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Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma


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Piotr Szelma

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Again, the hides were covered over with mattresses, that they might not be destroyed by fire or stones.
Tum Agricola superante hostium multitudine veritus, ne in frontem simul et latera suorum pugnaretur, diductis ordinibus, quamquam porrectior acies futura erat et arcessendas plerique legiones admonebant, promptior in spem et firmus adversis, dimisso equo pedes ante vexilla constitit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Troy visits Nick in the night and warns him that the ranch will be destroyed.
Tum cuidam ex equitibus Gallis magnis praemiis persuadet uti ad Ciceronem epistolam deferat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It must be destroyed.
Memento te hominem esse.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We'll be destroyed.
Nostri vero, qui satis habebant sine detrimento discedere, compluribus interfectis V omninosuorum amissis quietissime se receperunt pauloque citra eum locum allis comprehensis collibus munitiones perfecerunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Carthage must be destroyed.
Caesar postquam legionibus veteranis duabus equitatu levique armatura copias suas ex secundo commeatu auxerat, naves exoneratas statim iubet Lilybaeum ad reliquum exercitum transportandum proficisci; ipse VI Kal. Febr.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It can be destroyed by death.
Lacus immenso ambitu, specie maris, sapore corruptior, gravitate odoris accolis pestifer, neque vento impellitur neque piscis aut suetas aquis volucris
Well, then the sanctity of marriage just has to be destroyed.
Hi ad utramque ripam fluminis agros, aedificia vicosque habebant; sed tantae multitudinis adventu perterriti ex iis aedificiis quae trans flumen habuerant demigraverant, et cis Rhenum dispositis praesidiis Germanos transire prohibebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Love, like everything in the universe, cannot be destroyed.
"iam [in] morte[m] centurioni ferrum destringenti protendens uterum ""ventrem feri"" exclamavit multisque vulneribus confecta est."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They reject the idea that it can be destroyed, even when the so-called 'progressive civilizations' would like to lead them in this direction.
nam a legibus delicta puniri: quanto fore mitius in ipsos, melius in socios, provideri ne peccaretur? adversum quae disseruit Caesar: non quidem sibi ignare quae de Silano vulgabantur, sed non ex rumore
The male whose flesh of his foreskin shall not be circumcised, that soul shall be destroyed out of his people: because he hath broken my covenant.
Nec multo post omissa in praesens Achaia (causae in incerto fuere) urbem revisit, provincias Orientis, maxime Aegyptum, secretis imaginationibus agitans.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
At the same time I thought that any influence I possess ought not to be destroyed by incessant protests, wishing that it might remain unimpaired, should the State ever need my counsels.
Qua contentione Germani, quos propterea Caesar traduxerat Rhenum ut equitibus interpositi proeliarentur, cum constantius universi paludem transissent paucisque resistentibus interfectis pertinacius reliquam multitudinem essent insecuti, perterriti non solum ei qui aut comminus opprimebantur aut eminus vulnerabantur, sed etiam qui longius subsidiari consuerant, turpiter refugerunt, nec prius finem fugae fecerunt saepe amissis superioribus locis quam se aut in castra suorum reciperent, aut nonnulli pudore coacti longius profugerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As soon as it was sufficiently clear to those who keenly watch the angry moods of princes, that Vitellius was exasperated, and that Blaesus might be destroyed, the part of the informer was intrusted to Lucius Vitellius.
In opera horum duorum Sanctorum fldelitas erga perenne Evangelii nuntium et observatio agri, qui semen accipit, arte copulantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hence, even for criminals who deserved extreme and exemplary punishment, there arose a feeling of compassion; for it was not, as it seemed, for the public good, but to glut one man's cruelty, that they were being destroyed.
Postquam una nocte et die ad oppidum consumpta neque responsum ullum a Considio dabatur neque ei reliquae copiae succurrebant neque equitatu abundabat et ad oppidum oppugnandum non satis copiarum habebat et eas tironum neque primo adventu convulnerari exercitum volebat et oppidi egregia munitio et difficilis ad oppugnandum erat accessus et nuntiabatur auxilia magna equitatus oppidanis suppetias venire, non est visa ratio ad oppugnandum oppidum commorandi, ne dum in ea re Caesar esset occupatus, circumventus a tergo ab equitatu hostium laboraret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
First, on the threshold, he pointed out the statue of Silius's father, which a decree of the Senate had directed to be destroyed; next, how the heirlooms of the Neros and the Drusi had been degraded into the price of infamy.
Suspicatus praemissis equitibus ipsum affore Curionem Saburra copias equitum peditumque instruit atque his imperat, ut simulatione timoris paulatim cedant ac pedem referant: sese, cum opus esset, signum proelii daturum et, quod rem postulare cognovisset, imperaturum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The most fruitful plains of Italy, they said, would be destroyed if the river Nar (for this was the plan proposed) were to be divided into several streams and overflow the country. Nor did the people of Reate remain silent.
Securi adversus homines, securi adversus deos, rem difficillimam assecuti sunt, ut illis ne vote quidem opus esset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It was obviously necessary that the Divine Founder should take every precaution, lest the treasure of heavenly-given truths, possessed by the Church, should ever be destroyed, which would assuredly have happened, had He left those doctrines to each one's private judgment.
mox celebratio annua ad praetorem translata cui inter civis et peregrinos iurisdictio
Against whom do you hope to be victorious? Can you be ignorant that even if I should be destroyed, the people of Rome have still ten legions, capable not only of opposing you, but even of pulling down heaven? With whose praises and virtues ...
datum id foederi antiquo et quia soli Gallorum fraternitatis nomen cum populo Romano usurpant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meanwhile a rumour had spread that our army was cut off, and that a furious German host was marching on Gaul. And had not Agrippina prevented the bridge over the Rhine from being destroyed, some in their cowardice would have dared that base act.
Idemque temporis centuriones loricati VIII ad Caesarem transfugerunt ex legione vernacula, et equites nostri cumadversariorum equitibus congressi sunt, et saucii aliquot occiderunt levi armatura.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And indeed truth, naturally desired by all men, will sooner or later win men's minds. Truth may be tried and oppressed by intellectual troubles and diseases, but it can never be destroyed. All that has gone before seems to apply in a special way to Bavaria.
Hunc cum obliquo itinere cetrati peterent, conspicatus equitatus Caesaris in cohortes impetum fecit; nec minimam partem temporis equitum vim cetrati sustinere potuerunt omnesque ab eis circumventi in conspectu utriusque exercitus
And when they had boldly perpetrated these things, Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: You have troubled me, and made me hateful to the Chanaanites and Pherezites, the inhabitants of this land. We are few: they will gather themselves together and kill me; and both I, and my house shall be destroyed.
prope abest ab infirmitate, in quo sola sanitas laudatur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Yet our daily efforts in pursuing our own lives and in working for the world's future either tire us or turn into fanaticism, unless we are enlightened by the radiance of the great hope that cannot be destroyed even by small-scale failures or by a breakdown in matters of historic importance.
praeerat classi Claudius Apollinaris, neque fidei constans neque strenuus in perfidia; et Apinius Tiro praetura functus ac tum forte Minturnis agens ducem se defectoribus
And if these men do not at once and everywhere endeavour to carry out their extreme views, it is not to be attributed to their teaching and their will, but to the virtue of that divine religion which cannot be destroyed; and also because the sounder part of men, refusing to be enslaved to secret societies, vigorously resist their insane attempts.
Quibus rebus cognitis, cum ad has suspiciones certissimae res accederent, quod per fines Sequanorum Helvetios traduxisset, quod obsides inter eos dandos curasset, quod ea omnia non modo iniussu suo et civitatis sed etiam inscientibus ipsis fecisset, quod a magistratu Haeduorum accusaretur, satis esse causae arbitrabatur quare in eum aut ipse animadverteret aut civitatem animadvertere
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