be fruitful oor Latyn

be fruitful

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Piotr Szelma

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Be fruitful and multiply.
Ibi certior ab Acilio et Murco per litteras factusde postulatis Libonis et Bibuli legionem relinquit; ipse Oricum revertitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom: Tomatoes still can't be fruit.
Non hos palus in bello latrociniisque natos, non silvae morantur. Quibus in locis sit Caesar ex captivis quaerunt; profectum longius reperiunt omnemque exercitum discessisse cognoscunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This dialogue has been and continues to be fruitful and full of promise.
Ibi a Viridomaro atque Eporedorige Aeduis appellatus discit cum omni equitatu Litaviccum ad sollicitandos Aeduos profectum: opus esse ipsos antecedere ad confirmandam
"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen 1:28): man's responsibility for life
Quos quod tandem invenistis, non restiterunt, sed deprehensi sunt; novissimae res et extremus metus torpore defixere aciem in his vestigiis, in quibus pulchram et spectabilem victoriam
God speaks to these newly-created beings and he blesses them: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen 1:28).
prohibent Romani et pacem numquam ipsis prospere lacessitam nunc quoque in exitium suum
Furthermore, through the Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, We will do whatever will be fruitful there for salvation and for the increase of faith and piety.
et filius Maluginensis patri
This appeal is making itself heard on various sides and seems to be bearing fruit also in different ways.
interea Latiaris repertum in publico Sabinum, velut recens cognita narraturus, domum et in cubiculum trahit praeteritaque et instantia, quorum adfatim copia, ac novos terrores
Dialogue leads to inner purification and conversion which, if pursued with docility to the Holy Spirit, will be spiritually fruitful.
die senatus metu et aegritudine fessus, sive, ut tradidere quidam, simulato morbo, lectica delatus ad foris curiae innisusque fratri et manus ac supplices voces ad Tiberium tendens immoto eius vultu
This image and likeness of God, which is essential for the human being, is passed on by the man and woman, as spouses and parents, to their descendants: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen 1: 28).
sed insidiatores ab Othone in Germaniam, a Vitellio in urbem
We are all however aware that the attainment of this goal cannot be the fruit of human efforts alone, vital though they are.
In huius sinu indulgentiaque educatus per omnem honestarum artium cultum pueritiam adulescentiamque
Now an admonition for authors who by an honest and holy determination combine the love of writing with a love and zeal for the Catholic cause. If they really want their works to be fruitful and worthy of praise, let them remember what is required of those who engage in controversy for a good cause.
Sibi patriam coniuges parentes, illis avaritiam et luxuriam causas belli
Consequently, during the Synod sessions, emphasis was laid on pastoral charity as being the fruit of the character bestowed by the sacrament and of its particular grace.
nec sine ope divina mutatis repente animis terga victores
"You shall be my witnesses" (Acts 1:8): this is the challenge. In Africa these should be the fruits of the Synod in every area of people's lives.
Atque in alteram item cohortandi causa profectus pugnantibus
This dialogue will be fruitful if it shows the participants how to make economic progress and how to achieve spiritual growth as well; if the technicians take the role of teachers and educators; if the training provided is characterized by a concern for spiritual and moral values, so that it ensures human betterment as well as economic growth.
quippe anno quo Germaniae descivere sacerdos apud aram Vbiorum creatus ruperat vittas, profugus ad
Thus in the same context as the creation of man and woman, the biblical account speaks of God's instituting marriage as an indispensable condition for the transmission of life to new generations, the transmission of life to which marriage and conjugal love are by their nature ordered: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen 1:28).
Reconciliavit paulisper studia patrum habita in senatu cognitio secundum veterem
In order that the action of Episcopal Conferences be ever more fruitful in good works, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.
praedictum ut paucis interfectis ceteros pavore ad mutandam fidem
If it is to be rational and fruitful, any socialization of the means of production must take this argument into consideration.
Refertur etiam de rege Iuba, ut socius sit atque amicus; Marcellus vero passurum se in praesentia
May the Church's celebration of the Year of the Family be a fruitful opportunity for husbands and wives to rediscover that mystery and recommit themselves to it with strength, courage and enthusiasm.
sed ad inceptum
“A satisfactory development in this area cannot but be the fruit of a progressive maturing in faith, one which encompasses spiritual discernment, theological lucidity, and a sense of the universal Church, acting in broad harmony”.
Caesar ad utramque partem pontis firmo praesidio relicto in fines Sugambrorum
I consider fruit to be the healthiest food.
sed in tanta mole belli plerumque cunctatio; et Vespasianus modo in spem erectus, aliquando adversa reputabat: quis ille dies foret quo sexaginta aetatis annos et duos filios iuvenes bello permitteret? esse privatis cogitationibus progressum et, prout velint, plus minusve sumi ex fortuna: imperium cupientibus nihil medium inter summa aut praecipitia.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The latter seeks a unity which, if it is to be the fruit and expression of true reconciliation, is meant to be based neither upon a disguising of the points that divide nor upon compromises which are as easy as they are superficial and fragile.
Multum autem ab ictu lapidum, quod unum nostris erat telum, viminea tegimenta galeis imposita
It may be that the fruit of our labors may be slow in coming, but charity wearies not with waiting, knowing that God prepares His rewards not for the results of toil but for the good will shown in it.
quae ut augendae infamiae composita, sic reliqua non in obscuro habentur, una die quadraginta milium spatium emensum esse Paetum, desertis passim sauciis, neque minus deformem illam fugientium trepidationem, quam si terga in acie
The good which it is proposed to secure, and the fruits to be gathered, prove the importance of this holy enterprise.
Severe self–injurious behaviour led to discharge from the psychiatric hospital and eventually to the disappearance of mps and its associated
Since a foreign clergy, therefore, has difficulty in winning the hearts of the people, it is plain that the work of a native clergy would be far more fruitful.
nam cum transgredi Appenninum integro exercitus sui robore et fessos hieme atque inopia hostis adgredi in aperto foret, dum dispergit viris, acerrimum militem et usque in extrema obstinatum trucidandum capiendumque tradidit, peritissimis centurionum dissentientibus et, si consulerentur, vera
28. Through the intercession of the Most Blessed Immaculate Virgin, may your diligent efforts be made fruitful by the Apostolic Blessing which, in token of Our affection and as a pledge of heavenly favors, We wholeheartedly impart to you and to your clergy and people.
hortantibus libertis (nam amicorum eius quanto quis clarior, minus fidus) vocari tribus iubet, dantis nomina sacramento
161 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.