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Piotr Szelma

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Additionally the armed forces embrace several military sub-groups that can be involved in state defense when needed.
Praeter Vires Armatas varii militares subcirculi sunt qui in civitatis defensione implicari possunt si opus esset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each family, in some way, should be involved in the preparation for the Great Jubilee.
Ideo oportet Magni Iubilaei apparatio quodam modo omnem domum et familiam
We would do well to be attentive to these modern areas of activity and to be involved in them.
Oportet ad has nostrae aetatis postulationes attendere iisque
They can also be involved in the design of machinery, medical equipment, and vehicles where structural integrity affects functioning and safety.
Ingeniarii structurales se etiam implicare possunt in designatione machinamentorum, armamenti medici, et vehiculorum ubi integritas structuralis functionem et salutem afficit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How can we not rejoice when we consider the dignity of every human being involved in formation, who for the candidate to the priesthood becomes, as it were, the visible representative of Christ?
Immo, quis non gaudeat coram cuiusque hominum formatoris dignitate, qua visibiliter quodam modo configuratur ipsius Christi vicarius pro candidato sacerdotii?
But the changes that have taken place within almost all modern societies demand that not only the family but also society and the Church should be involved in the effort of properly preparing young people for their future responsibilities.
Sed mutationes, quae supervenerunt intra prope omnes nostrorum temporum communitates, postulant ut non solum familia verum etiam human a societas et Ecclesia studiose nitantur ut praeparentur apte iuvenes ad futura
Every Particular Church, therefore, will be directly involved in living out this Holy Year as an extraordinary moment of grace and spiritual renewal.
Idcirco quaeque particularis Ecclesia ad vivendum hunc Annum Sanctum veluti extraordinarium gratiae spiritalisque renovationis momentum directo
Rightly therefore the Synod Fathers observed: "Considering the rapid changes in the cultural, social, economic and political domains, our local Churches must be involved in the process of inculturation in an ongoing manner, respecting the two following criteria: compatibility with the Christian message and communion with the universal Church ...
Iure igitur et merito notaverunt Patres Synodales: “Quod pertinet ad celeres mutationes culturales, sociales, oeconomicas et politicas, Ecclesiae locales nostrae operam dare debebunt cursui sive processui inculturationis usque renovatae, his duabus servatis normis: compositione cum christiano nuntio atque cum universali Ecclesia
Nero waited in the hope that Vestinus also, the consul, whom he thought an impetuous and deeply disaffected man, would be involved in the charge. None however of the conspirators had shared their counsels with him, some from old feuds against him, most because they considered him a reckless and dangerous associate.
Opperiebatur Nero, ut Vestinus quoque consul in crimen traheretur, violentum et infensum ratus, sed ex coniuratis consilia cum Vestino non miscuerant quidam vetustis in eum simultatibus, plures, quia praecipitem et insociabilem credebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Within missionary activity, the different forms of the lay apostolate should be held in esteem, with respect for their nature and aims. Lay missionary associations, international Christian volunteer organizations, ecclesial movements, groups and solidarities of different kinds - all these should be involved in the mission ad gentes as cooperators with the local churches.
In opere igitur missionali variae sunt laicatus ipsius viae observandae earumque indoles et finis pariter serventur oportet: tales nominatim sunt laicatus missionalis consociationes, christiana voluntariorum instituta per terras, ecclesiales motus, coetus atque varii generis sodalitates obstringantur ideo ipsa hac missione ad gentes necnon opera cum localibus Ecclesiis
Development programmes, if they are to be adapted to individual situations, need to be flexible; and the people who benefit from them ought to be directly involved in their planning and implementation.
Progressionis proposita, ut singulis condicionibus aptari possint, mutabilia esse debent; et personae beneficiariae sunt directe implicandae in propositis apparandis actricesque reddendae sui
The Church, which has long experience in human affairs and has no desire to be involved in the political activities of any nation, "seeks but one goal: to carry forward the work of Christ under the lead of the befriending Spirit. And Christ entered this world to give witness to the truth; to save, not to judge; to serve, not to be served.'' (12)
Quapropter Christi Ecclesia, iam rerum humanarum peritissima, iam ab omni civitatum administrandarum parte longissime aliena, unum tantum intendit: nempe, Spiritus Paracliti ductu, opus ipsius continuare Christi, qui in mundum venit, ut testimonium perhiberet veritati (cf Io 18,37), ut salvaret, non ut iudicaret, ut ministraret, non ut sibi ministraretur (cf Io 3,17; Mt 20,28; Mc 10,45) (12)
60) Therefore, where economic well-being is greater, so much more will the witness of asceticism have to be given in order that the sons of the Church may not be involved in the spirit of the "world,"(61) and at the same time the witness of charity will have to be given to the brethren who suffer poverty and hunger beyond any barrier of nation or continent.(
Itaque apud gentes, quae maiore oeconomicorum bonorum copia fruuntur, urgeatur testimonium abnegationis, ne christifideles ad hoc saeculum conformentur (61), simulque urgeatur testimonium caritatis erga fratres, etiam dissitas regiones inhabitantes, qui paupertate et fame vexentur (62)
Besides several convicts and transports had been collected: for at Alexandria all our runaway slaves were sure of finding protection for their persons on the condition that they should give in their names, and enlist as soldiers: and if any of them was apprehended by his master, he was rescued by a crowd of his fellow soldiers, who being involved in the same guilt, repelled, at the hazard of their lives, every violence offered to any of their body.
Multi praeterea capitis damnati exulesque convenerant; figitivis omnibus nostris certus erat Alexandriae receptus certaque vitae condicio, ut dato nomine militum essent numero; quorum si quis a domino prehenderetur, consensu militum eripiebatur, qui vim suorum, quod in simili culpa versabantur, ipsi pro suo periculo defendebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then fearing that they would be themselves involved in ruin, they abandoned the idea, Pallas out of cowardice, and Callistus, from his experience of a former court, remembering that prudent rather than vigorous counsels insure the maintenance of power.
dein metu ne ad perniciem ultro traherentur, desistunt, Pallas per ignaviam, Callistus prioris quoque regiae peritus et potentiam cautis quam acribus consiliis tutius haberi: perstitit Narcissus, solum id immutans ne quo sermone praesciam criminis et accusatoris faceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thanks to the creative word, beings without rationality are also involved in the dynamism of creation.
Etiam ea, quae ratione carent, per creans verbum dynamica creationis vi
Or if they reached a refuge close at hand, when this too was seized by the fire, they found that, even places, which they had imagined to be remote, were involved in the same calamity.
et saepe, dum in tergum respectant, lateribus aut fronte circumveniebantur, vel si in proxima evaserant, illis quoque igni correptis, etiam quae longinqua crediderant in eodem casu reperiebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Being personally involved in the life of the community and being responsible for it, the priest should also offer the witness of a total "honesty" in the administration of the goods of the community, which he will never treat as ;f they were his own property, but rather something for which he will be held accountable by God and his brothers and sisters, especially the poor.
Sacerdos, quoties communitati insertus, illius gerit responsalitatem materialem, tenetur munere suo perlucide bonorum illius communitatis administrationi testimonium exhibere; non ergo ea negotia pertractabit veluti de suo ipsius ageretur patrimonio, sed ut res quarum rationem Deo ac fratribus, pauperibus praesertim, est
"She would go anywhere in the world, where she might hear of the insults heaped on the emperor, rather than witness them, and be also involved in his perils."" These and the like complaints, rendered impressive by tears and by the cunning of an adulteress, no one checked, as all longed to see the mother's power broken, while not a person believed that the son's hatred would steel his heart to her murder."
haec atque talia lacrimis et arte adulterae penetrantia nemo prohibebat, cupientibus cunctis infringi potentiam matris et credente nullo usque ad caedem eius duratura filii odia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All this needs to be accomplished with the involvement of local communities in choices and decisions that affect the use of agricultural land.
Omnia haec sunt peragenda participes reddendo communitates locales in iure eligendi et statuendi ea quae referuntur ad usum agri
Everyone involved in the work of formation should be fully aware of this.
Cuius rei plene conscius esse debet quisque hominum
The reply of the consecrated life is found in the profession of evangelical poverty, which can be lived in different ways and is often expressed in an active involvement in the promotion of solidarity and charity.
Ei contra respondet vita consecrata quae paupertatem evangelicam profitetur diversis impletam rationibus quamque saepius comitatur actuosa solidarietatis caritatisque provehendae
It must also be kept in mind that conjugal intimacy involves the wills of two persons, who are however called to harmonize their mentality and behavior: this requires much patience, understanding and time.
Agnosci etiam debet in intima coniugum necessitudine voluntates duorum hominum implicari, vocatorum tamen ad mentium morumque convenientiam: poscere vero id permultum patientiae, lenitudinis ac
117 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.