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Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God.
Quicumque effuderit humanum sanguinem, per hominem fundetur sanguis illius; ad imaginem quippe Dei factus est homo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Likewise the chalice also, after He had supped, saying, 'This chalice is the new testament in My blood, which shall be shed for you.'"(
Similiter et postquam cenavit, dicens : Hic est calix novum testamentum in Sanguine meo, qui pro vobis fundetur » (
The blood which shortly before he had given to the Church as the drink of salvation in the sacrament of the Eucharist, began to be shed; its outpouring would then be completed on Golgotha to become the means of our redemption: “Christ... as high priest of the good things to come..., entered once for all into the Holy Place, taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption” (Heb 9:11- 12).
Quem paulo ante Ecclesiae commisit sanguinem veluti salutis potionem in eucharistico Sacramento, iam coeptus est effundi; effusio autem illius in Golgotha postea compleri debebat et nostrae redemptionis instrumentum fieri: "Christus [...] advenit pontifex futurorum bonorum [...] neque per sanguinem hircorum et vitulorum, sed per proprium sanguinem introivit semel in Sancta, aeterna redemptione inventa" (Heb 9, 11-12)
May those whose commands have caused these tragic events come to realize that the rightful freedom of a people cannot be extinguished by the shedding of human blood.
Ii tandem considerent, quorum iussu haec miseranda evenere facinora, iustam populorum libertatem humano cruore restingui non
It could be said that each mystery of the Rosary, carefully meditated, sheds light on the mystery of man.
Ita quidem Rosarii mysterium unumquodque, recte ponderatum, dici potest in hominis mysterium lucem
Christ, who on Holy Thursday announces that his body will be "given up" and his blood "shed," is the eternal Son, who "coming into the world," says to the Father: "A body you prepared for me.... Behold, I come to do your will" (cf.
Qui feria illa quinta de suo corpore nuntiavit: “tradetur”, suoque de sanguine: “effundetur”, aeternus est Filius qui mundum ingrediens Patri dixit: “corpus autem aptasti mihi . . ., ut faciam, Deus, voluntatem tuam” (
By his death, Jesus sheds light on the meaning of the life and death of every human being.
Morte sua Iesus cuiuslibet alterius hominis illuminat vitae mortisque
Now that a further twenty years have passed, I express my conviction that Populorum Progressio deserves to be considered “the Rerum Novarum of the present age”, shedding light upon humanity's journey towards unity.
Viginti post alios annos, persuasum Nobis habemus Litteras encyclicas Populorum progressio habendas esse ut « Litteras encyclicas Rerum novarum nostrae aetatis », humanitatis iter collustrantes, unitatem
They will combine the illumination of spiritual wisdom with the light shed by human means, which can be a help both in discerning the call and in forming the new man or woman, until they are genuinely free.
Spiritalis sapientiae luminibus humana instrumenta nectant, quae auxilio sint in vocationibus dignoscendis, in novo homine efformando, ut vere fiat
Thousands of them have been forced into the catacombs by the persecution of totalitarian regimes or of violent groups, or have been harassed while engaged in missionary activity, in action on behalf of the poor, in assisting the sick and the marginalized; yet they lived and continue to live their consecration in prolonged and heroic suffering, and often with the shedding of their blood, being perfectly configured to the Crucified Lord.
Aliquot milia sunt qui vexatione regiminum absolutorum vel coetuum acerborum in catacumbas compulsi, impugnati in eorum missionali industria, in operibus pro egenis, in aegrorum et exclusorum curatione, suae consecrationis plenitudinem compleverunt et complent in dolore continuato et heroico saepiusque proprio fuso sanguine funditus Domino cruci affixo
To their hands and their hearts I offer this Exhortation: may it be they who present it to you, venerable Brothers and beloved sons and daughters, and may it be they who open your hearts to the light that the Gospel sheds on every family.
Eorum etiam curae cordi que hanc committimus Adhortationem: ipsi vobis, Venerabiles Fratres ac dilecti Filii, porrigant eam vestrosque recludant animos lumini illi, quod super omnem familiam Evangelium
Tiberius Augusta refrained from showing themselves, thinking it below their dignity to shed tears in public, or else fearing that, if all eyes scrutinised their faces, their hypocrisy would be revealed.
Tiberius atque Augusta publico abstinuere, inferius maiestate sua rati si palam lamentarentur, an ne omnium oculis vultum eorum scrutantibus falsi intellegerentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Here the Bishop opens his heart to the Lord, allowing it to be filled and shaped by the love poured forth from the Cross by the great Shepherd of the sheep, who shed his blood and gave his life for them.
Hic suum Domino reserat animum, ut totus pervadatur eaque caritate informetur, quae in Cruce a magno ovium Pastore effunditur, qui pro eis suum sanguinem profudit suamque vitam
Reluctant to gather the lessons of a past that he considers over and done with and too different from the present, man nevertheless needs to have light shed upon his future - a future which he perceives to be as uncertain as it is changing - by permanent eternal truths. These are truths which are certainly greater than man but, if he so wills, he can himself find their traces (6).
Cum vero haereat, num documenta superioras aetatis, quam prorsus abiisse nimiumque iam discrepare arbitratur, sibi sint accipienda, homini tamen opus est futuram suam sortem — eam tam incertam esse animadvertit quam instabilem — illustrare per veritates immutabiles et aeternas, quae eum sine dubio transcendunt, sed quaram vestigia ipse, dummodo velit potest reperire (Cf 2 Cor 4,17)
Nor shed his blood: but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this, being desirous to deliver him out of their hands and to restore him to his father.
Et dixit ad eos: "Non effundatis sanguinem; sed proicite eum in cisternam hanc, quæ est in solitudine, manusque vestras servate innoxias”. Hoc autem dicebat volens eripere eum de manibus eorum et reddere patri suo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
70. Even before He ate the Last Supper with His disciples Christ Our Lord, since He knew He was about to institute the sacrament of His body and blood by the shedding of which the new covenant was to be consecrated, felt His heart roused by strong emotions, which He revealed to the Apostles in these words: "With desire have I desired to eat this Pasch with you before I suffer."( 71) And these emotions were doubtless even stronger when "taking bread, He gave thanks, and broke, and gave to them, saying, 'This is My body which is given for you, this do in commemoration of Me.'
Etiam antequam Ultimam Cenam cum discipulis suis manducaret, Christus Dominus, cum nosceret se instituturum esse Sacramentum Corporis et Sanguinis sui, cuius effusione Novum Foedus consecrandum erat, Cor suum senserat vehementibus excitari motibus, quos Apostolis hisce verbis significavit « Desiderio desideravi hoc pascha manducare vobiscum, antequam patiar » (Luc. 22, 15); qui quidem motus vehementiores etiam procul dubio fuere, cum « accepto pane, gratias egit, et fregit, et dedit eis dicens: Hoc est Corpus meum, quod pro vobis datur, hoc facite in meam
In this direction it would also be a highly significant act to arrive at a common recognition of the holiness of those Christians who, in recent decades, particularly in the countries of Eastern Europe, have shed their blood for the one faith in Christ.
Hac in re praestat sane pervenire ad communem sanctitatis agnitionem illorum christianorum qui postremis decenniis, praesertim in Nationibus Orientalis Europae, sanguinem suum pro unica fide in Christum
14. Even though the study of the arts and learning sheds so much glory on religion, those who dedicate themselves to these studies should use all their intellectual power and all their efforts to ensure that their knowledge not be selfish and sterile.
Quod si tantum religioni lumen accedit ex doctrinae studiis atque artium, profecto qui totos se in his collocarunt adhibeant opus est non modo cogitandi, verum etiam agendi solertiam, ne ipsorum solivaga cognitio et ieiuna
The specific purpose of the present Encyclical is this: to set forth, with regard to the problems being discussed, the principles of a moral teaching based upon Sacred Scripture and the living Apostolic Tradition,12 and at the same time to shed light on the presuppositions and consequences of the dissent which that teaching has met.
Hoc est proprium argumentum harum Litterarum Encyclicarum, quibus exponere cupimus de agitatis quaestionibus rationes institutionis moralis, Sacris Litteris nisae et viva apostolica Traditione (Cfr. Dei Verbum, 10), in luce ponentes antecedentia et consecutiones contentionum quae eiusmodi institutionem
For a rumour had gone abroad that a few months before he had sailed to Planasia on a visit to Agrippa, with the knowledge of some chosen friends, and with one companion, Fabius Maximus; that many tears were shed on both sides, with expressions of affection, and that thus there was a hope of the young man being restored to the home of his grandfather. This, it was said, Maximus had divulged to his wife Marcia, she again to Livia.
quippe rumor incesserat, paucos ante menses Augustum, electis consciis et comite uno Fabio Maximo, Planasiam vectum ad visendum Agrippam; multas illic utrimque lacrimas et signa caritatis spemque ex eo fore ut iuvenis penatibus avi redderetur: quod Maximum uxori Marciae aperuisse, illam Liviae.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Once again, let a heartfelt hymn of praise and thanksgiving be sung to the "chief Shepherd" of the flock (1 Pet 5:4): in fact, it must not be forgotten that many Bishops have undergone persecution and have been impeded in the exercise of their ministry, and some of them have made the Church fruitful with the shedding of their blood.
Iterum profluit e corde hymnus laudis et gratiarum actionis Pastori supremo gregis (cfr 1 Pe 5,4): oblivisci enim non licet multos ex illis persecutionem pertulisse atque impeditos esse a suo ministerio exercendo, et quosdam vero sui proprii sanguinis effusione Ecclesiam
22 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.