evident from the unwieldy accumulation of rules issued in the past, but also because by its very nature it tends to lessen the responsibility of the individual electors who, in this case, would not be required to express their choice personally.
et Helvidius Priscus tr[ibunus] pl[ebis] adversus Obultronium Sabinum aerarii quaestorem contentiones proprias exercuit, tamquam ius hastae adversus inopes inclementer
The Gospel of Mark, for its part, appears to see in this action of Jesus a sovereign act, a constitutive act which gives an identity to those whom he chose: ''he appointed Twelve'' (3:14).
Cognita re noctu cum V cohortibus unetvicesimanorum egreditur, mane pervenit
And Jacob took green rods of poplar, and of almond, and of plane-trees, and pilled them in part; so when the bark was taken off, in the parts that were pilled, there appeared whiteness; but the parts that were whole remained green; and by this means the colour was divers.
solitudinem eius placuisse maxime crediderim, quoniam importuosum circa mare et vix modicis navigiis pauca subsidia; neque adpulerit quisquam nisi gnaro custode.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In the Church's "mission," the priest's permanent formation appears not only as a necessary condition but also as an indispensable means for constantly refocusing on the meaning of his mission and for ensuring that he is carrying it out with fidelity and generosity.
at Meherdates validis auxiliis nudatus, ceterorum proditione suspecta, quod unum reliquum, rem in casum dare proelioque experiri
It is in building this communion of love that the Church appears as "sacrament", as the "sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of the unity of the human race".26
Pollicetur magistrisque imperat navium, ut primo vespere omnes scaphas ad litus appulsas
It is clear that on the basis of these presuppositions there is no place in the world for anyone who, like the unborn or the dying, is a weak element in the social structure, or for anyone who appears completely at the mercy of others and radically dependent on them, and can only communicate through the silent language of a profound sharing of affection.
Tertium est contra septentriones; cui parti nulla est obiecta terra, sed eius angulus lateris maxime ad Germaniam
From the beginning of Our Pontificate We have appreciated the remarkable economic advance which has been made and have noted, too, that the spirit of union has not been diminished, neither has it been in danger of being weakened. As a matter of fact, the economic condition of the Church of France, according to the views of several bishops, is such that it does not appear to be in need of an immediate remedy.
actaeque ei grates apud senatum ab inlustribus famaque apud populum, quia sine ambitione aut proximorum precibus ignotos etiam et ultro accitos munificentia
In contemplating it, before my eyes appear elements of great significance for fuller and more thorough understanding of the Christian experience. These elements are capable of giving a more complete Christian response to the expectations of the men and women of today.
nam loco in quem coibatur servanda solitudinis facies; et si pone foris adsisterent, metus visus, sonitus aut forte ortae suspicionis
She probably took her name from appearances in the mythical role of Europa in an intermezzo before 1600 at the court of Mantua.
mox incipientibus qui conscii aderant, ceteros re nova attonitos in verba Vespasiani adigit; simul Vitellii imagines dereptae et missi qui Antonio nuntiarent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Spirit is unfailingly present to every one of the Church's days, appearing unpredictably and lavishly with the wealth of his gifts. But it is in the Sunday gathering for the weekly celebration of Easter that the Church listens to the Spirit in a special way and reaches out with him to Christ in the ardent desire that he return in glory: "The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come!'"
ipsique milites regionum gnari refertos agros, ditis dominos in praedam aut, si repugnatum foret, ad exitium destinabant, obnoxiis ducibus et prohibere non
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.