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Gwendolyn B. Bennett (July 8, 1902 – May 30, 1981) was an American artist, writer, and journalist who contributed to Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life, which chronicled cultural advancements during the Harlem Renaissance.
Gwendolyn B. Bennett (8 Iulii 1902—30 Maii 1981) fuit scriptor Afroamericana quae poemata anthologiae Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life contribuit, libro qui progressum culturae Harlem Novi Eboraci rettulit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Category:Irish artists
Categoria:Artifices Hiberniaelangbot langbot
What an artist dies in me!
Qualis artifex pereo!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Artifexlangbot langbot
Category:Polish artists
Categoria:Artifices Poloniaelangbot langbot
"MusicMight :: Artists :: MUTANT".
Mutatio: Candidatusi? casu mutantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How could we not give particular thanks to the Lord for the contributions to Christian art made by the great architectural and artistic works of the Greco-Byzantine tradition and of the whole geographical area marked by Slav culture?
Quis non Domino gratias praesertim idcirco agit, quod suam partem christianae arti magna opera architecturae et picturae contulerunt ex traditione Graeco-Byzantina omnique ex culturae Slavae regione?
Category:Portuguese artists
Categoria:Artifices Portugalliaelangbot langbot
103 — In consultation with the Congregation for Seminaries and Educational Institutions and the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Commission has the task of striving to make the people of God more and more aware of the need and importance of conserving the artistic and historical patrimony of the Church.
103 — Eiusdem Commissionis est, collatis consiliis cum Congregationibus de Seminariis atque Studiorum Institutis et de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, adlaborare ut Populus Dei magis magisque conscius fiat momenti et necessitatis patrimonium historiæ et artis Ecclesiæ
Category:Chinese artists
Categoria:Artifices Sinarumlangbot langbot
In many ways these two artists set the template for subsequent Cypriot art and both their artistic styles and the patterns of their education remain influential to this day.
Multimodis hic duo artifices archetypum consequenti Cypriae arti statuere et sui ambo artificiosi styli et suae educationis schemata adhuc hodie afficiunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Ehrenberg, Peter Schubert von" Getty Union List of Artist Names.
"Gérôme, Jean-Léon" apud Getty Union List of Artist NamesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to the literary critic Harold Bloom, who called Stevens the "best and most representative" American poet of the time, no Western writer since Sophocles has had such a late flowering of artistic genius.
Secundum Haroldum Bloom, criticum litterarium qui Stevens "optimum et representativissimum" illius temporis poetam Americanum existimavit, nemo scriptor Occidentalis post Sophoclen tam serius ingenio artificis floruit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Additionally, OReilly considered how these animations were similar to the work done in early days of computer animation where artists would attempt to animate a wide range of objects.
Hic dies, quamquam diversitatem contra proposita thematica invitat, propositum aliquantulum Diei Actionis Blog simile est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ecological artist, Aviva Rahmani believes that "Ecological art is an art practice, often in collaboration with scientists, city planners, architects and others, that results in direct intervention in environmental degradation.
Aviva Rahmani, artifex oecologica, aestimat: "Ars oecologica est ratio artis, saepe cum physicis, designatoribus urbanis, architectis, et aliis conlaborans, quae rectam interventionem in deteriore circumiectorum statu efficit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cumbia dancing has grown popular with the introduction of Nicaraguan artists, including Gustavo Leyton, on Ometepe Island and in Managua.
Cumbiana saltatio popularior crevit cum introducti essent Nicaraguani artifices, inter quos Gustavus Leyton, in Insulam Duos Montes et in Managuam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For this reason the Church calls upon the lay faithful to be present, as signs of courage and intellectual creativity, in the privileged places of culture, that is, the world of education-school and university-in places of scientific and technological research, the areas of artistic creativity and work in the humanities.
Hac de causa, Ecclesia christifideles invitat laicos, ut forti animo atque intellectuali creandi vi insigniti in praecipuis culturae locis praesentes sint, ut in scholae et universitatis mundo, in scientificae et technicae investigationis ambitibus, in artisticae creationis et humanisticae reflexionis
The MoMA Library includes approximately 300,000 books and exhibition catalogs, over 1,000 periodical titles, and over 40,000 files of ephemera about individual artists and groups.
Bibliotheca musei comprehendit circa 300 000 librorum et catalagorum exhibitionum, plus quam mille titulos periodicorum, et plus quam 40 000 fasciculorum ephemerorum de artificibus gregibusque singulis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2002 he received the title People's Artist of Russia.
Anno 2001 titulum Artificis Popularis Russiae accepit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the iconography of the Last Judgement developed, however, more and more prominence was given to its ominous and frightening aspects, which obviously held more fascination for artists than the splendour of hope, often all too well concealed beneath the horrors.
Attamen in evolutione iconographica fortiter praevaluit minax et horribilis Iudicii aspectus, qui evidenter artifices alliciebat, potius quam splendor spei quae saepe minacibus signis
Realism focuses on the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions or implausible, exotic and supernatural elements.
Realismus in artibus est conatus ad repraesentandas res veraciter, sine elementis facticiis et consuetudines artisticas et elementa exotica, supernaturalia, non verisimilia vitans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Category:French artists
Categoria:Artifices Franciaelangbot langbot
Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Suae quisque tutelae ius habet morum rationis utilitatis quae ex suis studiis scientiae litterarum artium efficiantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Category:Russian artists
Categoria:Artifices Russiaelangbot langbot
In Moncure D. Conway's autobiography he describes the Taylor's salon at Aubrey House, and Clementia's "Pen and Pencil Club" at which the work of young writers and artists was read and exhibited.
Moncure D. Conway in sua autobiographia salon Tayloranum apud domum Alberici descripsit, et Clementiae "Pen and Pencil Club," ubi opera scriptorum et artificum iuvenum legebantur et exhibebantur."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
136 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.