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She appeared before the committee on March 26, 1952, with Simon H. Rifkind as her legal counsel.
Alexandrini eo loco castellum magnis munitionibus multisque tormentis confirmarunt atque egestis ex mari lapidibus libere sunt usi postea ad mittenda navigia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They also appeared before the Hof van Holland.
neque enim di sinant ut Belgarum quamquam offerentium decus istud et claritudo sit subvenisse Romano nomini, compressisse Germaniae populos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What happens to such individuals when they appear before the Judge?
reperio in commentariis senatus Cerialem Anicium consulem designatum pro sententia dixisse, ut templum divo Neroni quam maturrime publica pecunia
Suddenly, Hulk appeared before them.
'an festinamus cum Germanici cineribus adpellere, ut te inauditum et indefensum planctus Agrippinae ac vulgus imperitum primo rumore rapiant? est tibi Augustae conscientia, est Caesaris favor, sed in occulto, et perisse Germanicum nulli iactantius maerent quam qui maxime laetantur.'WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He appeared before a court martial but was acquitted and transferred to the leadership reserve on 30 September 1943.
integri cum sauciis, semineces cum expirantibus volvuntur, varia pereuntium forma et omni imagine mortium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prosecutors might recommend modification or repeal of laws, and they had the right to summon citizens to appear before them.
Per idem tempus legati Parthorum ad expetendum, ut rettuli, Meherdaten missi senatum ingrediuntur mandataque in hunc modum incipiunt: non se foederis ignaros nec defectione a familia Arsacidarum venire, set filium Vononis, nepotem Pharaatis accersere adversus dominationem Gotarzis nobilitati plebique iuxta intolerandam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the light of the sacred teaching of the Second Vatican Council, the Church thus appears before us as the social subject of responsibility for divine truth.
Gnarum id Tiberio fuit; utque premeret vulgi sermones, monuit edicto multos inlustrium Romanorum ob rem publicam obisse, neminem tam flagranti desiderio
Thus the Church appears before the world with many forms of holiness and service, as "a kind of instrument or sign of intimate union with God, and of the unity of mankind".
inde crebri questus nec occulti per vulgum, cui minor sapientia [et] ex mediocritate fortunae pauciora pericula
In this broad perspective of commitments, Mary Most Holy, the highly favoured daughter of the Father, will appear before the eyes of believers as the perfect model of love towards both God and neighbour.
igitur iussu G. Caesaris oneratus catenis, mox mutatione temporum dimissus, cursu honorum inoffenso legioni post praeturam praepositus probatusque servili deinceps probro respersus est tamquam scyphum aureum in convivio Claudii furatus, et Claudius postera die soli omnium Viniofictilibus ministrari
The salutary institution of indulgences therefore contributes in its own way to bringing it about that the Church appear before Christ without blemish or defect, but holy and immaculate,(45) admirably united with Christ in the supernatural bond of charity.
sed ubi mulier vacua fuit, nectere moras, adversam patris voluntatem causari repertaque spe ditioris coniugis promissa
That year was such a continuous succession of prosecutions that on the days of the Latin festival when Drusus, as city-prefect, had ascended his tribunal for the inauguration of his office, Calpurnius Salvianus appeared before him against Sextus Marius.
civitas pavida et servitio parata occupari redeuntem Tarracina L. Vitellium cum cohortibus extinguique reliqua belli postulabat: praemissi Ariciam equites, agmen legionum intra Bovillas stetit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"When they came into his presence, and appeared before his tribunal: ""I am satisfied,"" said he, ""it is not by your own inclination, but at the instigation of your wicked general, that you impiously wage war on your fellow-citizens, and every man of worth."
erant inter duces qui necterent moras: quippe nimius iam Antonius, et certiora ex Muciano sperabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In response to what is clearly the plan of God, with the passing of days and weeks Mary's "pregnancy" is visible to the people and to Joseph; she appears before them as one who must give birth and carry within herself the mystery of motherhood.
Veneti reliquaeque item civitates cognito Caesaris adventu [certiores facti], simul quod quantum in se facinus admisissent intellegebant, [legatos, quod nomen ad omnes nationes sanctum inviolatumque semper fuisset, retentos ab se et in vincula coniectos,] pro magnitudine periculi bellum parare et maxime ea quae ad usum navium pertinent providere instituunt, hoc maiore spe quod multum natura loci
6. When We turn Our mind and Our heart to the supernatural blessings of the Church that are to be shared with those people whose souls have not yet been suffused with the light of the Gospel, there appear before Our eyes either regions of the world where bountiful crops grow, thrive, and ripen, or regions where the labors of the toilers in God's vineyard are very arduous, or regions where the enemies of God and Jesus Christ are harassing and threatening to destroy Christian communities by violence and persecutions, and are striving to smother and crush the seed of God's word.
ille, insita vaecordia et facilitate priorum flagitiorum, plura etiam quam iussum erat fingit fateturque apud amicos, quos velut consilio adhibuerat
Jesse, listening to their radio chatter, realizes what happened and flees the room just before a Velociraptor appears and eats Moses.
Characteristics of the sexual abuse were assessed with the anamnestic Questionnaire Unwanted Sexual Experiences in the Past, the QUSEP (Lange, Lachnit & Sjollema, 1996 ), which enables respondents to disclose various ‘objective’ characteristics of the abuse and their way of having dealt with it step by step.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All that I had seen before of the kind appeared nothing to me compared with this.
sed decreta pecunia ex aerario, utque per circum triumphali veste uterentur: curru vehi haud permissum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Fanti the difference was notable as themes and experiences that with 45 minutes sessions are held long before they appear tend to emerge sooner and in a much more spontaneous way.
Quibus rebus adductus quos legatos ante exercitui praefecerat Q. Pedium et Q. Fabium Maximum de suo adventu facit certiores, utque sibi equitatus qui ex provincia fuisset praesidio esset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Jesus Christ himself appeared as a prisoner before Pilate's tribunal and was interrogated by him about the accusation made against him by the representatives of the Sanhedrin, did he not answer: "For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth"83?
Erat iniqua condicio postulare, ut Caesar Arimino excederet atque in provinciam reverteretur, ipsum et provincias et legiones alienas tenere; exercitum Caesaris velle dimitti, delectus habere; polliceri se in provineiam iturum neque, ante quem diem iturus sit, definire, ut, si peracto consulatu Caesar profectus esset, nulla tamen mendacii religione obstrictus videretur; tempus vero colloquio non dare neque accessurum polliceri magnam pacis desperationem
In contemplating it, before my eyes appear elements of great significance for fuller and more thorough understanding of the Christian experience. These elements are capable of giving a more complete Christian response to the expectations of the men and women of today.
Erat una cum ceteris Dumnorix Aeduus, de quo ante ab nobis dictum
She probably took her name from appearances in the mythical role of Europa in an intermezzo before 1600 at the court of Mantua.
Hac re statim Caesar per speculatores cognita insidias veritus, quod qua de causa discederent nondum perspexerat, exercitum equitatumque castris continuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Caesar, before he removed, waited till midnight, when the moon began to appear.
Marcellus perterritus conviciis a sua sententia discessit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar could not double the cape with the same wind, but keeping the sea at anchor all night, appeared early next morning before Adrumetum. He set fire to all the transports without Cothon, and took what galleys he found there, or forced them into the harbor; and having waited some time to offer the enemy battle, returned again to his camp.
sed Minu cius et Servaeus damnati indicibus accessere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Before the Throne of God The Throne of God appears, surrounded by twenty four thrones with Twenty-four elders seated in them.
Goal.To evaluate retrospectively the clinical and radiological outcome of fracture stabilisation of periarticular knee fractures with the Less Invasive Stabilization System (liss).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ready made appearances for both the Wales under-21 and B sides before making his senior debut on 11 February 1997 during a 0–0 draw with Republic of Ireland.
namque Lucilius Bassus post praefecturam alae Ravennati simul ac Misenensi classibus a Vitellio praepositus, quod non statim praefecturam praetorii adeptus foret, iniquam iracundiam flagitiosa perfidia ulciscebatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since we have come to the place, it does not appear to be foreign to our subject to lay before the reader an account of the manners of Gaul and Germany, and wherein these nations differ from each other.
Postea quam in vulgus militum elatum est qua arrogantia in conloquio Ariovistus usus omni Gallia Romanis interdixisset, impetumque in nostros eius equites fecissent, eaque res conloquiumut diremisset, multo maior alacritas studiumque pugnandi maius exercitui iniectum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
42 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.