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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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One needn't ride a motorcycle to be part of the club.
Nihil possident nisi canem atque autocinetum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yes, it seems to be part of the very essence of Christ's redemptive suffering that this suffering requires to be unceasingly completed.
Ita est: ad ipsam redemptricis Christi passionis essentiam pertinere videtur ratio, ob quam eiusmodi passio poscit ut continenter
International cooperation requires people who can be part of the process of economic and human development through the solidarity of their presence, supervision, training and respect.
Internationalis cooperatio postulat ut personae participent processum oeconomicae humanaeque progressionis per solidarietatem praesentiae, comitatus, formationis
It should be part of the process from the beginning, and be carried out in a way which is interdisciplinary, transparent and free of all economic or political pressure.
Ab initio est ponenda atque per rationem interdisciplinarem, sinceram et item ab omni oeconomico politicove impetu seiunctam est
Shortly, his friends invited him to be part of a labor union that they are planning to form but Turing has no option but to refuse due to his waiver.
Munere summum leniendae parentium absentiae fungitur, sed sine substituendis eis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, in schools of theology where future ministers are trained, courses in the history and significance of the liturgy are beginning to be part of the curriculum in response to a newly discovered need.
Praeterea in theologicis institutis, ubi futuri ministri formantur, studium historiae et significationis liturgiae incipit partes esse rationum studiorum, quasi id necessitas sit, quae nunc denuo
I want to be a part of the family.
Volo pars familiae.QED QED
Her comedic partner Chuy will not be a part of the series.
Ranae ova numerosa pariunt ne inimici omnia ova comedant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And however much “for all” may be part of the great hope—since I cannot be happy without others or in opposition to them—it remains true that a hope that does not concern me personally is not a real hope.
Et quamvis illud « pro omnibus » partem habeat magnae spei – non possum, revera, adversus alios et sine iisdem felix fieri – verum manet spem, quae ad me directe non pertinet, ne veram quidem esse
Only if we are aware of our calling, as individuals and as a community, to be part of God's family as his sons and daughters, will we be able to generate a new vision and muster new energy in the service of a truly integral humanism.
Si cogitamus tantum nos ut singulos itemque ut communitatem ad Dei familiam veluti filios communicandam vocari, novas cogitationes novasque vires elicere poterimus, ad vero integroque humanismo
When the poor live in unsanitary slums or in dangerous tenements, “in cases where it is necessary to relocate them, in order not to heap suffering upon suffering, adequate information needs to be given beforehand, with choices of decent housing offered, and the people directly involved must be part of the process”.[
Cum pauperes in suburbiis vivunt inquinatis vel in periculosis urbium frequentibusque aedificiis, “si forte transferri debeant, ne dolor dolori addatur, necesse est ut in antecessum apta notitia detur, aliae dignae praebeantur habitationes et ipsi incolae directo implicentur”.[
It principally included the regions belonging to the metropolis of which Methodius was pastor, namely Moravia, Slovakia and Pannonia, the last being a part of modern Hungary.
Imprimis vero regiones complectebatur “metropoliae”, cui ut pastor praeerat Methodius, Moraviam scilicet, Slovachiam ac Pannoniam quae pars erat hodiernae
From this perspective which emphasizes the Church's internal nature, the lay faithful are seen not simply as labourers who work in the vineyard, but as themselves being a part of the vineyard.
Hoc interiore aspectu christifideles laici non solum operarii in vinea operantur, sed ipsius vineae pars fiunt, ex verbis Christi: “Ego sum vitis, vos palmites” (
He granted a consul's decorations to Nymphidius, on whose origin, as he now appears for the first time, I will briefly touch. For he too will be a part of Rome's calamities.
consularia insignia Nymphidio [Sabino decrecta, de quo] qu[i]a nunc primum oblatus est, pauca repetam: nam et ipse pars Romanarum cladium erit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If the proclamation of justice and peace is an integral part of the task of evangelization, it follows that the promotion of these values should also be a part of the pastoral programme of each Christian community.
Si iustitiae et pacis nuntius est muneris evangelizandi pars necessaria, inde sequitur ut horum bonorum provectio pars quoque sit rationis pastoralis cuiusque communitatis
Without prejudice to the power which each Bishop enjoys by divine institution in his own particular Church, the consciousness of being part of an undivided body has caused Bishops throughout the Church's history to employ, in the fulfilment of their mission, means, structures and ways of communicating which express their communion and solicitude for all the Churches, and prolong the very life of the College of the Apostles: pastoral cooperation, consultation, mutual assistance, etc.
Praeter certum illud nempe quod potestas Episcopi in eius Ecclesia particulari divinitus conceditur, quandoquidem Episcopi sibi sunt conscii cuiusdam indivisi corporis se esse participes, ipsi, saeculorum Ecclesiae decursu, suum officium gerentes, instrumenta, organa vel apparatus communicationis adhibuerunt, quae communionem de cunctis Ecclesiis ac sollicitudinem ostendunt ac ipsam Apostolorum collegii vitam producunt, pastoralem scilicet communem operam, consultationes, mutuum adiumentum, et his
Realism has been prevalent in the arts at many periods, and can be in large part a matter of technique and training, and the avoidance of stylization.
Realismus in artibus multis temporibus obtinuit, et plerumque exercitationes technicasque rationes comprehendit, modos statos evitans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It will be connected with the Pontifical Council for the Laity, of which it will be an organic part, although maintaining its own organizational and operational individuality.
Consociari hanc Commissionem censemus cum Pontificio Consilio pro Laicis, cuius complens sit ipsa pars, licet propriam semper conservet naturam indolemque in rebus disponendis ac
The pastoral care of youth must clearly be a part of the overall pastoral plan of Dioceses and parishes, so that young people will be enabled to discover very early on the value of the gift of self, an essential means for the person to reach maturity.(
Opus est ut pastoralis iuvenum ratio in consociata dioecesium et paroeciarum actione pastorali ita expresse contineatur, ut opportunitas iuvenibus tribuatur quam celerrime percipiendi praestantiam donationis sui, quae primarium iter est ad personae profectionem (Cfr. Propositio 15)
A special commitment is needed with regard to certain aspects of the Gospel's radical message which are often less well understood, even to the point of making the Church's presence unpopular, but which nevertheless must be a part of her mission of charity.
Peculiare munus afficere debet quosdam exigentiae evangelicae aspectus, qui saepe parum intelleguntur, ita ut Ecclesiae interventus reddantur impopulares, qui tamen hanc ob causam nequeunt minus praesentes esse in ecclesialibus rebus agendis de
The Second Vatican Council, in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, thus addresses the question of membership in the Church and the call of all people to belong to the People of God: "All are called to be part of this Catholic unity of the new People of God ... And there belong to it or are related to it in various ways, the Catholic faithful as well as all who believe in Christ, and indeed the whole of mankind, which by the grace of God is called to salvation".(
Concilium Vaticanum II in Constitutione dogmatica de Ecclesia, quaestionem ponderans de iis qui in numero sunt Ecclesiae quique ad Dei Populum referuntur, ita asseverat: “Ad hanc igitur catholicam Populi Dei unitatem . . . omnes vocantur homines, ad eamque variis modis pertinent vel ordinantur sive fideles catholici, sive alii credentes in Christo, sive denique omnes universaliter homines, gratia Dei ad salutem vocati” (Lumen Gentium, 13)
In this case, that party may be notified of the dispositive part of the sentence.
Quo in casu, eidem notificari potest dispositiva sententiae
He explained that a vessel could be constructed, from which a part might by a contrivance be detached, when out at sea, so as to plunge her unawares into the water.
obtulit ingenium Anicetus libertus, classi apud Misenum praefectus et pueritiae Neronis educator ac mutuis odiis Agrippinae invisus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
401 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.