at first sight oor Latyn

at first sight

Superficially, without a full inspection.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

prima facie

Used to designate evidence in a trial which is suggestive, but not conclusive, of something |e.g., a person's guilt|.

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The island which we proceeded to cross was considerably larger than it had at first sight appeared.
Illi eum tumulum, pro quo pugnatum est, magnis operibus munierunt praesidiumque ibi posuerunt.Literature Literature
At first sight, personal existence may seem completely meaningless.
et ludicro dircensium, quod adquirendis vulgi studiis edebatur, Britannicus in praetexta, Nero triumphali veste travecti sunt: spectaret populus hunc decore imperatorio, illum puerili habitu, ac perinde fortunam utriusque
Sometimes this will be achieved much more easily than seems possible at first sight to expect.
quid enim primum prohibere et priscum ad morem recidere adgrediar? villarumne infinita spatia? familiarum numerum et nationes? argenti et auri pondus? aeris tabularumque miracula? promiscas viris et feminis vestis atque illa feminarum propria, quis lapidum causa pecuniae nostrae ad externas aut hostilis gentis transferuntur?
The political conditions of such a kingdom of reason and freedom, however, appear at first sight somewhat ill defined.
dein P. Pomponius legatus auxiliaris Vangionas ac Nemetas, addito equite alario, [immittit, monitos ut anteirent populatores vel dilapsis improvisi
Still it will not be useless to study those at first sight trifling events out of which the movements of vast changes often take their rise.
Hic dux, hic exercitus: ibi tributa et metalla et ceterae servientium poenae, quas in aeternum perferre aut statim ulcisci in hoc campo est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
However disturbing these divisions may seem at first sight, it is only by a careful examination that one can detect their root: It is to be found in a wound in man's inmost self.
talem eum centurio trucidavit coram Pelagone spadone, quem Nero centurioni et manipulo, quasi satellitibus ministrum regium,
The first is constituted by the very fact of a document, issued by the highest authority of the Catholic Church and addressed both to the Church herself and "to all people of good will,"18 on a matter which at first sight is solely economic and social: the development of peoples.
curam navium Moschus libertus retinebat ad observandam honestiorum fidem
Each Diocesan Bishop has as one of his primary duties the spiritual care of his presbyterate: ''The action of the priest who places his hands in the hands of the Bishop on the day of his priestly ordination, as he professes to him 'filial respect and obedience', can at first sight seem a one-way gesture.
Equites officio functi renuntiant paucos in aedificiis esse inventos, atque hos, non qui agrorum colendorum causa remansissent (namque esse undique diligenter demigratum), sed qui speculandi causa essent
From Christians who at first sight seem to be in opposition, as a result of starting from differing options, she asks an effort at mutual understanding of the other's positions and motives; a loyal examination of one's behavior and its correctness will suggest to each one an attitude of more profound charity which, while recognizing the differences, believes nonetheless in the possibility of convergence and unity.
Verba sint temporis, aeterno
When he decides to return to his father's house, to ask his father to be received-no longer by virtue of his right as a son, but as an employee-at first sight he seems to be acting by reason of the hunger and poverty that he had fallen into; this motive, however, is permeated by an awareness of a deeper loss: to be a hired servant in his own father's house is certainly a great humiliation and source of shame.
suspectabat maxime Cornelium Sullam, socors ingenium eius in contrarium trahens callidumque et simulatorem
In the biblical description, the words of the first man at the sight of the woman who had been created are words of admiration and enchantment, words which fill the whole history of man on earth.
addidit praecepta (etenim aderat Meherdates), ut non dominationem et servos, sed rectorem et civis cogitaret, clementiamque ac iustitiam, quanto ignota barbaris, tanto laetiora
Therefore, having made very long marches by day and night, he came to the river Loire, contrary to the expectation of all; and having by means of the cavalry, found out a ford, suitable enough considering the emergency, of such depth that their arms and shoulders could be above water for supporting their accoutrements, he dispersed his cavalry in such a manner as to break the force of the current, and having confounded the enemy at the first sight, led his army across the river in safety; and finding corn and cattle in the fields, after refreshing his army with them, he determined to march into the country of the Senones.
Antonius cum cohortibus et Attio eodem die, quo profectus erat, revertitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Pale at the sight we fly; unswerving, these / glide on and seek Laocoon. First, entwined / in stringent folds, his two young sons they seize, / with cruel fangs their tortured limbs to grind.
prospera principis respuit: etiamne luctibus et doloribus non satiatur? eiusdem animi est Poppaeam divam non credere, cuius in acta divi Augusti et divi Iuli non iurare.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Their own account was, that they were alarmed by the sight of the cohorts, which, after being broken at the first onset, rallied on the top of the hills, and presented the appearance of reinforcements.
De his rebus cum ageretur apud Caesarem, isque maxime vellet pro communi amico atque arbitro controversias regum componere, subito exercitus regius equitatusque omnis venire Alexandriam nuntiatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Here first with missiles, from a temple's height / hurled by our comrades, we are crushed and slain, / and piteous is the slaughter, at the sight / of Argive helms for Argive foes mista'en.
Quod postquam Caesar animum advertit, equitibus suis hostium vi oppositis sarcinas legionarios in acervum iubet comportare atque celeriter signa hostibus inferre.tatoeba tatoeba
Here first with missiles, from a temple's height / hurled by our comrades, we are crushed and slain, / and piteous is the slaughter, at the sight / of Argive helms for Argive foes mista'en.
His pulsis custodia portus relicta navis ad litora et vicum applicarunt seque ex navibus ad tuenda aedificia eiecerunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
While these things were going forward in Achaia and at Dyrrachium, and when it was certainly known that Scipio was arrived in Macedonia, Caesar, never losing sight of his first intention, sends Clodius to him, an intimate friend to both, whom Caesar, on the introduction and recommendation of Pompey, had admitted into the number of his acquaintance.
contra Druso proavus eques Romanus Pomponius Atticus dedecere Claudiorum imagines videbatur: et coniunx Germanici Agrippina fecunditate ac fama Liviam uxorem Drusi praecellebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
17 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.