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Charlton T. Lewis

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I trust most sincerely that these difficulties will be overcome by an intelligent philosophical and theological formation, which must never be lacking in the Church.
Magna Nos tenet spes has difficultates sublatum iri, prudenti intercedente philosophica et theologica institutione, quae numquam in Ecclesia desinere
DMI would be responsible for military intelligence and contra-mobilisation within South Africa and externally.
Quapropter, informatio sub rigido et interno et externo dominio in natione est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Human beings, endowed with intelligence and love, and drawn by the fullness of Christ, are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator.
Homini namque, intellectu et amore fruenti atque Christi plenitudine pellecto, munus imponitur omnes creaturas ad Creatorem
It is, therefore, of the greatest importance that Catholic Action seize the present moment and courageously propose its own solution, strengthening it by means of solid propaganda which at the same time will be active, intelligent, disciplined and organized against all erroneous doctrine.
Idcirco maxime necessarium est ut actio catholica opportunitatem capiat, audacter progrediatur ac ipsa quoque propriam solutionem proponat eamque valere faciat diffusione firma, alacri, perspicaci, ordinata, ita ut adversariae diffusioni directe
The intimate essence of God and of the human being become intelligible: in the mystery of the Incarnate Word, human nature and divine nature are safeguarded in all their autonomy, and at the same time the unique bond which sets them together in mutuality without confusion of any kind is revealed.97
Intima enim Dei hominisque essentia intellegibilis redditur: in Verbi Incarnati mysterio, divina natura atque humana cum suis cuiusque proprietatibus servantur simulque declaratur necessitudo singularis qua colligantur in coniunctione mutua sine
According to Edel, dragons are very intelligent beings, evident from one capable of raising Edel himself from infancy and teaching him everything he knew about the world, including ways of slaying Horrors, which was virtually unknown at the time.
Etiam ante pilae inventionem, studia sua ei paraverunt magnam famam et facultatem peregrinandi ad doctrinas exponendas, disceptandas cognoscendasque.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If human beings with their intelligence fail to recognize God as Creator of all, it is not because they lack the means to do so, but because their free will and their sinfulness place an impediment in the way.
Si porro intellectu suo non eo usque advenit homo ut Deum omnium Conditorem cognoscat, hoc non tam deficienti instrumento est tribuendum, quantum potius impedimento libera ipsius voluntate ac peccatis propriis
For they deny that anything has been taught by God; they allow no dogma of religion or truth which cannot be understood by the human intelligence, nor any teacher who ought to be believed by reason of his authority.
Negant enim quicquam esse Deo auctore traditum: nullum probant de religione dogma, nihil veri, quod non hominum intelligentia comprehendat, nullum magistrum, cui propter auctoritatem officii sit iure
Does the nature of things, does the rapid flight of opportunities, admit of all intelligence being publicly announced, of every plan being discussed in the presence of all? It is as needful that the soldiers should be ignorant of some things as that they should know others.
num omnis nuntios palam audiri, omnia consilia cunctis praesentibus tractari ratio rerum aut occasionum velocitas patitur? tam nescire quaedam milites quam scire oportet: ita se ducum auctoritas, sic rigor disciplinae habet, ut multa etiam centuriones tribunosque tantum iuberi expediat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Upon this intelligence he ordered the standard to be raised.
Hoc nuntio adlato vexillum proposuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Differences exist between the language's varieties in western Sabah, Cagayan in the southern Philippines (= Mapun Bajaw/Sama), eastern Sabah, and Sulawesi/Maluku, but it is not clear how many languages these would be based on mutual intelligibility.
Inveniuntur varietates huius lingua in Sabah occidentali, Cagayan in Philippinis meridianis (= Mapun Bajaw/Sama), Sabah orientali, et Sulawesi/Maluku, sed non iam bene intellegitur quot linguae distinctae recte adsunt, secundum principium intellegibilitatis mutuae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pastoral commitment will be expressed here through the intelligent and careful preparation of the Liturgy of the Word and through the education to faith of those participating in the celebration and in the first place the couple being married.
Pastorale officium hac in re patescet sapienti diligentique cura « Liturgiae verbi» et institutione fidei, iis tradita, qui adsunt celebrationi, imprimis nuptias
A further question is whether, because people are more conscious today of their responsibilities, the time has not come when the transmission of life should be regulated by their intelligence and will rather than through the specific rhythms of their own bodies.
Quaerunt insuper num, ob suorum officiorum conscientiam, qua hodie magis homines fruuntur, tempus iam ipsis advenerit, quo tradendae vitae munus potius rationi et voluntati suae, quam certis sui corporis vicibus, sit
He had been due to speak at a conference on Europe and Russia relations which the Estonian security services believed to be a front for Russia's foreign intelligence services.
Intentae relationes inter Russicae et Estonicae originis incolas propter antirussicum programma ingravatae sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This responsibility for God’s earth means that human beings, endowed with intelligence, must respect the laws of nature and the delicate equilibria existing between the creatures of this world, for “he commanded and they were created; and he established them for ever and ever; he fixed their bounds and he set a law which cannot pass away” (Ps 148:5b-6).
Coram terra, quae Dei est, responsalitas postulat ut homo, intellectu praeditus, observet naturae leges nec non subtiles inter huius mundi res aequabilitates, “quia ipse mandavit, et creata sunt; statuit ea in aeternum et in saeculum saeculi; praeceptum posuit, et non praeteribit” (Ps 148,5b-6)
Pharnaces, upon this intelligence, imagined that protracting the time would be equivalent to a victory, because Domitius, he supposed, must very soon depart.
Qua cognita re Pharnaces victoriae loco ducebat, si trahere tempus posset, cum discedendum Domitio celeriter putaret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Intelligence of this being brought to Rome, so great a panic spread on a sudden that when Lentulus, the consul, came to open the treasury, to deliver money to Pompey by the senate's decree, immediately on opening the hallowed door he fled from the city.
Quibus rebus Romam nuntiatis tantus repente terror invasit, ut cum Lentulus consul ad aperiendum aerarium venisset ad pecuniamque Pompeio ex senatusconsulto proferendam, protinus aperto sanctiore aerario ex urbe profugeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When he arrived there, he sends information to the rest of the legions, and gathers all his army into one place before intelligence of his arrival could be announced to the Arverni.
Eo cum pervenisset, ad reliquas legiones mittit priusque omnes in unum locum cogit quam de eius adventu Arvernis nuntiari posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When these letters and dispatches were received at Rome, a great concourse of people resorted to the house of Afranius, and congratulations ran high; several went out of Italy to Cneius Pompey; some of them, to be the first to bring him the intelligence; others, that they might not be thought to have waited the issue of the war, and to have come last of all.
Quibus litteris nuntiisque Romam perlatis magni domum concursus ad Afranium magnaeque gratulationes fiebant; multi ex Italia ad Cn.Pompeium proficiscebantur, alii, ut principes talem nuntium attulisse, alii ne eventum belli exspectasse aut ex omnibus novissimi venisse viderentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Each of the shows must be suited and adapted to the degree of intelligence of each age, the strength of their emotional and imaginative response, and the condition of their morals.
Necesse enim est, ut singula spectacula ad peculiarem cuiusvis aetatis ratiocinandi gradum, sentiendi vim, animi fascinationem, morumque condicionem apta atque accommodata
Today, therefore, working men all over the world are loud in their demands that they shall in no circumstances be subjected to arbitrary treatment, as though devoid of intelligence and freedom.
Deinde sicut a reipublicae administratoribus, qui iam leges plane cognoverint resque adiunctas diligenter perpenderint, omnia ex iure componenda sunt, ita a iudicibus, humana quidem integritate sed nulla partium sollicitatione ductis, ius cuique suum est
Marcus Rufus, the quaestor, who was left behind in the camp by Curio, having got intelligence of these things, encouraged his men not to be disheartened.
His rebus cognitis Marcius Rufus quaestor in castris relictus a Curione cohortatur suos, ne animo deficiant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Their increasing number and growing presence in society and likewise the problems assailing them should awaken in every one the desire to offer them with zeal and intelligence the Gospel ideal as something to be known and lived.
Eorum auctus numerus eorumque percrebrescens in societate humana praesentia, quaestiones quibus sollicitantur, haec omnia excitare debent in omnibus curam porrigendi eis studiose ac sapienter exemplar evangelicum cognoscendum et
It need not be pointed out how the nature of science, just as it is so admirably adapted to show forth the glory of the Great Creator, provided it be taught as it should be, so if it be perversely imparted to the youthful intelligence, it may prove most fatal in destroying the principles of true philosophy and in the corruption of morality.
Nimium sane constat, de natura doctrinam, quantum ad percipiendam summi Artificis gloriam in procreatis rebus impressam aptissima est, modo sit convenienter proposita, tantum posse ad elementa sanae philosophiae evellenda corrumpendosque mores, teneris animis perverse
There he receives intelligence of the death of Clodius; and, being informed of the decree of the senate, [to the effect] that all the youth of Italy should take the military oath, he determined to hold a levy throughout the entire province.
Ibi cognoscit de Clodii caede [de] senatusque consulto certior factus, ut omnes iuniores Italiae coniurarent, delectum tota provincia habere instituit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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