at no time oor Latyn

at no time

(idiomatic) never

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Piotr Szelma

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No mortal is wise at all times
nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit
in no time at all
at no other time


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The most effectual precaution against this peril is to determine with themselves at no time or in any matter to be parties to the violation of justice.
Itaque suos cohortatus, quos integros superarissent utvictos contemnerent, plenus spei bonae atque animi adversus eos
1] At no time in history does this promise lose its force; it is verified in the course of all ages flowing, as they do, under the guidance of divine Providence.
ideo regum obsides liberos dari ut, si domestici imperii taedeat,sit regressus ad principem patresque, quorum moribus adsuefactus rex melior
However, at no time and in no historical period-especially at a moment as critical as our own-can the Church forget the prayer that is a cry for the mercy of God amid the many forms of evil which weigh upon humanity and threaten it.
percontatusque Caesarem an iussis populi, an auctoritati senatus cederet, ubi ille unum se civium et consensui imparem respondit, opperiri intra palatium
Indeed, just as in other countries Catholics in the prime of youth voluntarily and faithfully refuse to endorse dishonorable associations, in like manner, we are extending to Catholic youth the opportunity to make the same agreement among themselves and pledge that at no time and under no condition will they engage in a duel.
Missus igitur Petronius Turpilianus tamquam exorabilior et delictis hostium novus eoque paenitentiae mitior, compositis prioribus nihil ultra ausus Trebellio Maximo provinciam
Yet it is at their feasts that they generally consult on the reconciliation of enemies, on the forming of matrimonial alliances, on the choice of chiefs, finally even on peace and war, for they think that at no time is the mind more open to simplicity of purpose or more warmed to noble aspirations.
Ipse triduo intermisso cum omnibus copiis eos sequi coepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Experiencing the ever present and continually renewed force of the relationships of domination and exploitation among men, they reduce Marxism to no more than a struggle - at times with no other purpose - to be pursued and even stirred up in permanent fashion.
Exit cum nuntio
While this produced much footage recorded for the first time, it proved extremely difficult, since the Aborigine was nomadic and with no village life at that time, only scattered glimpses were possible.
Haec initia belli Alexandrini fuerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
SAS became a co-founder of the region's highly acclaimed athletics conference, Asia Pacific Athletic Conference (APAC), in spite of having no athletics facilities at the time.
regem illa tempestate non habobant, amoto Vonone: sed favor nationis inclinabat in Zenonem, Polemonis regis Pontici filium, quod is prima ab infantia instituta et cultum Armeniorum aemulatus, venatu epulis et quae alia barbari celebrant, proceres plebemque iuxta de vinxerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist.
Calvitium non est vitium, sed prudentiae
It had at this time no king, Vonones having been expelled, but the nation's likings inclined towards Zeno, son of Polemon, king of Pontus, who from his earliest infancy had imitated Armenian manners and customs, loving the chase, the banquet, and all the popular pastimes of barbarians, and who had thus bound to himself chiefs and people alike.
At Caesar biduum in his locis moratus, quod haec de Vercingetorige usu ventura opinione praeceperat, per causam supplementi equitatusque cogendi ab exercitu discedit; Brutum adulescentem his copiis praeficit; hunc monet, ut in omnes partes equites quam latissime pervagentur: daturum se operam, ne longius triduo ab castris absit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
Audita interim per Gallias Germaniasque mors Vitellii duplicaverat bellum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He had no war at the time on his hands except against the Germans, which was rather to wipe out the disgrace of the loss of Quintilius Varus and his army than out of an ambition to extend the empire, or for any adequate recompense.
Eo cum Eporedorix Viridomarusque venissent et de statu civitatis cognovissent, Litaviccum Bibracti ab Aeduis receptum, quod est oppidum apud eos maximae auctoritatis, Convictolitavim magistratum magnamque partem senatus ad eum convenisse, legatos ad Vercingetorigem de pace et amicitia concilianda publice missos, non praetermittendum tantum commodum existimaverunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the time of validation in 2007, there was no requirement for the university to work only with accredited institutions.
additurque atrocior saevitia, quod caput amputatum latumque in urbem Poppaea vidit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Usually no more than twelve professors hold this title at any one time.
- ipsis accessus præbetur ad singulas Romanæ Curiæ compages, immo ad quæstiones, quas illæ directo tractant secundum singulas cuiusque rerum provincias, quæ illarum iuri tributæ sunt, propria adhibita peritia atque exercitatione;WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
20. It is impossible to describe the miseries, perils and hardships with which the most noble nation of the Ruthenians was afflicted at that time, for no other crime or guilt but that of crying out against the wrong done it and striving to retain its faith, when it had been driven by force and fraud into schism.
His initis consiliis oppida muniunt, frumenta ex agris in oppida comportant, naves in Venetiam, ubi Caesarem primum bellum gesturum constabat, quam plurimas possunt
Accordingly our men, upon the signal being given, vigorously made an attack upon the enemy, and the enemy so suddenly and rapidly rushed forward, that there was no time for casting the javelins at them.
plerique interficiendos censebant, turbidos, infidos, sanguine ducum pollutos: vicit ratio parcendi, ne sublata spe veniae pertinaciam accenderent: adliciendos potius in societatem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At that time, we were still young, thirsting for adventure, and our desire for action knew no bounds.
crepidinibus stagni lupanaria adstabant inlustribus feminis completa, et contra scorta visebantur nudis corporibus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But at the same time it is a difficult process, for it must in no way compromise the distinctiveness and integrity of the Christian faith.
Item altera navis trieris ex eadem classe errabunda ac tempestate delata ad Aegimurum a classe Vari et M. Octavi est capta, in quo milites veterani cum uno centurione et nonnulli tirones fuerunt; quos Varus adservatos sine contumelia deducendos curavit ad
While these things are going on at Gergovia, the Aedui, on receiving the first announcements from Litavicus, leave themselves no time to ascertain the truth of those statements.
Quid, si per quindecimannos, grande mortalis aevi spatium, multi fortuitis casibus, promptissimus quisque saevitia principis interciderunt, pauci et, ut ita dixerim, non modo aliorum sed etiam nostri superstites sumus, exemptis e media vita tot annis, quibus iuvenes ad senectutem, senes prope ad ipsos exactae aetatis terminosper silentium venimus? Non tamen pigebit vel incondita ac rudi voce memoriam prioris servitutis ac testimonium praesentium bonorum composuisse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Accepting death on the Cross, Christ at the same time reveals and gives life, because he rises again and death no longer has power over him.
Obiere eo anno viri nobiles Cn. Lentulus et L.
Eusebius: Right, so you hunted for religion in war? What could be more evil? Pampirus: It was a holy war. Eu: Perhaps against the Turks? Pa: No, something holier, as they said at the time. Eu: What? Pa: Julius the Second waged war against the French.
hoc quoque in tuam gloriam cedet, eos ad summa vexisse, qui et modica tolerarent.""Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
With regard to this diakonia of charity, in my Encyclical Deus Caritas Est I pointed out that “in conformity with the episcopal structure of the Church, the Bishops, as successors of the Apostles, are charged with primary responsibility for carrying out in the particular Churches” the service of charity (No. 32); at the same time, however, I noted that “the Code of Canon Law, in the canons on the ministry of the Bishop, does not expressly mention charity as a specific sector of episcopal activity” (ibid.).
inditum imperatori flammeum, missi auspices; dos et genialis torus et faces nuptiales, cuncta denique spectata, quae etiam in femina nox
At the same time he stated in a despatch to Rome that no cessation of fighting must be expected, unless Suetonius were superseded, attributing that general's disasters to perverseness and his successes to good luck.
No difference in effectivity of the two methods were found.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Christopher's task is generally accepted as very difficult given the state of his father's texts at the time of his death: some critical texts were no longer in the Tolkien family's possession, and Christopher's task compelled him to rush through much of the material.
Caesar una nocte in navibus consumpta iam caelo albente cum proficisci conaretur, subito navium pars de qua timebat, ex errore eodem conferebatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
d) they shall entrust to two ecclesiastics known for their sound doctrine, wisdom and moral authority the task of presenting to the Cardinals two well-prepared meditations on the problems facing the Church at the time and on the need for careful discernment in choosing the new Pope; at the same time, without prejudice to the provisions of No. 52 of this Constitution, they shall fix the day and the time when the first of these meditations is to be given;
tumque primum discreti a legionibus proprio vallo castra sua circumdant, obtestante Vocula non adeo turbatam civilibus armis rem Romanam ut Treviris etiam Lingonibusque despectui
79 sinne gevind in 54 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.