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All this needs to be accomplished with the involvement of local communities in choices and decisions that affect the use of agricultural land.
Omnia haec sunt peragenda participes reddendo communitates locales in iure eligendi et statuendi ea quae referuntur ad usum agri
It must be distributed with the involvement not only of the governments of receiving countries, but also local economic agents and the bearers of culture within civil society, including local Churches.
Quae danda sunt implicando non solum gubernia Nationum quarum interest, sed etiam actores oeconomicos locales atque personas societatis civilis, culturam gerentes, additis quoque Ecclesiis
Solutions to pressing problems must be studied, discussed and worked out with the involvement of all.
Quaestionum exsistentialium exquisitiones scrutandae sunt, tractandae, experiendae communi omnium
But it does mean that profit cannot be the sole criterion to be taken into account, and that, when significant new information comes to light, a reassessment should be made, with the involvement of all interested parties.
Sed, quidquid est, illud firmum est tenendum rerum ubertatem non posse unum esse iudicium observandum atque, cum nova iudicandi elementa exstent ex notitiis auctis, novum habendum est iudicium, omnibus participantium implicatis
The rest made a rush for the ships, where everything was involved in a general panic, the troops being mingled with country people, whom the Vitellianists slaughtered indiscriminately.
pauci gladiatorum resistentes neque inulti cecidere: ceteri ad navis ruebant, ubi cuncta pari formidine implicabantur, permixtis paganis, quos nullo discrimine Vitelliani trucidabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Within missionary activity, the different forms of the lay apostolate should be held in esteem, with respect for their nature and aims. Lay missionary associations, international Christian volunteer organizations, ecclesial movements, groups and solidarities of different kinds - all these should be involved in the mission ad gentes as cooperators with the local churches.
In opere igitur missionali variae sunt laicatus ipsius viae observandae earumque indoles et finis pariter serventur oportet: tales nominatim sunt laicatus missionalis consociationes, christiana voluntariorum instituta per terras, ecclesiales motus, coetus atque varii generis sodalitates obstringantur ideo ipsa hac missione ad gentes necnon opera cum localibus Ecclesiis
When the poor live in unsanitary slums or in dangerous tenements, “in cases where it is necessary to relocate them, in order not to heap suffering upon suffering, adequate information needs to be given beforehand, with choices of decent housing offered, and the people directly involved must be part of the process”.[
Cum pauperes in suburbiis vivunt inquinatis vel in periculosis urbium frequentibusque aedificiis, “si forte transferri debeant, ne dolor dolori addatur, necesse est ut in antecessum apta notitia detur, aliae dignae praebeantur habitationes et ipsi incolae directo implicentur”.[
We find ourselves not only "faced with" but necessarily "in the midst of" this conflict: we are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life.
Sistimus non “pro”, verum necessario “inter” hanc dimicationem: omnes nempe implicamur et inevitabili officio compellimur, ut sine condicionibus pro vita
Above all where social and cultural conditions so easily encourage a father to be less concerned with his family or at any rate less involved in the work of education, efforts must be made to restore socially the conviction that the place and task of the father in and for the family is of unique and irreplaceable importance.[
Ibi maxime, ubi condiciones societatis et animi culturae facile patrem impellunt ut a familia aliquatenus secedat vel saltem ut rarius adsit in ipso educationis opere, enitendum est ut societati rursus persuadeatur officium patris munusque in ac pro familia esse unius ac pernecessarii momenti (72)
It might be objected that such is not the case in euthanasia, when it is requested with full awareness by the person involved.
Aliquis autem contra dicat minime istud referri ad euthanasiam, cum ipsa a conscio omnino subiecto
While authority must be above all fraternal and spiritual, and while those entrusted with it must know how to involve their brothers and sisters in the decision-making process, it should still be remembered that the final word belongs to authority and, consequently, that authority has the right to see that decisions taken are respected.
Si auctoritas oportet ante omnia sit fraterna et spiritalis et si, qui ea pollet, hac de causa per dialogum fratres et sorores complecti debet dum de rebus agendis decernitur, memorare tamen iuvat spectare ad auctoritatem novissimum verbum, eique exinde facultatem esse tribuendam, ut consilia capta curet observentur.( 189)
Thus the putting of these principles into effect frequently involves extensive co-operation between Catholics and those Christians who are separated from this Apostolic See. It even involves the cooperation of Catholics with men who may not be Christians but who nevertheless are reasonable men, and men of natural moral integrity.
Qua de re in huiusmodi principiis efficiendis contingit crebro, ut catholici homines operam multimodis socient vel cum christianis ab hac Apostolica Sede seiunctis, vel cum hominibus christianae quidem fidei omnino expertibus, sed rationis participibus et naturali morum integritate
In this way, an act which, by contradicting a universal negative norm, directly violates goods considered as "pre-moral" could be qualified as morally acceptable if the intention of the subject is focused, in accordance with a "responsible" assessment of the goods involved in the concrete action, on the moral value judged to be decisive in the situation.
Hoc modo aliquis actus, qui a norma negativa universali dissidens, bona directe violaret “prae–moralia” habita, posset moraliter indicari licitus, si mens subiecti, pro “responsali” consideratione bonorum in definito actu contentorum, tota in decretoria tunc habita vi morali esset
Nero waited in the hope that Vestinus also, the consul, whom he thought an impetuous and deeply disaffected man, would be involved in the charge. None however of the conspirators had shared their counsels with him, some from old feuds against him, most because they considered him a reckless and dangerous associate.
Opperiebatur Nero, ut Vestinus quoque consul in crimen traheretur, violentum et infensum ratus, sed ex coniuratis consilia cum Vestino non miscuerant quidam vetustis in eum simultatibus, plures, quia praecipitem et insociabilem credebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rightly therefore the Synod Fathers observed: "Considering the rapid changes in the cultural, social, economic and political domains, our local Churches must be involved in the process of inculturation in an ongoing manner, respecting the two following criteria: compatibility with the Christian message and communion with the universal Church ...
Iure igitur et merito notaverunt Patres Synodales: “Quod pertinet ad celeres mutationes culturales, sociales, oeconomicas et politicas, Ecclesiae locales nostrae operam dare debebunt cursui sive processui inculturationis usque renovatae, his duabus servatis normis: compositione cum christiano nuntio atque cum universali Ecclesia
Upon this basis there will subsequently and gradually be built up the proximate preparation, which-from the suitable age and with adequate catechesis, as in a catechumenal process-involves a more specific preparation for the sacraments, as it were, a rediscovery of them.
Hoc fundamento innixa, postea praeparatio proxima, fusius pertractanda, instituitur, quae — ab aetate consentanea et congruenti cum catechesi, veluti institutione catechumenorum — magis peculiarem postulat praeparationem ad sacramenta suscipienda, ad novam nempe quasi eorum
All members must be called in due time to the plenary sessions, held as far as possible once a year, to deal with questions involving general principles, and for other questions which the prefect or president may have deemed to require treatment.
Ad plenarias sessiones, semel in anno, quantum fieri potest, celebrandas, pro quæstionibus naturam principii generalis habentibus aliisque, quas Præfectus vel Præses tractandas censuerit, omnia Membra tempestive convocari
Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that in certain cases this involvement causes uneasiness and disorientation at the personal or community level, especially when these experiences come into conflict with the demands of the common life or of the Institute's spirituality.
Negari tamen non potest, quibusdam in rerum adiunctis, incommoda perturbationesque et singulis et communitatibus inde oriri, tum potissimum cum experientiae hae cum necessitatibus vitae communis et Instituti spiritalitatis
Such prayer has become much more intense after the Council, but it must increase still more, involving an ever greater number of Christians, in unison with the great petition of Christ before his Passion: "Father ... that they also may all be one in us" (Jn 17:21).
Haec multum post Concilium aucta est, sed plus etiam augescere debet pluresque cotidie continere christianos secundum amplam illam Christi precationem ante Passionem: “Pater . . . ut et ipsi in nobis unum sint” (Io. 17, 21)
What of the spreading of death caused by reckless tampering with the world's ecological balance, by the criminal spread of drugs, or by the promotion of certain kinds of sexual activity which, besides being morally unacceptable, also involve grave risks to life?
aut mortis sementem quae inconsiderata fit per aequilibritatis oecologicae turbationem, per criminosam medicamentorum stupefactivorum disseminationem, per propugnatas sexus adhibendi formas quae non solum morali sunt ratione reprobandae, verum tramites etiam agnoscendae gravium vitae periculorum?
He shared in it with her; he was involved in the same salvific event; he was the guardian of the same love, through the power of which the eternal Father "destined us to be his sons through Jesus Christ" (Eph 1:5).
Is sane ipse particeps ibidem cum illa simul fuit, in veritatem eiusdem insertus salvifici eventus atque eiusdem etiam custos amoris, cuius virtute Pater aeternus “praedestinavit nos in adoptionem filiorum per Iesum Christum” (Eph. 1, 5)
The teacher of theology, like any other teacher, should remain in communion and sincerely cooperate with all the other people who are involved in the formation of future priests and offer with scientific precision, generosity, humility and enthusiasm his own original and expert contribution, which is not simply the communication of doctrine - even though it be sacred doctrine - but is above all the presentation of the point of view which unifies, in the plan of God, all the different branches of human knowledge and the various expressions of life.
Qui theologiam docet, velut quivis alius educator, in communione manere et cooperari debet cum omnibus aliis personis in futuris sacerdotibus formandis deditis, simulque, scientifica probata ratione, generoso et humili et caritate flagranti animo singularem et qualificatam operam suam praestare debet, quae non tantum in quadam communicanda doctrina consistit — quamvis sit sacra doctrina — sed praesertim oblatio est prospectus in unum redigentis, diversas omnes humanas disciplinas variasque vitae
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