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All teachers are to be inspired by academic ideals and by the principles of an authentically human life.
Permovebuntur docentes omnes excelsis propositis academicis ac vitae plane humanae
Disorderly outbursts, which appeal to fraternal charity or to what one believes to be inspirations of the Spirit, can also lead to the breakup of communities.
Mentes intemperanter incitatae, quae ad caritatem fraternam provocant vel ad ea, quae afflatu Spiritus Sancti insinuari putantur, Instituta ad interitum possunt
At the same time, it demands that the consciences and actions of Christians, as brethren divided from one another, should be inspired by and submissive to Christ's prayer for unity.
Eodem tempore ea postulat ut conscientia christianorum, fratrum inter se divisorum, eorumque operae Christi precationi pro unitate
In our service of charity, we must be inspired and distinguished by a specific attitude: we must care for the other as a person for whom God has made us responsible.
Est in caritatis ministerio habitus quidam qui nos concitare atque insignire debet: proximum curare nos oportet veluti personam a Deo nostro officio
If we have truly contemplated the face of Christ, dear Brothers and Sisters, our pastoral planning will necessarily be inspired by the "new commandment" which he gave us: "Love one another, as I have loved you" (Jn 13:34).
Vultum Christi se reapse, carissimi Fratres et Sorores, intuiti sumus, facere non poterit ordinatio nostra pastoralis quin se moveat ad «mandatum novum» quod nobis tradidit: «Sicut dilexi vos, ut et vos diligatis invicem» (Io 13,34)
For everyone this perspective is full of value and commitment, and it can be an inspiration in particular for couples who experience physical sterility.
Secundum has ipsas rationes, pro omnibus plenas momenti officiique, movebuntur praesertim coniuges illi qui corporis experiuntur
Generosity in giving must always be enlightened and inspired by faith: then we will truly be more blessed in giving than in receiving.
Necesse ideo est liberalitas dandi illuminetur semper fide inciteturque; tum vere beatius dare erit quam
Only in this manner will you be able to lead a life that is becoming and in harmony with the state you have embraced—a state that you have freely chosen and in which, consequently, you now find yourselves caught up from day to day; only in this way will your state of life efficaciously aid you to progress toward the perfection of charity; only in this way will the Faithful thereby receive from you your witness to the Christian life and be inspired to follow it.
Nullo enim alio modo ducere potestis vitam congruentem et consentaneam statui, quem elegistis et in quo sic vobis est versandum, ut efficaciter adiuvet progressionem ad caritatem perfectam, et fideles inde accipiant testimonium vitae christianae ad eamque
To achieve goals of this kind, they need to focus on promoting the dignity of persons and peoples, they need to be clearly inspired by charity and placed at the service of truth, of the good, and of natural and supernatural fraternity.
Proposita haec ut attingant, oportet in dignitate personarum populorumque provehenda sistant et caritate palam moveantur et veritati, bono, naturali supernaturalique fraternitati
I am certain that the concern expressed in this Encyclical as well as the motives inspiring it will be familiar to them, for these motives are inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pro certo habemus sive sollicitudinem, quam hae Litterae nuntient, sive exposition em rationum, quibus eae moveantur, sive sermonem, quo exprimantur, sibi esse assueta, quia ex Evangelio Christi sunt
There is an ongoing series of collections of proverbs gathered from small languages of eastern Africa being published under the inspiration of Joseph Healey, published both in hard copy and on the web.
Typis continenter describitur continua proverborum ex parvis linguis Africae Orientalis conlectorum series sub aegide Iosephi Graham Healey, in papyro et in interreti edita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The criterion inspiring their activity should be Saint Paul's statement in the Second Letter to the Corinthians: “the love of Christ urges us on” (5:14).
Norma inspirans eorum agendi modum affirmatio debet esse vigens in Epistula Secunda ad Corinthios: « Caritas Christi urget nos » (5, 14)
The expert's message will surely be rejected by these people if it is not inspired by brotherly love.
Neque est dubitandum quin gens illa eorum nuntium sit reiectura, nisi fraterna inde spiret
John Chrysostom, overcome with awe, had to say in such accurate and eloquent words: "I wish to add something that is clearly awe-inspiring, but do not be surprised or upset.
Ioannes Chrysostomus admiratione percitus, non minus vere quam diserte, dixit: «Volo quid plane stupendum adicere, sed ne miremini neque
3. Nor can it be believed that Our words are inspired by sentiments of aversion to the new form of government or other purely political changes which recently have transpired in Spain.
Neque — quod ut intento cupimus perpendant animo — hanc suadent sententiam Nostram consilia, quae iniverimus, ut nonnulli falso dictitant, et aliena a nova Hispanicae Civitatis gubernandae ratione et a politicis inibi haud ita pridem habitis immutationibus
Living in the Spirit, consecrated persons discover their own identity and find profound peace; they grow more attentive to the daily challenges of the word of God, and they allow themselves to be guided by the original inspiration of their Institute.
In ea persona consecrata suam rursus invenit identitatem et altam tranquillitatem, adolescit in cotidianis provocationibus Dei verbi percipiendis atque germano sui Instituti instinctu duci se
For in their dangerous expeditions to barbarous nations, they were inspired, as can often be proven, to serve Christ before their own advantage or glory, to spread the Christian religion before extending their empire.
In iis enim ad ignotas et barbaras gentes laboriosis periculosisque expeditionibus, sic animo affectos constat plerumque fuisse, ut Christo Domino prius inservirent, quam vel utilitati vel gloriae, serendi christiani nominis, quam propagandi imperii sui
His life should be profoundly shaped by the theological virtues, which will inspire his conduct in all his dealings with God's holy people.
Profundam quoque theologalem habeat vitam, quae rectam ei actionem quolibet cum sancta Dei Plebe in congressu
In light of the Council, we mean by "culture" all those "factors which go to the refining and developing of humanity's diverse spiritual and physical endowments. It means the efforts of the human family to bring the world under its control through its knowledge and its labour; to humanize social life both in the family and in the whole civic community through the improvement of customs and institutions; to express through its works the great spiritual experiences and aspirations of all peoples throughout the ages; finally, to communicate and to preserve them to be an inspiration for the progress of many, indeed of the whole human race"(162).
Sub Concilii luce, “culturae” nomine intellegimus “omnia quibus homo multifarias dotes animi corporisque perpolit atque explicat; ipsum orbem terrarum cognitione et labore in suam potestatem redigere studet; vitam socialem, tam in familia quam in tota consortione civili, progressu morum institutorumque humaniorem reddit; denique magnas experientias spirituales atque appetitiones decursu temporum in operibus suis exprimit, communicat atque conservat, ut ad profectum multorum, quinimmo totius generis humani, inserviant” (Gaudium et Spes, 53)
And as to points left to the discussion of the learned, may their intellects, owing to your inspiration and your advice, be so exercised upon them that the divergences of opinion destroy not union of heart and concord of will.
In his autem quae sapientum disputationibus libere permittuntur ita, Vobis suadentibus ac mpnentibus, ingenia exerceantur, ut sententiarum diversitas animorum unitatem et voluntatum concordiam non
Francis Bacon and those who followed in the intellectual current of modernity that he inspired were wrong to believe that man would be redeemed through science.
Franciscus Bacone et asseclae cogitationi recentioris aetatis adhaerentes ab eo inspiratae, cum censerent per scientiam redimi hominem, errabant
Certainly it is to be greatly desired that in this Eucharistic Congress the flame of true brotherhood may be enkindled, by which Christians are inspired to heal others' wounds, whether of mind or body, to help those in trouble, to refresh those in need.
Sane optandum est quam maxime, ut in isto Conventu Eucharistico fiamma verge fraternitatis exardescat, qua Christians accendantur, ut aliorum vulneribus, sive ad animam sive ad corpus pertinentibus, medeantur, ut sublevent aerumnis afflictos, ut inopia vexatos
Before creating man, the Creator withdraws as it were into himself, in order to seek the pattern and inspiration in the mystery of his Being, which is already here disclosed as the divine "We".
Prius quam hominem creet velut in se regreditur Deus, ut exemplum eius instinctumque conquirat suae in exsistentiae mysterio quod hic iam uti “nos” divinum quadamtenus
But a civilization inspired by a consumerist, anti-birth mentality is not and cannot ever be a civilization of love.
Sed cultus, qui mentem consumendarum rerum persequitur quaeque natalitati adversatur, numquam amoris civilis cultus esse
Finally, convinced as I am that change is impossible without motivation and a process of education, I will offer some inspired guidelines for human development to be found in the treasure of Christian spiritual experience.
Denique, cum persuasum habeamus unamquamque mutationem rationibus egere nec non itinere educationis, quaedam lineamenta maturationis humanae ostendemus, ex thesauro spiritalitatis christianae
109 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.