be subject to oor Latyn

be subject to

observe (e.g. mourning)

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Piotr Szelma

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be subject to an easement
pay|be subject to tax
words are to be understood such that the subject matter may be more effective than wasted
verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat quam pereat
be subject|obedient to


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Everyone, sooner or later, will be subject to God’s judgment, from which no one can escape.
at Silana in exilium acta; Calvisius quoque et Iturius relegantur; de Atimeto supplicium sumptum, validiore apud libidines principis Paride, quam ut poena
Later on these mechanisms will have to be subjected to a careful analysis under the ethical-moral aspect.
Pompeins neque a mari Dyrrachioque discedere volebat, quod omnem apparatum belli, tela, arma, tormenta ibi collocaverat frumentumque exercitui navibus supportabat, neque munitiones Caesaris prohibere poterat,nisi proelio decertare vellet; quod eo tempore statuerat non esse
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest , detention or exile .
Reliquae copiae missis ad Varum noctu legatorum numero centurionibus sese ei dediderunt.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment .
etiam Q. Haterius et Mamercus Scaurus suspicacem animum perstrinxere, Haterius cum dixis set 'quo usque patieris, Caesar, non adesse caput rei publicae?' Scaurus quia dixerat spem esse ex eo non inritas fore senatus preces quod relationi consulum iure tribuniciae potestatis non intercessisset.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
And he encourages spouses with the words: "Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ" (Eph 5:21).
pugnacissimus quisque in vestigio, multi palantes occubuere: ceteri retro in castra perfugiunt, querente sane Civile et increpante Germanos tamquam fidem per scelus
As a human reality, it is the product of diverse cultural tendencies, which need to be subjected to a process of discernment.
Cum adpropinquassent, clamore repentino telorumque multitudine iactus facere coeperunt, uti magnam partem hominum vulneribus
But if the party remain alive a day or two, he shall not be subject to the punishment, because it is his money.
Et hic quidem Romae, tamquam in tanta multitudine, habitus animorum fuit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy , family , home or correspondence , nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation .
Nec finem labori nox attulit: congestis circum lignis accensisque, simul epulantes, ut quisque vino incaluerat, ad pugnam temeritate inani ferebantur.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Politics must not be subject to the economy, nor should the economy be subject to the dictates of an efficiency-driven paradigm of technocracy.
Quod cum animadvertisset Caesar, veritus, ne non reducti, sed reiecti viderentur, maiusque detrimentum caperetur, a medio fere spatio suos per Antonium, qui ei legioni praeerat, cohortatus tuba signum dari atque in hostes impetum fieri
In this connection workers should be assured the right to strike, without being subjected to personal penal sanctions for taking part in a strike.
sed] Arruntium Tiberius Caesar ob metum, Vitellius Cluvium nulla formidine
The theory of human rights is based precisely on the affirmation that the human person, unlike animals and things, cannot be subjected to domination by others.
Tolle igitur quietis et securitatis excusationem, cum tibi sumas adversarium
This individual may be conditioned, incited and influenced by numerous and powerful external factors. He may also be subjected to tendencies, defects and habits linked with his personal condition.
Quam ob causam Gaius Caninius toto oppido munitiones circumdare moratur, ne aut opus effectum tueri non possit aut plurimis in locis infirma disponat
54 — Documents being published by other dicasteries of the Roman Curia, insofar as they touch on the doctrine of faith or morals, are to be subjected to its prior judgement.
nec enim restitere Armenii, fuso qui proelium ausus erat Demonacte
Unions do not have the character of political parties struggling for power; they should not be subjected to the decision of political parties or have too close links with them.
Nec mirum; erant enim haec nova et incognita, et ipsorum quoque oratorum paucissimi praecepta rhetorum aut philosophorum placita
1. it has the duty of requiring that books and other writings touching faith or morals, being published by the Christian faithful, be subjected to prior examination by the competent authority;
valuit tamen intercessio, quia divus Augustus immunis verberum histriones quondam responderat, neque fas Tiberio infringere dicta
The author of the Letter to the Ephesians sees no contradiction between an exhortation formulated in this way and the words: "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord.
enimvero militiam ipsam gravem, infructuosam: denis in diem assibus animam et corpus aestimari: hinc vestem arma tentoria, hinc saevitiam centurionum et vacationes munerum
His brethren answered: Shalt thou be our king? or shall we be subject to thy dominion? Therefore this matter of his dreams and words ministered nourishment to their envy and hatred.
et Lucanus Annaeus Plautiusque Lateranus [consul designatus] vivida odia intulere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Today, therefore, working men all over the world are loud in their demands that they shall in no circumstances be subjected to arbitrary treatment, as though devoid of intelligence and freedom.
Die nuptiarum Silanus mortem sibi conscivit, sive eo usque spem vitae produxerat, seu delecto die augendam ad
Should any infraction whatsoever of this norm occur and be discovered, those responsible should know that they will be subject to grave penalties according to the judgment of the future Pope.
Ea re cognita Caesar, cum in omnibus partibus Galliae bene res geri videret iudicaretque superioribus aestivis Galliam devictam subactamque esse, Aquitaniam numquam adisset, per Publium Crassum quadam ex parte devicisset, cum duabus legionibus in eam partem Galliae est profectus, ut ibi extremum tempus consumeret
The positive factors themselves need to be subjected to a careful work of discernment, so that they do not become isolated and contradict one another, becoming absolutes and at odds with one another.
et accepere barbari laetantes, ut ferme ad nova
In this context even moral facts, despite their specificity, are frequently treated as if they were statistically verifiable data, patterns of behaviour which can be subject to observation or explained exclusively in categories of psychosocial processes.
Augustine thus shows: "This indeed is fitting, that the lower be subject to the higher, so that he who would have subject to himself whatever is below him, should himself submit to whatever is above him.
ac vulgato eius indicio inter damnatos magis quam inter reos Anteius Ostoriusque habebantur, adeo ut testamentum Antei nemo obsignaret, nisi Tigellinus auctor extitisset monito prius Anteio ne supremas tabulas
Be thou subject to God, and thy flesh subject to thee.
Dein iussu Augusti inpositus Artavasdes et non sine clade nostra
177 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.