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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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With the passing of time, the conciliar documents have not lost their timeliness; their teachings have shown themselves to be especially pertinent to the new exigencies of the Church and the present globalized society.
Cum iam Caesar existimasset hostes pulsos deterritosque finem lacessendi facturos et iter coeptum pergere coepisset, iterum celeriter ex proximis collibus erumpunt atque eadem ratione qua ante dixi in Caesaris legionarios impetum faciunt Numidae levisque armaturae mirabili velocitate praediti, qui inter equites pugnabant et una pariterque cum equitibus accurrere et refugere
10] This teaching is more pertinent than ever and deserves to be taken up once again in this Holy Year.
Verbum Domini, quod factum est ad Joel, filium
In order to understand more deeply this reflection on the two types of substance—hypostasis and hyparchonta—and on the two approaches to life expressed by these terms, we must continue with a brief consideration of two words pertinent to the discussion which can be found in the tenth chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews.
Signo sub idem tempus ab utroque dato concurritur: acriter varieque
Here the pronouncements of Pope Saint Pius X are pertinent, stressing as they did that at the basis of Modernism were philosophical claims which were phenomenist, agnostic and immanentist.66 Nor can the importance of the Catholic rejection of Marxist philosophy and atheistic Communism be forgotten.67
Postero die equites nostri longius ad Cordubam versus prosecuti sunt eos qui commeatus ad castra Pompei ex oppido
4 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.