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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


But Servius Tullius was our chief legislator, to whose laws even kings were to be subject.
sed praecipuus Servius Tullius sanctor legum fuit quis etiam reges obtemperarent.
Charlton T. Lewis

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Everyone, sooner or later, will be subject to God’s judgment, from which no one can escape.
Ordovicum civitas haud multo ante adventum eius alam in finibus suis agentem prope universam obtriverat, eoque initio erecta
Later on these mechanisms will have to be subjected to a careful analysis under the ethical-moral aspect.
Postero die Pompeius ex castris suis brachium coepit ad flumen Salsum; et cum nostri equites pauci in statione fuissent a pluribus reperti, de statione sunt deiecti et occisi
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest , detention or exile .
Hos studiose foveis captos interficiunt.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
But Servius Tullius was our chief legislator, to whose laws even kings were to be subject.
igitur metu abstruso mitiora obtendens, missurum ad imperatorem Romanum legatos super petenda Armenia et firmanda pace respondet; Mon[a]esen omittere Tigranocertam iubet, ipse retro concedit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment .
et fuere qui inimicos suos specie militum interficerent.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
And he encourages spouses with the words: "Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ" (Eph 5:21).
tradunt plerique intra tabernaculum ducis obrutos, alii corpora extra vallum abiecta
The Pope at the same time erected the first Lithuanian diocese and decreed that it be subject solely to the Holy See.
Dum haec in Hispania geruntur, C. Trebonius legatus, qui ad oppugnationem Massiliae relictus erat, duabus ex partibus aggerrem, vineas turresque ad oppidum agere instituit. Una erat proxima portui navalibusque, altera ad portam, qua est aditus ex Gallia atque Hispania, ad id mare, quod adiacet ad ostium
As a human reality, it is the product of diverse cultural tendencies, which need to be subjected to a process of discernment.
Interim acerbissime imperatae pecuniae tota provincia
But if the party remain alive a day or two, he shall not be subject to the punishment, because it is his money.
Qua re animum adversa Caesar refectis legionibus subsequitur, praesidio impedimentis paucas cohortes relinquit; hora x subsequi pabulatores equitesque revocari iubet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy , family , home or correspondence , nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation .
Id mihi duabus de causis instituisse videntur, quod neque in vulgum disciplinam efferri velint neque eos, qui discunt, litteris confisos minus memoriae studere: quod fere plerisque accidit, ut praesidio litterarum diligentiam in perdiscendo ac memoriam remittant.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Politics must not be subject to the economy, nor should the economy be subject to the dictates of an efficiency-driven paradigm of technocracy.
namque Vitelliani tormenta in aggerem viae contulerant ut tela vacuo atque aperto excuterentur, dispersa primo et arbustis sine hostium noxa
In this connection workers should be assured the right to strike, without being subjected to personal penal sanctions for taking part in a strike.
Ad multam noctem etiam ad impedimenta pugnatum est, propterea quod pro vallo carros obiecerunt et e loco superiore in nostros venientes tela coiciebant et non nulli inter carros rotasque mataras ac tragulas subiciebant nostrosque
The theory of human rights is based precisely on the affirmation that the human person, unlike animals and things, cannot be subjected to domination by others.
The patient we present was treated with an open reduction and internal
This individual may be conditioned, incited and influenced by numerous and powerful external factors. He may also be subjected to tendencies, defects and habits linked with his personal condition.
Sed Corbuloni plus molis adversus ignaviam militum quam contra perfidiam hostium erat: quippe Syria transmotae legiones, pace longa segnes, munia castrorum aegerrime
54 — Documents being published by other dicasteries of the Roman Curia, insofar as they touch on the doctrine of faith or morals, are to be subjected to its prior judgement.
Differences were found and discussed between victims of incestuous abuse and victims of abuse outside the
Unions do not have the character of political parties struggling for power; they should not be subjected to the decision of political parties or have too close links with them.
carnificem et laqueum pridem abolita, et esse poenas legibus constitutas, quibus sine iudicum saevitia et temporum infamia supplicia
1. it has the duty of requiring that books and other writings touching faith or morals, being published by the Christian faithful, be subjected to prior examination by the competent authority;
ludos Augustalis tunc primum coeptos turbavit discordia ex certamine
The author of the Letter to the Ephesians sees no contradiction between an exhortation formulated in this way and the words: "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord.
Igitur Tacfarinas disperso rumore rem Romanam aliis quoque ab nationibus lacerari eoque paulatim Africa decedere, ac posse reliquos circumveniri, si cuncti quibus libertas servitio potior incubuissent, auget viris positisque castris Thubuscum oppidum
His brethren answered: Shalt thou be our king? or shall we be subject to thy dominion? Therefore this matter of his dreams and words ministered nourishment to their envy and hatred.
inter quae praecipuus propugnator eius Vitellius, validissima gratia, aetate extrema (adeo incertae sunt potentium res) accusatione corripitur, deferente Iunio Lupo senatore.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Today, therefore, working men all over the world are loud in their demands that they shall in no circumstances be subjected to arbitrary treatment, as though devoid of intelligence and freedom.
haec palam et vitato omni secreto; neque dubitabantur praescripta ei a Tiberio, cum incallidus alioqui et facilis iuventa senilibus tum artibus
Should any infraction whatsoever of this norm occur and be discovered, those responsible should know that they will be subject to grave penalties according to the judgment of the future Pope.
Quod si inveniretur aliqua civitas, in qua nemo peccaret, supervacuus esset inter innocentis orator sicut inter sanos
The positive factors themselves need to be subjected to a careful work of discernment, so that they do not become isolated and contradict one another, becoming absolutes and at odds with one another.
Hostes undique circumventi desperatis omnibus rebus se per munitiones deicere et fuga salutem petere
Be thou subject to God, and thy flesh subject to thee.
The author presents a system approach of this interactional problem in which psycho–educational, supportive and directive techniques are
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