artillery oor Latyn


/ɑɹˈtɪləɹi/, /ɑːˈtɪləɹi/ naamwoord
Large cannon like weapons, transportable and usually operated by more than one person.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma

res tormentaria

army unit


army unit


class of weapons which fires munitions beyond the range and power of personal weapons

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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Soortgelyke frases

artillery emplacement
balistarium · ballistarium
rocket artillery
Tormenta rochetarum
Artillery battery
Cohors tormentaria


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is diu sordidus, repente dives mutationem fortunae male tegebat, accensis egestate longa cupidinibus immoderatus et inopi iuventa senex prodigus.langbot langbot
Artillery battery
Alterum genus est equitum.langbot langbot
Signalling had failed at vital moments and deprived the infantry of artillery support, which had made the German counter-attacks much more effective, in areas where the Germans had artillery observation.
Huc accedebant collecti ex praedonibus latronibusque Syriae Ciliciaeque provinciae finitimarumque regionum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Shall we set about storming the town when we have no means seeing where the ground is level, what is the height of the walls, whether the city is to be assailed by our artillery and javelins, or by siege-works and covered approaches?"" He then turned to individual soldiers, asking them whether they had brought with them their axes and spades and whatever else is used when towns are to be stormed."
Nemora vero et luci et secretum ipsum, quod Aper increpabat, tantam mihi adferunt voluptatem, ut inter praecipuos carminum fructus numerem, quod non in strepitu nec sedente ante ostium litigatore nec inter sordes ac lacrimas reorum componuntur, sed secedit animus in loca pura atque innocentia fruiturque sedibus sacris.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Two months later, they were involved in fortification duties at Dutch Gap on the James River under heavy enemy artillery fire..
Cassius eos qui nominati erant conscii caedis iubet comprehendi; +legiones V in castra remittit cohortibus XXX retentis.+ Indicio Minuci cognoscit L. Racilium et L. Laterensem et Annium Scapulam, maximae dignitatis et gratiae provincialem hominem sibique tam familiarem quam Laterensem et Racilium, in eadem fuisse coniuratione, nec diu moratur dolorem suum quin eos interfici iubeat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dispersed Marine units were intended to provide training to overcome a shortage of trained naval gunners, with greater overall effect than their service as a single naval artillery battalion.
"nullus cunctationis locus est in eo consilio quod non potest laudari nisi peractum."" aperire deinde armamentarium iussit."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fire arrow, a highly effective artillery weapon of pre-gunpowder days is an allusion to the firepower of present-day artillery; the two of them representing participation in both World Wars.
Nonnullique ea pugna scaphas quae ad litus fuerant occupant, item complures nando ad naves quae in salo fuerunt, se recipiunt, ancoris sublatis pelagus remis petere coeperunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antonius, seeing that they gave way, charged them with a heavy column; the loose ranks were at once broken, and, entangled as they were among their wagons and artillery, could not be re-formed.
Quo facto repente perennis exaruit fons tantamque attulit oppidanis salutis desperationem, ut id non hominum consilio, sed deorum voluntate factum putarent. Itaque se necessitate coacti tradiderunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rocket artillery
Vos ita pacem semper odistis ut nullo tempore legiones desitae populi Romani in hac provincia haberi.langbot langbot
The troops of Vitellius had collected their artillery on the raised causeway, where there was a free and open space for the discharge of the missiles, which at first had been scattered at random, and had struck against the trees without injury to the enemy.
Diductisque nostris paulatim navibus et artificio gubernatorum et mobilitati navium locus dabatur, et si quando nostri facultatem nacti ferreis manibus iniectis navem religaverant, undique suis laborantibus succurrebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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