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Charlton T. Lewis

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His life should be profoundly shaped by the theological virtues, which will inspire his conduct in all his dealings with God's holy people.
Profundam quoque theologalem habeat vitam, quae rectam ei actionem quolibet cum sancta Dei Plebe in congressu
This is our desire too, and we exhort all evangelizers, whoever they may be, to pray without ceasing to the Holy Spirit with faith and fervor and to let themselves prudently be guided by Him as the decisive inspirer of their plans, their initiatives and their evangelizing activity.
Quod et Nos in votis habemus, dum Evangelii praecones hortamur, cuiuscumque ordinis velcondicionis sunt, ut sine intermissione Spiritui divino summa fide et ardore supplicent, illiusque ductui prudenter se permittunt tamquam auctoris praecipui consiliorum suorum, suoium coeptorum suaeque operae ad evangelizationem
If, however, the ancient sacred writers have taken anything from popular narrations (and this may be conceded), it must never be forgotten that they did so with the help of divine inspiration, through which they were rendered immune from any error in selecting and evaluating those documents.
Si quid autem hagiographi antiqui ex narrationibus popularibus hauserint (quod quidem concedi potest), numquam obliviscendum est eos ita egisse divinae inspirationis afflatu adiutos, quo in seligendis ac diiudicandis documentis illis ab omni errore immunes
For all the books which the Church receives as sacred and canonical, are written wholly and entirely, with all their parts, at the dictation of the Holy Ghost; and so far is it from being possible that any error can co-exist with inspiration, that inspiration not only is essentially incompatible with error, but excludes and rejects it as absolutely and necessarily as it is impossible that God Himself, the supreme Truth, can utter that which is not true.
Etenim libri omnes atque integri, quos Ecclesia tamquam sacros et canonicos recipit, cum omnibus suis partibus, Spiritu Sancto dictante, conscripti sunt; tantum vero abest ut divinae inspirationi error ullus subesse possit, ut ea per se ipsa, non modo errorem excludat omnem, sed tam necessario excludat et respuat, quam necessarium est, Deum, summam Veritatem, nullius omnino erroris auctorem
This particularly concerns countries and nations of the so-called First World, in which economic well-being and consumerism, even if coexistent with a tragic situation of poverty and misery, inspires and sustains a life lived ‘as if God did not exist’.
Agitur praesertim de regionibus et nationibus Primi Mundi qui dicitur, in quibus oeconomica prosperitas et consumendarum rerum cupiditas, quamquam etiam terribilibus paupertatis et miseriae adiunctis commixtae, inhiant ac proclamant ita esse vivendum «etsi Deus non daretur»
This particularly concerns countries and nations of the so-called First World, in which economic well-being and consumerism, even if coexistent with a tragic situation of poverty and misery, inspires and sustains a life lived "as if God did not exist".
Agitur praesertim de regionibus et nationibus “Primi Mundi” qui dicitur, in quibus oeconomica prosperitas et consumendarum rerum cupiditas, quamquam etiam terribilibus paupertatis et miseriae adiunctis commixtae, inhiant ac proclamant ita esse vivendum “etsi Deus non daretur”
40. And so, Venerable Brethren, since you are most intimately associated with Christ and His Vicar upon earth, inspired by a burning charity be zealous to share that solicitude for all the churches,[14] which lies heavy upon Our shoulders.[
Arctissime igitur cum Christo coniuncti eiusque in terra Vicario, vos, Venerabiles Fratres, flagrantis caritatis afflatu commoti, participare studete sollicitudinem illam omnium ecclesiarum [14], quae Nostros aggravat umeros [15]
Priests, deacons and all those who carry out a eucharistic ministry should always be able to find in this service, exercised with care and constant preparation, the strength and inspiration needed for their personal and communal path of sanctification.
Sacerdotes ac diaconi et cuncti qui eucharisticum quoddam complent ministerium utinam semper ex his iisdem officiis expletis diligenter ac perpetua praeparatione hauriant vires et incitamenta in proprium singularem communitariumque sanctificationis
John Chrysostom, overcome with awe, had to say in such accurate and eloquent words: "I wish to add something that is clearly awe-inspiring, but do not be surprised or upset.
Ioannes Chrysostomus admiratione percitus, non minus vere quam diserte, dixit: «Volo quid plane stupendum adicere, sed ne miremini neque
Developing ecclesial communities, inspired by the Gospel, will gradually be able to express their Christian experience in original ways and forms that are consonant with their own cultural traditions, provided that those traditions are in harmony with the objective requirements of the faith itself.
Ecclesiales autem communitates ad propriam formationem nitentes poterunt ipsae Evangelio permotae declarare, progrediente tempore, christianam suam experientiam nativis formis modisque congruentibus scilicet cum tradita sua consuetudine culturali, dummodo simul semper cum obiectivis ipsius fidei necessitatibus
Beginning with intra-ecclesial communion, charity of its nature opens out into a service that is universal; it inspires in us a commitment to practical and concrete love for every human being.
Ex communione intra-ecclesiali, caritas suapte natura ad universale expanditur ministerium, sese diffundens in munus operosi et specifici amoris erga quemlibet
Just as all the pastors of the Church, and among them in a special way the bishop of Rome, are keenly aware that they are "Christ’s servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God" (1 Cor 4:1) and seek above all to be utterly loyal helpers whom the Eternal Father may easily use to carry out the work of salvation in the world, so also the Roman Curia has this strong desire, in each and every sphere of its important work, to be filled with the same spirit and the same inspiration; the Spirit, we say, of the Son of Man, of Christ the only begotten of the Father, who "has come to save what was lost" (Mt 18:11) and whose single and all-embracing wish is that all men "may have life and have it to the full" (Jn 10:10).
Quemadmodum enim omnes Ecclesiæ Pastores, atque inter ipsos speciali modo Romanus Episcopus, persentiunt se esse «ministros Christi et dispensatores mysteriorum Dei» (1 Cor 4, 1), atque cupiunt se præprimis adiutores præbere fidelissimos, quibus Æternus Pater facile utatur ad salutis opus in mundo prosequendum, ita Romana Curia, in singulis quibusque exercitatis suæ magni momenti navitatis orbibus, peroptat ut ipsa quoque eodem Spiritus eodemque amatu pervadatur: Spiritum dicimus Filii hominis, Christi Unigeniti Patris, qui «venit [...] salvare quod perierat» (Mt 18, 11), cuiusque unicum amplissimumque optatum perpetuo eo contendit, ut omnes homines «vitam habeant et abundantius habeant» (Io l0, 10)
Political activity - need one remark that we are dealing primarily with an activity, not an ideology? - should be the projection of a plan of society which is consistent in its concrete means and in its inspiration, and which springs from a complete conception of man's vocation and of its differing social expressions.
Politica actio – estne opus animadvertere hic de actione, non autem de composita quadam doctrina agi? – per adumbratam societatis figuram est suffulcienda, quae plane sibi constet in certis subsidiis adhibendis et in capiendis consiliis, e plenaria profluentibus notitia vocationis humanae et dissimilium pariter formarum, quas eadem vocatio in societate
But to me Pompey seems to have acted without sufficient reason: for there is a certain impetuosity of spirit and an alacrity implanted by nature in the hearts of all men, which is inflamed by a desire to meet the foe. This a general should endeavor not to repress, but to increase; nor was it a vain institution of our ancestors, that the trumpets should sound on all sides, and a general shout be raised; by which they imagined that the enemy were struck with terror, and their own army inspired with courage.
Quod nobis quidem nulla ratione factum a Pompeio videtur, propterea quod est quaedam animi incitatio atque alacritas naturaliter innata omnibus, quae studio pugnae incenditur; hanc non reprimere, sed augere imperatores debent; neque frustra antiquitus institutum est, ut signa undique concinerent clamoremque universi tollerent; quibus rebus et hostes terreri et suos incitari existimaverunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We add a special prayer with the greatest love: may all the citizens whom a single love of this country inspires, and whom this occasion of public thanksgiving joins in a brotherly fashion, be bound together some day by one and the same faith in the blessed embrace of Mother Church.
Fiat nimirum ut cives omnes, quos unus eiusdem patriae commovet amor eademque publicae gratulationis causa fraterno more coniungit, eos una eademque fides in felici complexu Ecclesiae matris aliquando
Thus, the Christian family is inspired and guide by the new law of the Spirit and, in intimate communion with the Church, the kingly people, it is called to exercise its "service" of love towards God and towards its fellow human beings.
Sic quidem familia christiana animatur et ducitur nova lege Spiritus intimaque in communione cum Ecclesia ipsa, populo regali, et adigitur ut « ministerium » suum amoris erga Deum fratresque exprimat
Since the moral order reveals and sets forth the plan of God the Creator, for this very reason it cannot be something that harms man, something impersonal. On the contrary, by responding to the deepest demands of the human being created by God, it places itself at the service of that person's full humanity with the delicate and binding love whereby God Himself inspires, sustains and guides every creature towards its happiness.
Quandoquidem Dei Creatoris propositum recludit et exponit, idcirco potissimum orelo moralis non potest homini esse aliquid, quod eum offendat eiusque abiciat personam; ex contrario, cum or do moralis respondet postulatis intimis hominis a Deo creati, tum plenae humanitati illius inservit suavi et vinciente amore, quo ipse Deus movet, sustinet, ducit ad felicitatem eius omnem
"This more, besides, I charge thee to obey, / if any faith to Helenus be due, / or skill in prophecy the seer display, / and mighty Phoebus hath inspired me true, / these warning words I urge, and oft will urge anew: / Seek Juno first; great Juno's power adore; / with suppliant gifts the potent queen constrain, / and winds shall waft thee to Italia's shore."
"Præterea, si qua est Heleno prudentia, vati / si qua fides, animum si veris implet Apollo, / unum illud tibi, nate dea, proque omnibus unum / prædicam et repetens iterumque iterumque monebo: / Junonis magnæ primum prece numen adora; / Junoni cane vota libens, dominamque potentem / supplicibus supera donis: sic denique victor / Trinacria fines Italos mittere relicta."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In addition to these characteristics, it cannot be forgotten that the most basic element, so basic that it qualifies the educational role of parents, is parental love, which finds fulfillment in the task of education as it completes and perfects its service of life: as well as being a source, the parents' love is also the animating principle and therefore the norm inspiring and guiding all concrete educational activity, enriching it with the values of kindness, constancy, goodness, service, disinterestedness and self-sacrifice that are the most precious fruit of love.
Has praeter qualitates mini me est obliviscendum principalem maxime partem, utpote quae educandi munus parentum circumscribat, paternum esse maternumque amorem, qui opere institutorio consummetur, implente perficienteque vitae ministerium: parentum amor e fonte fit anima ideoque norma, quae movet ac dirigit omnem concretam educationis navitatem, quam illis bonis locupletat lenitatis, constantiae, bonitatis, servitii, neglectionis commodorum suorum, se abnegandi devovendique studii, quae sunt amoris pretiosissimi
If they have a filial trust in you, your priests will be able in time to open up their souls and to confide their difficulties in you in the certainty that they can rely on your kindness to be protected from eventual defeat, without a servile fear of punishment, but in the filial expectation of correction, pardon and help, which will inspire them to resume their difficult journey with a new confidence.
Quae officiosa amicitia atque filiorum vobiscum consuetudo procul dubio occasionem facultatemque suppeditabunt, ut animum suum tempestive vobis aperiant suasque difficultates ostendant, certa erecti spe, vos nullo non tempore sibi praesto fore, ut errata, in quae forte inciderint, in vobis deponere possint, sine servili castigationis metu, sed, ut filios decet, cum admonitionis, veniae et subsidii exspectatione, quae simul eos instimulet et accendat ad coeptum iter redintegrata fiducia
11. Catholics, thus fortified and fittingly instructed, will clearly be able to show that the faith, far from being hostile to human culture, constitutes in fact its apex and summit; that even on points where there is seeming opposition or contradiction, it can be so closely harmonized with philosophy that each enlightens the other; that nature is not the enemy but the companion and helper of religion; finally that the inspiration of religion not only enriches all types of knowledge but also gives literature and the other arts new strength and new life.
Pares igitur vires afferendae sunt ad horum impetum excipiendum; praeoccupandus locus; extorquenda e manibus arma, quibus nituntur foedus omne inter divina et humana abrumpere, Catholicis viris ita animo comparatis atque uti decet instructis plane licebit re ipsa ostendere, fidem divinam, non modo a cultu humanitatis nullatenus abhorrere, sed eius esse veluti culmen atque fastigium; eamdem, in iis etiam quae longe dissita aut inter se repugnantia videantur, tam amice posse cum philosophia componi et consociari, ut altera alterius luce magis magisque collustretur : naturam, non hostem, sed comitem esse atque administram religionis; huius haustu non modo omnis generis cognitionem ditescere, sed plurimum roboris ac vitae litteris etiam ceterisque artibus
Take up with courage the burden We impose upon you under the inspiration of Our love for the Church and for your country, and entrust the result to the all-foreseeing goodness of God, Whose help, We are firmly convinced, will not, in His own good time, be wanting to France.
Quapropter animose suscipite, quod, suadente Ecclesiae patriaeque vestrae amore, imponimus vobis onus: ceterum conquiescite in bonitate providentis Dei, cuius tempestivum auxilium non defuturum Galliae, omnino
21. In order to renew and increase in all the Catholic works necessary enthusiasm; in order to offer an occasion for the promoters and members of these works to see each other and become better acquainted; in order to strengthen the bond of charity, to inspire one another with a great zeal for fruitful activity, and to provide for the greater solidity and propagation of the works themselves, it will be very useful from time to time to hold general and particular Congresses of Italian Catholics, according to the norms already laid down by this Holy See. These Congresses, however, must be a solemn manifestation of the Catholic Faith and a festival of mutual harmony and peace.
Tandem ut necessaria alacritas in omnibus indiscriminatim catholicis operibus renovetur ac augeatur, atque ut promotoribus eorumdemque membris occasio praebeatur se videndi ac invicem cognoscendi, magis magisque fraternae caritatis vincula inter ipsos devinciendi, invicem sese incitandi zelo semper alacriori ad efficacem actionem, et providendi meliori soliditati ac diffusioni ipsorum operum, maxime iuvabit identidem celebrare, iuxta normas ab hac Sancta Sede praescriptas, Conventus generales aut partiales catholicorum Italiae, qui solemnis fidei catholicae manifestatio ac commune concordiae festum sint
If volunteer work is inspired by the Gospel values, capable of training people to discern true needs, lived with dedication and faithfulness each day, open to the possibility of a total commitment in consecrated life and nourished in prayer, then it will be more readily able to sustain a life of disinterested and free commitment and will make the one involved in it more sensitive to the voice of God who may be calling him to the priesthood.
Si is voluntariatus evangelicis nitatur placitis, si educare valeat ad necessitates discernendas, si perseveranti deditione quotidie in praxim adducatur; si denique promptum sese exhibeat etiam ad permanentem eam deditionis formam quam, oratione nutritam, consecratam vitam vocamus, tum huiusmodi voluntariatus capax efficietur vitam gratuita deditione plenam exornandi, eosque qui hanc vitae formam sint amplexati aptiores reddet ad exaudiendam Dei vocem, ad sacerdotium forte
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