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Charlton T. Lewis

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The status of Karabakh has yet to be determined.
Ipse ad ancoram unam noctem constitit et vocatis ad se Amphipoli hospitibus et pecunia ad necessarios sumptus corrogata, cognito Caesaris adventu, ex eo loco discessit et Mytilenas paucis diebus venit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Otherwise, the shortest path can be determined by moving backwards: Start at the goal.
tum vetustas dignitasque coloniae valuit et verba Fabi salutem incolumitatemque Viennensium commendantis aequis auribus accepta; publice tamen armis multati, privatis et promiscis copiis iuvere militem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a supremely fitting thing that permanent deacons recite every day at least part of the Divine Office, to be determined by the episcopal conference.
promoveri ad quartum a Bedriaco castra placuit, adeo imperite ut quamquam verno tempore anni et tot circum amnibus penuria aquae
Instead, the pastoral initiatives of consecrated persons should be determined and carried out in cordial and open dialogue between Bishops and Superiors of the different Institutes.
unde paulatim levior viliorque haberi, manente tamen in speciem
This direction, according to Eddington, could be determined by studying the organization of atoms, molecules, and bodies, and might be drawn upon a four-dimensional relativistic map of the world ("a solid block of paper").
Jam vero infame in omnem vitam ac probrosum, superstitem principi suo ex acie recessisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He advanced however to the field of battle, fully persuaded that the enemy would do the same; but they durst not venture above a mile from the town, being determined to shelter themselves under its walls.
Cuius orationem Caesar interpellat: se non maleficii causa ex provincia egressum, sed uti se a contumeliis inimicorum defenderet, ut tribunos plebis in ea re ex civitate expulsos in suam dignitatem restitueret, ut se et populum Romanum factione paucorum oppressum in libertatem vindicaret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There is a river [called] the Saone, which flows through the territories of the Aedui and Sequani into the Rhone with such incredible slowness, that it can not be determined by the eye in which direction it flows.
miles contra deturbare telis, pellere umbonibus, muralia pila, congestas lapidum molis provolvere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It must be determined in accordance with justice and equity; which means that workers must be paid a wage which allows them to live a truly human life and to fulfill their family obligations in a worthy manner.
Corpora condere quam cremare e more Aegyptio, eademque cura et de infernis persuasio, caelestium
Fortune so dealt with both in this rivalry and conflict, that the one competitor was a succor and a safeguard to the other, nor could it be determined which of the two appeared worthy of being preferred to the other.
Isdem diebus Lepidus ab senatu petivit ut basilicam Pauli, Aemilia monimenta, propria pecunia firmaret ornaretque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The moral specificity of acts, that is their goodness or evil, would be determined exclusively by the faithfulness of the person to the highest values of charity and prudence, without this faithfulness necessarily being incompatible with choices contrary to certain particular moral precepts.
igitur inriti remittuntur, cum donis tamen unde spes fieret non frustra eadem oraturum Tiridaten, si preces ipse
The general council has the same faculty during the time that intervenes between chapters of this kind, in accordance with conditions to be determined by the chapters, and among the Orientals in independent monasteries the Hegumen with the minor Synaxis has this power.
is recens praetura, modicus dignationis et quoquo facinore properus clarescere, crimen impudicitiae, adulterum Furnium, veneficia in principem et devotiones
1:10): "Let all speak the same thing, and let there be no schisms among you"; and this cannot be observed save on condition that questions which arise touching faith should be determined by him who presides over the whole Church, whose sentence must consequently be accepted without wavering.
Vespasianus haud aeque Domitiano mitigatus quam Titi pietate gaudens, bono esse animo iubet belloque et armis rem publicam attollere: sibi pacem domumque curae
As I wrote in my Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Asia, “such cooperation is essential because the Sacred Liturgy expresses and celebrates the one faith professed by all and, being the heritage of the whole Church, cannot be determined by local Churches in isolation from the universal Church”.101
torpebat Vitellius et fortunam principatus inerti luxu ac prodigis epulis praesumebat, medio diei temulentus et sagina gravis, cum tamen ardor et vis militum ultro ducis munia implebat, ut si adesset imperator et strenuis velignavis spem metumve
That matter being determined on, marching out of their camp at the second watch, with great noise and confusion, in no fixed order, nor under any command, since each sought for himself the foremost place in the journey, and hastened to reach home, they made their departure appear very like a flight.
Eadem aestate mota per Italiam servilis belli semina fors oppressit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Should the income and assets of a new spouse be used in determining how much alimony gets paid?
Atque ut nostri perpetua munitione providebant, ne quo loco erumperent Pompeiani ac nostros post tergum adorirentur, ita illi interiore spatio perpetuas munitiones efficiebant, ne quem locum nostri intrare atque ipsos a tergo circumvenire possent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The magistrates conceal those things which require to be kept unknown; and they disclose to the people whatever they determine to be expedient.
Agitur enim de Ecclesiæ Pastorum congressione, qui collegiali unitate, in Apostolorum successione fundata, inter se uniuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
However, the actual genetic mechanisms of haplodiploid sex determination may be more complex than simple chromosome number.
Eodem autem tempore Summus Pontifex suam certam declaravit fidem, eiusmodi Consociationes - cuiusmodi est illa, quæ supra commemorata est - «in ineundis quæstionibus ad laborem pertinentibus et in utiliter atque continuo disserendo cum Institutis competentibus, ante oculos esse habituras quoquo modo peculiarem Sedis Apostolicæ naturam».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Persons with disabilities should be guaranteed equal opportunity through the elimination of all socially determined barriers, be they physical, financial, social or psychological, which exclude or restrict full participation in society.
reddita Rhodiis libertas, adempta saepe aut firmata, prout bellis externis meruerant aut domi seditione deliquerant; tributumque Apamensibus terrae motu convulsis in quinquennium remissum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Octavius, being informed of their determination, surrounded the town with five encampments, and began to press them at once with a siege and storm.
quod postquam Corbuloni cognitum est, ire praefectum cohortis Arrium Varum et reciperare obsides iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
From this confirmation of the church's teaching it is clear that every serious sin must always be stated, with its determining circumstances, in an individual confession.
Miserat et Mucianus epistulas ad senatum, quae materiam sermonibus
Gaul being tranquil, Caesar, as he had determined, sets out for Italy to hold the provincial assizes.
scilicet impetu magis quam cura vigebat; utque aliorum meditatio et labor in posterum valescit, sic Haterii canorum illud et profluens cum ipso simul extinctum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, that he might himself be able to determine what was best to be done, went on board one of the ships in the harbor, and ordered the whole fleet to follow. He took none of the land forces with him, because he was unwilling to leave the works unguarded during his absence.
His rebus confectis totum exercitum lustrat; legiones quas in Africam ducturus erat et auxilia mittit ad traiectum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This business being ended, as credit was beginning to fail in Italy, and the debts could not be paid, he determined that arbitrators should be appointed: and that they should make an estimate of the possessions and properties [of the debtors], how much they were worth before the war, and that they should be handed over in payment to the creditors.
Hi, quamcumque in partem impetum fecerant, hostes loco cedere cogebant, sed neque longius fugientes prosequi neque vehementius equos incitare poterant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Brought to almost complete perfection by new inventions, wireless telegraphy brings oustanding advantages to technical processes, since, by means of a ray, pilotless machines may be directed to a determined place.
Erat ex oppido Alesia despectus in
It was determined that the Capitol should be restored.
Mendum librarioli.latin-ancient latin-ancient
132 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.